Warhammer: Rise of the Star Gods

Chapter 86 Working Girl

Karen, who wanted to work more and pay off her mother's debts, accepted the job center's assignment and temporarily came to work as a network security inspector.

This job is very easy. You ask the person where they are from, register their race, and let the person pass through the psychic level detection gate. When there are no problems, give the other party a list of admission instructions, and that's it.

The list was written in common language, which is the official script and language recognized by the three countries. The purpose of using this word is to prevent countries (that is, the three major countries) from using their own slang to talk and cause misunderstandings. It is characterized by ease of learning, simplicity, clear and accurate words, and little ambiguity.

In Karen's eyes, everything was normal since the anniversary celebration started and countless races came through the Eldar's open network channel. Until a thing with the head of a human and the body of a snake, four arms and two wings arrived.

"Sir, you have no ticket to prove that you were on board the ship."

Karen frowned slightly. This guy's strange appearance was nothing. The only flaw was that he couldn't produce the boarding certificate. There was no way to prove that he was a serious person.

In this universe, there are many types and numbers of species, the languages ​​are not the same, and the cultures are severely fragmented (the three big empires did it intentionally). It is unrealistic to expect to create something similar to an ID card.

Think of magic-like technology mixed with technology-like magic. As long as you have some skills, you can skip this thing. The value of the ID card is not great, but the guarantor is very important. For tracking using psychic spells or time retrieval, just contact the guarantor directly.

The most basic and common guarantee status is to buy tickets in exchange for services.

Zhang Lingyou was offline before and didn't pay much attention to this matter. The subroutine was set up to bring it to the venue and wait until it was almost ready before starting the meeting. He didn't load the workaround template, so he was stuck here.

Zhang Lingyou raised his eyebrows and said: If I had known I would not take the Internet Road, why would I bother with this?

The other Eldar noticed that the speed here was slower, glanced at the assassin, said nothing, waved his hand, and asked Karen to let him go.

After walking through the psychic detection door, it showed that it was Zeta level, which was average among the Eldar, but not bad among other races.

The assassin left, and Karen would not get off work for two hours. She planned to have a drink after get off work. Drinks were already free in the Eldar Empire, which had liberated productivity.

Like other races, the people looked up and looked at the holographic projection.

Ulthuan, the spiritual empire's paradise world, core planet, open special zone, and network transit station, has a small permanent population of 120 million.

The Bonesingers of the Eldar tribe have laid spiritual energy veins as fine as spider webs inside the continental shelf of the planet. After simply filtering the chaotic energy of the subspace, they release non-attributed energy that can be absorbed by the Eldar tribe in the world. Psionics.

This is a sophisticated and expensive project. Even a powerful psychic race that can dominate a star region would be unable to pay such a price, but there are countless worlds like the Spirit Empire.

Tall spire-like spiritual bone creations are dotted around the world. The energy flowing from the spire can serve as a defense node, cooperating with other spires to form a planet-level psychic shield; it can also be used as a city defense system to cooperate with the internal control of the city. Enforcers or armies, unleashing the wrath of the Eldar on incoming enemies.

The public facilities are mainly small shared (free, but the things are public, users need to drive the boat to the stopping point) airship. This kind of strong and durable airship is easy to use and can independently absorb the escaped spiritual energy to repair itself. The entry threshold is low, and the Omikron class can be driven.

In order to cope with the anniversary tasks announced above, the Eldar government built a large number of semi-temporary buildings for tourists to live in; mobilized supplies to ensure living standards; maintained psychic nodes to ensure sufficient psychic energy.

There are also other facilities that silently demonstrate the power of the empire.

In the eyes of powerful people in the Milky Way region, this event is grand and unusual. In Zhang Lingyou's eyes, it is no different from a can. It seems to be a solid defense line, but in fact, with a light poke, you can enjoy the delicious food inside.

Other psychic races who came here to kill him passed by, but no one was interested in this alien.

Zhang Lingyou was thinking about another thing. The security inspector seemed to be named Karen... Morathi? There seemed to be nothing wrong with her name, and there was nothing unusual about her appearance. She was a pretty girl from the Spirit Tribe, but Zhang Lingyou always felt that there was something wrong with that guy, and that his psychic talent was a bit too poor, which was unreasonable for the Spirit Tribe.

The other security inspectors have more or less psychic powers ranging from Eta to Ypsilon level. This girl barely reached Lambda level, which is worse... Never mind, the anniversary celebration is just a gimmick anyway. Existence is the embodiment of the outrageous, and things go wrong.

But what is the use of being released? These guys are not cheap. It is a bit too luxurious to use them to build a nest, right?

I no longer care about this "little thing", I'm going to find a place to stay first, and make meal preparations before eating.

First go to the trading market and buy a self-service travel card (the Eldar people don't need it, they eat, drink and have fun for free, other races have to pay an entrance fee, pay it once, and play as you like). I took the card and went to a government-run reception office. The reception staff here also had an attitude of not rejecting anyone who came.

No one even asked him about his name. He pointed to the notes on the wall to show that he was following the rules. He took out the room card box and shook it. One card fell out at random and was handed to the assassin, indicating that it was him. s room.

Entering the room, there is one room and one living room, facing north and south. It is located on the ground floor. It is unremarkable and convenient for doing things.

Here Zhang Lingyou is preparing for the meal. Let’s not mention it for the moment. The scene moves to the Ling clan.

Karen was off work and needed to catch up on her next assignment. Her mother was seriously ill and she needed resources to treat her mother.

It is true that the Eldar have liberated productivity and brought all the people into a utopian society, but some accidents can also put the citizens of the Eldar on the verge of bankruptcy.

For example, strong psychic energy can backfire, requiring a lot of money to preserve the souls of the injured. This kind of injury affects the soul. It cannot be solved by committing suicide and going to the subspace to wait for the rebirth countdown to end. It requires a lot of resources.

Karen hurried on her way, and the heavy life oppressed her and she could only bury her head in stealth.

There was no time for her to think about it. Her psychic talent was not strong, and it stands to reason that neither her father nor her mother, whom she had never met before, would be strong either.

The spiritual abilities of all the people of the Eldar race have ascended. As long as one parent has certain advantages in spiritual abilities, they will definitely be passed on to their children. Under normal circumstances, because Eldar men often take on foreign combat missions, the source of genetic material injected into Eldar women during pregnancy is indescribable.

It is precisely this kind of open secret that makes it impossible for parents to be psychic geniuses and their children to be psychically stretched.

Then how could her mother suffer psychic backlash? The Ling clan government actually refused to reimburse for this kind of thing.

It seems like a corrupt official bullied an ignorant girl who has never seen society. She was born, but it is still understandable (meaning that she knows the logic of the matter, not that it can be forgiven).

Entering a tavern, Karen walked straight into the employee lounge at the back, opened a small bottle of liquor, and took two sips without any image.

The girl sat down on the ground and waited for the drunkenness to pass. In thirty minutes, it would be her time to work, and she needed to adjust quickly.

She didn't know it yet, but ten minutes after she entered the tavern, an Eldar ranger followed her in.

(This girl is not the heroine, and there is no heroine in this book. Because Star Gods do not distinguish between genders, the protagonist has no partner to find.)

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