Thunder continued to ring over Heguan, announcing to the surroundings that a battle was taking place here.

At this time, the mask of the man in black was half broken, and the clothes on his body were wet. It was not clear whether it was blood or sweat.

I saw him holding himself up with a spear and standing hard, gasping for air, and spitting out large mouthfuls of blood.

But even though he was exhausted, he still laughed maniacally.

Because not far away, there was a bloody figure lying on the ground. Her body was slowly dissipating at this moment.

"Hahahaha! I killed a demon! I killed a demon!" The man in black raised his head and laughed.

On the tree not far away, Ying Zheng, who had already left the battlefield, had hidden his aura and was watching all this coldly.

This time, she could really sneak in.


"Old man, I'm so tired from walking! I'm almost gone." Wendy held up the wine bottle with a tired look on her face, as if she had traveled a long distance across mountains and rivers.

After hearing his words, Zhongli stopped, with a hint of anger on his face: "Barbatos, if you say this again, I will really throw you away."

Ask Zhongli, who is usually as calm as a rock, why there is a trace of anger on his face.

Because Barbatos was not tired at all. He was the one who was tired. He was being carried on his back!

Hearing what Zhongli said, Wendy quickly said "Hey", then closed her mouth and drank quietly.

Zhongli sighed helplessly.

Sometimes people should not be too crazy. If they are too crazy, problems will easily arise.

The Barbatos on his back is a typical negative example.

The reason was that the two of them wanted to rush to Heguan as soon as possible, but they could not use elemental and divine power on the way for fear of disturbing An En.

So we can only use human travel methods: walking and rowing.

Everything was going smoothly, but something happened on an island outside Heguan.

It was still time at that time, and because there was no news about Ying, they did not dare to enter Heguan rashly, so they could only rest there.

So, Wendy looked at the high mountains on the island and insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain to enjoy the wind and enjoy the scenery.

Well, Zhongli will just follow him. Anyway, it's early now. Climbing mountains like humans do is also regarded as exercise. This is not bad for a person like him who pays attention to health.

But he never expected that Wendy would be so excited after seeing the scenery and drinking again that she would miss the mark and turn into a cabbage and roll down the hillside.

However, he also admired Wendy's self-control as a wind god, and she actually controlled herself without using elemental power to lift herself up.

This aspect is still very Fengshen style.

But the final result of Fengshen's strong control was that he broke his leg. It was also at this time that they saw lightning flashing over Heguan, which also meant that it was time for them to enter Heguan.

Therefore, since Zhongli couldn't use his elemental power to support him to fly and Zhongli couldn't use his divine power to help him heal, Zhongli could only carry him on his back and continue walking.

Fortunately, Wendy is indeed very light and has a small body. For a martial god like Zhongli, carrying him is not as heavy as carrying a stone.

But that mouth really deserves a beating.

Fortunately, he was still afraid that Zhongli would really throw him away. After Zhongli said that, Wendy shut up and tried to braid a flower in Zhongli's hair.

Well, based on common sense, if Wendy could quiet down, something else must have attracted his attention.

Zhongli also knew that he was probably making a prank on something, but after all, it was much quieter and more comfortable to remain silent than if he said something that deserved to be beaten.

Just when Wendy was studying his artwork carefully, Zhongli suddenly stopped.

Wendy was startled, put her hand on his shoulder and looked forward: "What's wrong?"

Before Zhongli could answer, the sight in front of him made him stunned.

It was not yet dark yet, but dark clouds had already surrounded Heguan, making it gloomy and very depressing.

Not only that, the surrounding air was filled with the power of thunder element, and the sound of discharge could be heard from time to time.

The entire Heguan was covered by a terrifying aura brought about by war.

"This... how brutal is this beating?" Wendy couldn't help but said as she looked at the scene in front of her.

Just the wanton leakage of this elemental power was enough to shock him.

Zhongli was obviously calm.

He looked at everything around him calmly and suddenly said: "Barbatos, hurry up."

"Huh? How..."

Before Wendy could ask her question, Zhongli suddenly took off his legs and ran forward.

They Liyue themselves have all kinds of unique martial arts. Even if they don't have the Eye of God and are just ordinary martial arts practitioners, flying over the roof and walking over the wall is no problem for them.

At this time, Zhong Li shuttled easily among the trees, his body movements were elegant and natural, and his steps were nimble and brisk.

It's just that he is handsome enough, but he suffers from Barbatos on his back.

This bumpy ride was no different from him rolling down the mountain again, except that he wouldn't be injured.

Finally, Zhongli stopped.

Wendy also poked her head out from behind him and let out a long sigh of relief.

But before he could finish breathing, neither he nor Zhongli could find a suitable adjective to describe the situation in front of him.

This place is where the thunder element gathers the most, and the trees around here have been struck by lightning, and some vegetation is still burning with flames.

Not only that, there was a lot of blood on the ground.

This is obviously a battlefield.

"Is there anyone here?" Zhongli asked warily.

Wendy closed her eyes and listened carefully to the sounds around her, then shook her head: "Not really."

"That's good."

Wendy looked at everything in front of him in surprise, although he heard the shadow and the man in black fighting in the wind.

But when she saw this battlefield, Wendy was still a little surprised. This was a bit more serious than he thought.

"Zhongli, tell me, in this case... it's not because of Yingbai's defeat, right?" Wendy lay next to Zhongli's ear and spoke to him with some uncertainty.

Originally, Wendy had been listening to the news in the wind, but later, the thunder in the wind became louder and louder. If he continued to listen, his ears might become useless.

Therefore, he could only give up temporarily.

This also led to the fact that at this moment, he didn't know whether it was Ying who lost.

"It's very similar." Zhongli replied calmly.

If Zhongli remembered correctly, in the Mondstadt mines, he insisted on trying to get the lyre, but when it was contaminated by the abyss, he once dreamed of the situation before crossing:

The Wind God was defeated, and the wind elements scattered around Mondstadt.

What I saw at that time was the situation in front of me.

"However, I don't think she will lose. She is a person who has practiced martial arts to the extreme. It is difficult for ordinary people to avoid that Wuxiang sword." Zhongli continued to add.

"Let's go to the village and find out what happened just now." Wendy said.

Zhongli said "hmm" and walked towards the nearby village carrying Wendy on his back.

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