"What are you going to do?" Wendy immediately became alert.

"Didn't you say you want freedom? Okay, I will unblock the ice and give them freedom."

As soon as he finished speaking, Siswan raised his hand, and the ice element condensed in his hand. Then he waved, and the ice-blue light immediately spread around.

Then, ice mist slowly rose from the surrounding villagers, and then turned into pieces of frost flowers and slowly flew back to the giant tree.

At the same time, the ice on Enlivi and Edwin also disappeared, and Anlivi immediately rushed in front of Crodia.

After hearing his heartbeat, Enlivi shouted excitedly to Wendy: "Lord Barbatos! Crodia is back to normal!"

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding villagers also realized that their body had recovered, and everyone cheered excitedly.

For a moment, the village was extremely lively, as if it was a festival, with some laughing and some crying. They watched the battle again and prayed to Wendy to let the village chief go...

However, unlike everyone's joy and relaxation, Wendy still stared at Siswan and did not dare to let down her guard.

He didn't feel that Siswan didn't hate him. Even though he had not deceived Siswan, he was the one who revealed the truth and shattered the dream. The main reason was that the other party was not a saint, so he would have some hatred.

However, Siswan walked straight towards the giant tree as if he didn't notice Wendy.

As he walked, he recalled every moment he had with his wife. They met one afternoon on the ice field, and the blond girl wore a red cloak.

When looking at her, the young Siswan felt as if his heart was being roasted by fire. A kind of warmth started from his heart and spread around his body.

With just that one glance, life lost its original goal, and all plans revolved around that person.

With just one glance, Siswan selfishly regarded her as the person he wanted to protect for the rest of his life.

Later, they became friends, and slowly, they became lovers. Later, he proposed and she agreed.

God knows how happy Siswan was at that time. Half of his life goal had been accomplished by being able to marry Arul.

On their wedding night, they made many plans and made various wishes.

However, all these wishes and plans came to nothing due to a sudden serious illness.

That day, he held Alul, who was emaciated by illness, and sat on the edge of the cliff in the painting, looking at the tall tower surrounded by the wind wall.

The girl who had a lot to say every day became quiet at this time.

Maybe she still has a lot to say, but she can't say it anymore...

"Does it look good?" Siswan asked softly in her ear.

"Okay... look..." Alul replied.

"We come here to watch the sunset every day, okay?" Siswan asked lightly.

Alul didn't speak. She raised her hand with difficulty and looked at the sun that was about to set, as if she wanted to catch it.

However, even if he tried his best, the sun would not favor anyone and would still set behind the mountain.

Alul put down his hand and said slowly: "Siswan...forget me..."

After hearing these words, Siswan fell silent, tears welled up, and he unconsciously hugged the fragile person in his arms tightly.

"How could I..." Siswan sobbed softly, "How could I be willing to forget you..."

Recalling this, Siswan had already walked to the giant tree.

He looked at the giant tree in front of him and smiled gently, as if he was his wife. He put his hand on the cold giant tree and said softly: "This time, let's go together."

Wendy immediately realized something was wrong, and the wind element immediately condensed into thousands of wind blades and smashed towards Siswan.

Unexpectedly, the branches of the giant tree actually surrounded Sith Wan, and the wind blade could not cut them all.

Wendy wanted to pull out the tree with one blow, but at this moment, Edwin suddenly shouted: "Lord Barbatos! Look up there!"

Wendy raised her head and saw a huge avalanche coming towards them on the mountain. It seemed that this was Siswan's revenge: he wanted to make people die in fear.

The avalanche is very fast, but there are hundreds of villagers. To take away all the villagers together with Siswan, he needs strong enough divine power, and there are not so many at the moment.

The only thing we can do is to find a way to stop the avalanche.

Wendy immediately erected a semicircular wind wall on the village to block the falling snow. After the avalanche was over, he went out to clean up.

However, what he didn't expect was that an avalanche also occurred on another mountain next to the village, and it was even larger.

Snow fell on the wind wall, blocking the sky.

The wind wall bounced the snow to all sides, but there was too much snow and the wind wall became precarious.

"Damn, not enough divine power..." Wendy frowned and clenched her fists feebly.

At this time, he looked around at the villagers who were shouting madly out of fear. Wendy immediately came to Edwin: "Quick, shout for the wind god's protection."

Although Edwin was puzzled as to why Wendy, who had always disliked restraint, suddenly acted like this, he still did as he was told and immediately knelt down in front of Wendy and shouted, "May the God of Wind protect me!"

An Liwei was obviously smarter and immediately shouted to the villagers: "This is Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind. As long as we pray to him, Lord God of Wind will definitely take us through the difficulties! Just like the gods you originally believed in heal everyone." Like a good disease!”

After she finished shouting, she immediately knelt down in front of Wendy and shouted: "May the God of Wind protect me."

At just the right time, Wendy immediately spread her huge white wings, the wind blew around him, and her clothes immediately changed into his magical costume.

Seeing this, the villagers who were busy trying to save their lives immediately knelt down, looked up at the holy god, and shouted together: "May the Wind God protect you."

For today's villagers, it is better to believe in a God who is right in front of them than to believe in a God who is not here.

At this moment, their prayers and trust turned into divine power and flowed into Wendy's body.

Feeling the surge of power, Wendy raised her hands, and the powerful wind condensed and compressed in her palms.

After enough compression, Wendy immediately released all the wind in her palms.

At that time, strong winds blew up, making a thunderous roar.

Then, the strong wind swept away the snow above the wind wall and the collapsed snow, and everyone regained their sight.

Seeing this, the people in the village cheered happily and shouted for Lord Barbatos.

However, Lord Barbatos was still not relieved at this moment. He looked up at the snow on the surrounding mountains, which seemed to be in danger of collapsing.

Sure enough, just as I finished thinking, the two mountains began to avalanche again at the same time.

Wendy immediately flapped her wings and flew out of the wind wall, and came to a high place to look at the snow on the two mountains.

Although his divine power has increased, it is still too difficult to blow away all the snow on two fairly high mountains. But as far as the current situation is concerned, he can only take a gamble.

So, he used almost all the divine power and elemental power in his body, and the two powers surged out and turned into a strong wind that seemed to blow away everything.

The strong wind blew over the two mountains, leaving no trace of snow behind, revealing the original color of the ground.

Soon, the snow on the two mountains was blown to the sea by the wind, and the avalanche crisis was finally over.

Wendy breathed a sigh of relief, spread her wings and flew back to the village, changing back to her usual clothes the moment she landed.

As the number one believer of Fengshen, Edwin immediately ran to Wendy: "How are you, Mr. Fengshen?"

Others immediately gathered around.

Wendy raised a confident smile: "See for yourself."

After hearing his words, everyone immediately raised their heads and looked at the surrounding mountains.

People enslaved by ice and snow never thought that one day they would see land without snow. Looking at the unprecedented scene around them, a kind of shock spread in everyone's heart.

It was so shocking that many people's eyes filled with tears unconsciously.

Edwin was the first to react and looked at Wendy: "You said before that Mondstadt will definitely have warm monsoons and flat land..."

"Ah, this," Wendy laughed playfully, "I'm still a little behind, but don't worry, that's my ultimate goal."

"That's not what I mean." Edwin was probably too excited, and suddenly knelt down in front of Wendy, "You... you are the only god in Mondstadt! I... I can help you if there is any way, you can go and lobby. , it’s also good to preach!”

"The moment you trust me, it is the greatest help to me." The gentle God of Wind lifted up his believer who valued me from the ground.

"I don't like to kneel down, and I don't like to be too formal. If you want to thank me, give me an apple."

"Don't mention one! One box, one room! I'll give them all to you!"

After Edwin finished speaking excitedly, he led everyone to shout "Lord Barbatos".

Wendy smiled helplessly. At this time, he saw the giant tree again, and he also thought of the Siswan village chief.

He walked to the giant tree, and the village chief was still wrapped in vines.

The wind blade couldn't cut the vines apart, so he had to think of another way.

So, Wendy put her hand on the giant tree, wanting to feel the elemental power inside and find the key point.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of contact, the giant tree turned into a seed, and the village chief also collapsed to the side.

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