Warhammer: Rise of the Star Gods

Chapter 100 Phoenix Lord

"Why are you so impatient?"

The two long knives blocked the heavy sword of the God of War. After all, the snake tail was not suitable for wrestling. Under Kane's huge force, the assassin flew backwards through the wall.

Knowing that the other party already knew about his plan, Kane did not hide anything, let alone talk to him, and concentrated on attacking.

The direction in which the assassins were evacuating was the area where Val was. The snakemen fled towards the direction where the noise was being made, hoping that other people could divert the bloody hand's attention.

Kane was overjoyed and accelerated his persecution, hoping to reunite with Val as soon as possible and seize the fragments of the Star God. This kind of brainy thing might be an opportunity for them to counterattack the Necron.

The assassin relied on the snake's tail to beat the ground to relieve the force. Every time it touched, dozens of cracks would appear on the ground that stretched for more than ten kilometers. The assassin's arm failed to conduct all the attacks to the tail. The remaining power of the God of War washed away the snake. His body gradually lost the protection of the Star God, and his arms developed bone fractures.

No. 6 has transferred most of his power and all his wealth, and now barely retains a ray of consciousness. It initiated a delaying protocol and began to fight with the God of War.

Val had known for a long time that Kane would not be able to cooperate. He had already made preparations. Multi-dimensional detectors were installed in the outer space to track the escaping fragments of the Star God at any time.

There was another collision, and the assassin blocked the attack, at the cost of flying upside down again, flying dozens of kilometers in the air, spreading his wings, phase transformation, kinetic energy was converted into attributeless energy, and fed back to the body.

The incarnation of the God of War took the initiative to distance himself from the fragments of the Star God, opened the barrier, and took two mouthfuls of subspace energy. He was very excited. He had not fought an opponent with such skills for a long time.

Is this force-depleting strategy intended to consume my strength and cause me to be bounced back by the barrier? It's a pity, I have some brains, but not much.

The incarnation of the God of War once again mobilized his spiritual energy and turned into a red light and rushed towards the fragment of the Star God.

Another collision, the familiar five-knife slash, Star God released his strength, and this time he was ready. The incarnation of the God of War, who wanted to regain his consciousness and strike back, was whipped away by a tail lingering with a green electric arc.

Kane's incarnation was knocked into the universe, and the green light on his face was still intertwined with psychic energy. He didn't rush to fight back or get angry because he was hit on the face. He stroked the green energy field and felt the extremely familiar atmosphere. He smiled, happily and crazily.

"Azagorod! You actually turned into an eel! Did you eat Landugol's sashimi and corrode your brain into briquettes?"

"Who am I talking about? Isn't this Kane? You still remember the beating you received back then. Are you stressed by the beating?"

The incarnation of the God of War didn't reply, but he was more powerful. The power left by No. 6 had a faint tendency to be disconnected.

Val, who had been doing useless work for a long time, rushed to the battlefield with a sledgehammer. Just now, he discovered that he had made a mistake and wanted to come back to cooperate with him. Kane, for some reason, ignored him and just kept fighting.

This never-ending battle...does the other party have a grudge against Kane?

Forget it, don't talk to your eldest brother about such a trivial matter in the main hall. If the two get into a fight, you'll have to be caught in the middle and take the blame.

Kane holds a two-handed giant sword in his right hand, and his left hand turns into a huge power claw with five sharp claws. He wants to use the most primitive method to tear the Nightbringer into pieces.

Val is a bit behind in catching up. He is a technical sergeant type of god. He wears heavy armor and holds heavy weapons. He is not as mobile as Kane. These two are still running around. Where can I chase them?

Once, when he fought back the attacker, the attacker's body still looked intact, but all the cells had entered a quiescent state. It was by this way of integrating the whole body that the protocol program barely dragged on the body that wanted to humiliate this fragment. Kane incarnate.

The wings waved, creating a turbulent flow of dark matter that washed away the blood and fire of the God of War. The four arms struck out at high frequency, and the tips of the knives hit the weapons and armor of the God of War. The sound of tens of thousands of pile drivers hitting the steel plates was heard in this ruined space.

"Too weak, too weak!"

The incarnation protected the core with its giant palm, mocking the Star God's incompetence, and slashed at the opponent with his heavy sword. He seized the opportunity, grabbed the snake's tail, poured the power of the God of War into the heavy sword in his right hand, and slashed towards the opponent.

The snake's tail exploded on its own, but No. 6, who had regained his freedom, was unable to block the opponent's chop. The uppermost left limb was cut off, and his wings were also cut off.

Kane, who had won a great victory, had to be unyielding, and went one step further, reaching out with his sharp claws and slashing across the assassin's body.

There was no blood splashing, and the sharp claws blessed by psychic energy cut through the stinging bones and muscles. The anger accumulated for thousands of years ignored the power of the static force field, and the crimson flames burned along the muscles.

He felt something in his hand. He felt it. It was dark, thick, and had the power of the Star God. He laughed that he had severely wounded the Nightbringer's shards and caused the once powerful C'tan to bleed.

Bloodhand laughed, and the laughter grew louder and louder, until the entire sector was filled with crazy laughter that seemed to come from thousands of voices. Stars trembled and disintegrated in the wild laughter, and the ion wind blew away the fragments of the planets that were also shattering. Atmosphere and surface.

"Oh, forgive me! These are precious memories. Do you remember the Battle of the Solomons, Azagorod? Who is being driven around like a dog now?"

No. 6 doesn't have much power left, and this stupid god's wanton destruction has also disrupted the structure of the world. At this time, evacuation is the best opportunity.

Two long knives flew out, and Kane blocked them with his sword. Just as he was about to laugh at the opponent for using such a childish trick, the third flying knife arrived.

The only thing left in the middle door is the claw sheath to provide defense. Of course, the left hand is half-clenched to defend.

The knife shattered on the outer deck of the claw holster, and several fragments grazed the helmet of the incarnation of the God of War, knocking off the decoration on it.

This move angered Kane: "You damn thing with no sense of honor, you actually stole..."

The substance thought to be the black blood of the C'tan exploded from the claw gauntlet, drowning out Kane's roar.

Unimaginable subspace pollution has appeared in the real universe. Stars that require the sacrifice of tens of billions of believers to be corrupted begin to activate the moment they come into contact with the pollution.

The reaction of high-energy matter was replaced by flesh-and-blood subspace energy, and the star that brought hope and energy to countless planets and lives spewed out blasphemous rays.

The barriers of the world disappeared at this moment, and the energy of the sea of ​​souls that originally corresponded to this area turned out to be so normal and sacred compared with the current real universe environment.

The incarnation of Kane was furious after being fed a mouthful of snow. After opening the barrier, the incarnation with even greater power broke through the coverage of this cesspool.

But He only saw a broken body.

The light that was once as bright as a star in his eyes gradually extinguished. The power of the Star God was leaving this body that had gone through many disasters. The body that was originally maintained by extraordinary power began to decay and lose its vitality.

Now this body is turning into a common dead body.

But Ya Ren did not die so quietly. The last words came out of his mouth: "Trash."

"My younger brother is indeed a bit reckless and disrespectful, but the seniors took it and left, which is also a bit disrespectful. Do you still remember these three juniors?"

Three figures and three voices took turns pronouncing words as if they were one body.

It's actually the Phoenix Lord who represents Asuryan's Wrath!

These three are none other than Belsiana, Caledor, and Aenario!

These three Eldar, with Asuryan's divine power flowing through them, reversely located the retreat path of the Star God's fragments, and they reopened the passage.

No. 6: It seems like something has happened...

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