Their venture succeeded, but also failed.

They wandered around in the mountains for a long time, encountered countless monsters and beasts, and got lost many times.

But nothing stopped them.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and they finally found the manor before they ran out of ammunition and food.

They arrived at the other side of their dreams and celebrated with joy outside the manor.

They sang loudly by the lake, sweating with youth, and chanted the slogan "Towards the stars and the abyss" over and over again.

At this moment, they are the winners.

But this group of young people who are busy celebrating the realization of their ideals have not noticed that this is not only the other side of their ideals, but also the end of life.

It rained heavily in the mountains and they were unable to leave, so they could only rest temporarily in the manor.

And this break left almost all of them in the manor forever.

At first everything was fine. The seventeen of them camped in the hall of the house, slept together, took turns keeping vigil, and sang together. Everything was in perfect harmony.

But the rain never stopped, and everyone's mood gradually dropped. Some said they would continue to wait, while others said they would just go on in the rain.

But in the end, no one could convince anyone, so they had to give up.

Of course, this is not the most deadly thing. The most deadly thing is that they are running out of food.

Later, an adventurer led by a Fontaine man proposed to split the army into two groups. He led a group of people to leave in the rain, and if they got out of the mountain, he would find someone to rescue the remaining people.

Another team of people is waiting here.

So, including the Fontainebleau people, four people chose to leave for adventure, and thirteen people stayed at the manor.

After they left, everyone started waiting again.

Waiting and waiting, but still unable to wait for the rescue team, they made wishes to the gods, but their wishes could not be conveyed.

But at this time, they were not completely desperate.

Total despair came that day when a guy who had followed the Fontaine man who asked for rescue stumbled back.

He was covered in blood and his eyes were full of fear. When asked what happened, he couldn't tell clearly. He just kept shouting two sentences, one was "Everyone is dead! Everyone is dead!" and the other was "Everyone is dead!" If you can’t escape, no one can escape!”

For a time, an atmosphere of fear spread among the crowd.

Everyone looked at each other, seeming to be expecting someone to stand up and point out a direction for everyone, or to say some unnecessary words of comfort to soothe their hearts.

But there was only silence, deathly silence.

At this time, a month had passed since they arrived at the manor.

That night, everyone sat around the fire. No one spoke, but some people were crying quietly.

At this moment, the ideals of some of them have collapsed, and even the belief in living that supports their ideals has gradually become empty in their hearts.

"Um..." Another Fontaine person in the team suddenly looked at the people around him and asked, "Do you regret it?"

No one answered, everyone just stared at the fire in silence.

When no one spoke, he continued: "I... I regret it. I am the only one in my family... I want to die here, what should my parents do! I... I really shouldn't have come! What are you looking towards the stars and the abyss!? It’s a lie!”

"Hey! What are you talking about!" A red-haired Nata man stood up and stared at him fiercely, "We are just one move away from you this time! But you are not qualified to deny the adventurer's belief!"

"Faith?" Another Liyue man sneered, "Can faith be a living thing? Not to mention the faith of adventurers. I believe in Emperor Yan. I am begging here. I have never seen any immortal come to save me. Me! Still believe? Why talk about faith when it comes to life and death?!"

"Are you sarcastic now?" The red-haired Nata man turned around and stared at the Liyue man, "Who didn't tell you what might happen on the road before setting off!? Come on, you are here, and you don't want the consequences. Take it, it’s a shame that adventurers have scum like you!”

"Shame? I'm going to die. Why do I care about the shame!?"

Then, the Liyue man and the Nata man struggled together, and the battle between idealism and realism began. Maybe they just used this to vent their dissatisfaction.

In the end, they were pulled apart by everyone, and with everyone's resistance, they could only call a truce.

At this time, a Fontaine girl sitting next to the flame suddenly stared at the flame and sang a song.

It was Fontaine's famous opera, a piece of music that should have seemed romantic and majestic under the lively symphony, but in the current environment, there was only desolate silence.

But the singing also soothed everyone's restless hearts, and finally they sat together and listened quietly.

By the time the song ended, everyone had calmly accepted the fact that they couldn't get out.

So, the Zhidong man who gave a speech with the Liyue woman suggested: "Let's... write a suicide note..."

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads and looked at him in unison.

His face was ashen, still staring at the flames: "Write down our experiences, even if we can't send them out, we will leave our last mark on this world. Maybe someone will come later, Adventurer Our names can also be recorded in the history books. If someone can go out, they can also bring our suicide notes to our families..."

After he finished speaking, everyone fell into a long period of loneliness.

At this moment, the Liyue woman decisively took out a pen and paper from her backpack and lay down on the ground to write.

Seeing this, everyone followed suit.

Everyone carefully wrote the suicide note and recorded the last words. Some were sobbing while writing, some were smiling bitterly while writing, some were calm as usual, and some were furious.

All aspects of life are vividly reflected in these thirteen people at this moment.

And the man who ran back was just lying on the ground at the moment, his eyes dull, as if all the troubles had nothing to do with him.

This night was considered peaceful, but it was the last peace.

The next day, hell began to fall.

For some reason, everything here started to go wrong. They often saw people running around the manor, and often saw a gloomy young man alone.

Sometimes you can hear dance music at banquets late at night.

In short, the whole manor seemed to be haunted.

However, what is more terrifying than the haunting is that everyone gradually becomes strangers. They are like schizophrenia. For a while, they are all members of the adventure group; for a while, they seem to become the natives of this manor.

People will suddenly do things unconsciously, and then suddenly wake up while doing these things, as if some force is assimilating them.

Whenever you wake up suddenly, everyone will feel a strange fear, a fear that they no longer belong to themselves.

Later, no matter how many days passed, the dance started.

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