Wendy briefly told Zhongli what happened in the morning.

After hearing this, Zhong Li didn't make any reply. He still looked at Wendy, as if waiting for the other person's next words.

This situation made Wendy couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you say something?"

Zhongli crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other hand as if thinking: "Based on common rationality, based on my understanding of you, Barbatos, if you don't have any guesses about this matter, just simply think If you tell me stories, you won’t come to me so early and bring breakfast.”

Hearing this, Wendy couldn't help laughing, and then sat on his bed very naturally, looking at Zhongli with a smile: "Rejoice, if I were a villain, I would definitely kill you first. ”

After speaking, he suddenly raised his hand, put his middle finger on the bridge of his nose, looked at Zhongli, and lowered his voice and said: "To use Sliwen's way of saying it: Morax, you know too much."

Looking at his second-rate appearance, Zhongli couldn't help but laugh.

Wendy stopped teasing him, crossed her legs, rested her elbows on her knees, put her chin in her hands and thought, "I think there is something wrong with this expedition."

"Is it related to An En?" Zhongli looked at Wendy.

Wendy shook her head: "No, one is that there are many people, and there are not many clues at hand, like a grassroots team; the other is this mustache, there seems to be something wrong with his rouge."

"Have you used it?" Zhongli looked at Wendy in surprise. He didn't expect Barbatos to have such a habit, which shocked Zhongli for a moment.

However, the people of Liyue always adhere to the principle of not understanding but respecting and understanding, so the shock on Zhongli's face did not show.

Just when looking at Wendy, a trace of surprise in her eyes still showed naturally.

Noticing the surprise in Zhong Li's eyes, Wendy rolled her eyes at him: "No, he took it out when he was selling it to me. It did smell like rouge, but it was mixed with a very fine smell that it was difficult for ordinary people to notice. The bitter taste.”

Wendy recalled the moment he took out Rouge.

Because she smelled that smell, Wendy stepped back subconsciously. After all, the bitter taste didn't smell like a good thing.

"More than that, he seems to be afraid that we are also exploring that place, so he will test what we are doing." Wendy recalled what the mustache said.

"Be on guard against them, but don't interfere too much." Zhongli went over to pick up the breakfast brought by Wendy and eat it.

"That's natural. After all, we are the gods of other countries. Too much interference will not be conducive to the good relations between the two countries."

Countries on the continent of Teyvat are very particular about boundaries. After all, the countries in Teyvat have different philosophies and there is no way to mix them up.

So, unless it's a life-threatening situation, or someone's offended, or there's a common interest.

Otherwise, these seven gods would basically not interfere in the trivial affairs of other countries.

"Speaking of which, what's going on over there with Ying?" Zhongli said, looking at Wendy.

Wendy jumped out of bed, went over to get a glass of milk and took a sip, then closed her eyes and started listening to the sound in the wind.

At this time, Ying had already gotten up and was standing outside the house basking in the sun and enjoying the warm wind.

Since we said we wanted to investigate the surrounding situation, we naturally had to set out as early as possible.

So, she went out early.

It's just that this crane is so big that I really don't know where to start investigating.

I could only stand in the early morning sun, basking in the sun, and thinking.

While she was thinking, the little boy came to her with a bowl of white porridge and asked cautiously: "Sister, have breakfast. My family is poor and this is the only thing."

Ying turned his head to look at the child and took the white porridge from his hand. The white porridge was very light. Rather than porridge, it would be better to call it rice soup.

However, Ying drank it without hesitation and took out two copper coins and handed them to the little boy: "Thank you."

The little boy took the bowl, but did not take the money. He just looked at Ying with his big eyes: "Grandma said, I don't want big sister's money."

"I have been practicing martial arts since I was young. If I don't take anything for free, it is the martial arts that I respect. Please accept it."

Although Ying said this, the little boy was still hesitant, clasping his hands behind his back and looking at her timidly.

Seeing that the little boy refused to accept it, Ying sighed and put away the copper plate.

Naturally, she wouldn't live and eat for free like this. Since they didn't accept it, she could just keep the money quietly later.

Seeing her put away the money, the little boy bowed and planned to leave.

At this time, Ying called out to him: "Child, have you seen any strange people or objects in the village or on the island, or heard anything strange?"

The boy thought seriously while holding the bowl, and then nodded: "I heard a story. My grandma told me that if I go out to play at night, a monster will come out from the east castle and catch me. Go eat.”

"Is there a castle to the east?"

The boy shook his head and said, "I don't know, grandma won't let me go."

Hearing their conversation, the old lady came out.

Ying's eyes also shifted from the little boy to the old woman.

Sometimes the things a person does are reflected on their face. The old lady in front of me looked very kind-hearted. She must have been a kind person in this life.

The old man staggered up to the little boy, patted the little boy on the shoulder, and asked him to go play by himself.

Then, she looked at Ying, still smiling and said: "Yes, but most people can't see it."

"What do you mean?" Ying looked at the old man in front of him in surprise.

"Only during thunderstorms can you see the shadow of the castle. You can't see it on ordinary days."

thunder? For Ying, it’s not that difficult.

She is the most powerful incarnation of thunder in this world. For her, it is extremely easy to bring down thunder.

"Where exactly?" Ying asked again.

"To the east of Heguan, there is an isolated island not far away." The old woman said.

At this time, the old lady's expression became serious again: "But, girl, it's not easy to see, and there are many monsters guarding there. It's very dangerous, so you can't go."

"Well, I won't go. I'll just walk around." After saying that, Ying turned and left.

She must go, she said this just to coax the old man in front of her.

So, after leaving the village, Ying swaggered toward the east.

Not to mention that she was a demon, she practiced martial arts, and her leg strength was different from ordinary people, but she arrived at the east side of Heguan at noon.

At this time, the weather was clear and cloudless, and Ying could easily see all the scenery in the distance.

Sure enough, there was indeed an island not far away, and the size of the island seemed quite large.

However, as the old lady said, there was no trace of the castle there.

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