While the villagers were returning home, Wendy and Ziling also returned to their residence.

Fortunately, they only used three bottles of wine to get Ziling drunk the night before. Except for the bottle that they wanted to give to Emperor Yan Wang, they still had some in stock.

So, as soon as she entered the house, Wendy opened a bottle and took a sip, then condensed a few wind elements in her hand and released it.

Then he lay on the bed, stretched out, as lazy as a cat: "Ah, I really want to eat apples. If I had known, I wouldn't have eaten so fast."

"You're lying like this? Why don't you go to Quyun to find the reason for Qiu Yu's madness?" Ziling looked at Wendy in confusion.

"It's natural to take a proper rest when you're busy. Besides, it will take a while for him to forge weapons. If I help him do it quickly, wouldn't it put pressure on him? As the saying goes, slow work will produce fine work, so let him and us take our time. good."

After listening to Wendy's words, Ziling didn't feel any sense. Instead, she cast a look of disdain at Wendy: "Are you making excuses for your own fishing..."

"Hey, I was discovered." Wendy smiled unabashedly.

Seeing him like this, Ziling sighed helplessly, sat on the bed and looked at Wendy. She seemed to be observing him seriously, but her eyes were filled with sadness.

"What's wrong with you?" Wendy noticed an unhappy atmosphere around her.

"Don't you have any feelings after hearing this story? Or do you have any regrets?" Ziling looked at Wendy in confusion.

"Yes, I feel deeply. If I'm sorry, I'm full of regrets." Wendy said calmly.

"Then why do you look so calm?" Ziling cast an admiring look at Wendy.

When he was listening to Wangyou's story just now, he observed Wendy. The distress and helplessness shown in Wendy's eyes were real, but the relaxed look at this moment was also real.

"Because we still have to live. If we are always entangled in those unhappy things, then how painful this long life will be."

This is his realization when he is almost three thousand years old. To him, this story is like those books he has read once. He will sympathize with the people in the story, but he can also ensure that he will never indulge in it.

Yi Ziling's current moral behavior is not yet able to control emotions as perfectly as Wendy's, so although Wendy's words are reasonable, he still lies in bed and sighs over and over again.

"Okay, don't sigh anymore. No matter how much you sigh, you will never come back." Wendy comforted helplessly.

"I'm not lamenting Wangyou, I'm wondering why these people are like this! Wangyou obviously protected them and allowed them to live peacefully here, but they would treat him like this without any conscience!"

The more Ziling thought about it, the angrier she became, but there was nothing she could do. She could only sit on the bed and beat the bed with all her strength.

Looking at him like that, Wendy chuckled: "Human nature is like this. The long-term comfortable life makes them forget whose shelter they got the peace from. If I forget my worries, I will either completely take power and be both a god and a village chief; or, Make a good image of your spiritual sustenance, be carefree and carefree, never appear in this world, and occasionally become a human to experience human life."

"You seem to know how to be a god." Ziling held her head and looked at Wendy.

Hearing this, Wendy smiled.

Can you not understand that? I am a professional, I have ruled and delegated power.

However, he would never admit that he was the God of Wind at this time. Instead, he said proudly: "I write poems specifically for the God of Wind, so I must be familiar with God."

"Oh! So, you are actually Fengshen's confidant, and this time you came to Liyue to deliver wine on Fengshen's order! No wonder, you figured everything out in an instant!"

Ziling's tone was full of excitement.

Hearing this, Wendy almost laughed. Otherwise, Ziling had a good mind. He could just justify himself, and he could even do the same for others.

At this moment, the wind element flew back and landed in Wendy's palm.

After withdrawing his elemental power, Wendy frowned. He originally intended to use the wind to search the yard to see if there were any paper books or the like. He wanted to see if he could find any text other than "I'm sorry". clue.

The result was that there was nothing, not just text materials, but the entire room was empty with only a few stools, a table, and two beds.

According to Qu Yun, Qiu Yu ran away from home after suddenly going crazy and never came back.

At present, it seems that after that, someone came to take away his things, maybe because he didn't have the key to the cellar, and smashed a big hole in it.

The people who did this were quite vigilant. It seemed that they had really planned what happened in the past.

As for who to doubt, over there is the only lonely mountain alive and breathing.

"Oh, little Ziling, being upright is really useless sometimes. Some things that you think are crooked may be a feasible solution at certain necessary moments."

Wendy said to Ziling with a mysterious smile.

This made Ziling very confused. Although he was used to some of Wendy's riddles, if he was asked to guess, there was a high probability that he wouldn't be able to guess it.

Looking at his dumbfounded look, Wendy spread her hands helplessly: "I'll teach you a craft tonight."

"Huh? What kind of craft?" Ziling suddenly became interested.

"You'll find out later tonight."

So late at night, they gathered outside Gushan's house. At this moment, Wendy was carefully picking the lock.

Ziling on the side looked out for him with a look of helplessness.

This familiar feeling reminded Wendy of the time she was at the prince's house in Xuefeng Town.

Siswan was also on the lookout at that time, picking the lock.

Soon, he opened the door easily, and the two of them walked in immediately.

Wendy looked at Ziling, originally expecting Ziling to praise herself or sigh like Siswan did, but she didn't expect that Ziling's face was ashen.

You don’t need to ask Wendy to know that, and she probably thought that if Morax knew that he and Wendy were watching the wind and picking the lock, then the matter of clearing the clouds would really be impossible to escape.

But if you think about it carefully, Ziling drank with him, yelled at others, asked for cider from others, and now another one illegally invaded other people's homes. If Zhongli knew all about it, he would not only wipe out Yunjian, but also the entire Liyue. Scanned.

From this point of view, it is normal for Ziling's face to be ashen.

"Um...Wendy, let me try the next lock..." Ziling suddenly whispered in Wendy's ear.

"Aren't you... upright and don't do these unethical things?" Wendy looked at him in shock.

"I think you are right. You should do extraordinary things in emergency situations. Mainly, if you are imprisoned by an immortal, I have an escape plan."

Wendy had heard that the confinement in Liyue was different from that in Mondstadt. Their confinement lasted for one or two years at a time, which was very harsh.

From this point of view, it is a more severe punishment than sweeping away Yunjian.

"Actually, you can rest assured that this place is isolated from everything outside, and your Yanwang Dijun won't know about it. Or are you afraid that I will tell him?" Wendy looked at the young man in front of her who had a calm expression but a bit of despair.

"I believe you won't tell him. It's just that I'm afraid that I'll spill the beans at some point, or that some immortal will spy on my memory, so it's better to take precautions."

Wendy understood, so she handed over the wire. Under Wendy's guidance, Ziling successfully opened a door.

For some reason, Wendy began to panic after Ziling raised the possibility of leaking information or having her memory spied on.

Vaguely, I always feel like there is a star hanging above my head.

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