Genshin Impact: The wind blowing back to the starting point

Chapter 13 The feeling of the body not keeping up with the brain

Crodia raised the fork in his hand, and then stabbed it hard into the palm of his hand.

That's right, he took the fork and pricked his hand...

He pricked his hand...

"What are you doing, kid!?" Wendy was shocked, her usual gentleness and elegance gone, and she immediately went over to grab his hand to see the extent of the injury.

However, his cold hands were intact, with no broken skin at all.

But the fork was actually damaged.

Wendy took the fork and looked at it carefully. It was made of iron, very strong, and very sharp. If you use it to prick someone, it shouldn't mean that the fork is damaged.

However, something that shouldn't have happened happened.

Wendy immediately grabbed Crodia's hand, squeezing it and looking at it, but it looked like an ordinary palm.

So, he picked up the fork and put it against his palm, looked at Crodia and asked: "Does it hurt?"

Crodia shook her head.

Wendy pressed harder and said deeper: "What now?"

Crodia still shook her head.

Wendy threw the fork aside and looked at Crodia's palm again.

There is still no damage, not even a mark.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Crodia asked, looking at Wendy who couldn't figure it out.

Wendy raised her palm and slashed it with the wind blade, and blood flowed out.

He opened his eyes wide and pointed at his hand: "It will bleed."

And Crodia looked at his palm as if seeing some new continent.

Wendy lowered her hand, used a small amount of divine power to heal the wound, and wiped the blood from her hand.

At this moment, Crodia picked up a fork and scratched her palms, trying to make her palms bleed like Wendy.

But no matter how hard he tried, the skin on his palm was not broken at all, but the sharp part of the fork became rounded and blunt.

"The old man's Ruotuo Dragon King may not be that hard. What kind of material are you made of?" Wendy's eyes were very shocked.

Clodia thought for a long time but couldn't come up with an answer, and Wendy also gave up asking.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Wendy immediately got under the quilt and made a very uncomfortable look to ask Crodia to open the door.

After Crodia opened the door, standing at the door was the village chief who looked as gentle as water.

"Have you taken any medicine?" the village chief asked.

After sneezing, Wendy sniffed sharply, nodded, and stammered: ", why don't you...see me?"

The village chief walked in, helped Wendy up and said, "Medicine is just a medium to communicate with God. What is really useful is praying to God."

Sure enough, the village chief came here to ask Wendy to pray.

Under the giant tree, all the villagers were already kneeling and waiting for the village chief to hold a prayer ceremony.

The villagers originally looked dull, but when they came under the giant tree, their faces showed a look of awe and faith.

Wendy had seen such an expression before. When he was on the throne of God, the people in Mondstadt all over the city looked at him with such an expression.

Wendy walked over with the support of the village chief. The serious atmosphere at this moment made him unable to help but become nervous.

"Well, can I not kneel down? Everyone has their own god in their heart. I..." Wendy looked at the village chief with some embarrassment.

He originally thought that the village chief would not agree, but he had even thought about it in his mind. If the village chief wanted to ask him who the god he believed in was, he would say it was Dickapian.

Unexpectedly, the village chief readily agreed and said to Wendy gently: "You don't have to worry, the almighty God tolerates all faiths."

Under the arrangement of the village chief, Wendy stood at the front, and behind him were the kneeling villagers.

The ice-blue branches hanging down from the giant tree were above their heads. It looked like a very beautiful scene.

Wendy clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and followed the villagers in reciting a prayer.

Following the prayers, the icy blue elemental power began to condense at the roots of the giant tree, and then spread to each branch just like what was seen last night.

Then, the giant tree returned to the lush branches it had last night, and pieces of frost flowers fell from the tree one after another, falling on people's bodies, and then slowly blending in.

Wendy prayed seriously, and a frost flower fell on his hat.

At this time, a cold but not uncomfortable breath spread from his belly to his whole body, as if something was suddenly activated.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his limbs became numb, just like in a nightmare when he wanted to move but couldn't.

This feeling of being no longer under control makes people uncontrollably frightened.

At this time, the village chief also walked over to him, stood in front of Wendy and held his shoulders: "The treatment process will be a bit uncomfortable, but this is God's blessing for you, relax."

His tone was gentle, but his words made Wendy unable to stop complaining in her heart: "Blessing? Only the true blessing of God will not make people feel uncomfortable."

"Although you are the owner of the Eye of God, don't fight against it during treatment, otherwise you will only feel more uncomfortable."

After the village chief finished speaking, he took off Wendy's Eye of God from his waist, patted Wendy on the shoulder and turned around to leave.

Wendy sighed softly. He no longer felt any discomfort at this moment, or in other words, he was used to this feeling.

After the prayer ceremony ended, the villagers slowly walked back to their homes, while Wendy was still standing under the tree.

"Are you okay?" the village chief came over and asked.

Wendy was a little stiff, and slowly raised her head to look at the village chief, and nodded dully: "It's not bad, I just feel that something is wrong."

Seeing him like this, the village chief raised his lips with satisfaction: "It's okay, just get used to it. Go back now, Crodia is still waiting for you at home."

Wendy stood and reacted for a while, then staggered towards the stone house.

He walked slowly, his face was numb, and he looked no different from other villagers. Even the Eye of God had forgotten to go back.

The village chief chuckled behind him.

Wendy continued to walk forward. The short journey, which took five minutes during the day, took fifteen minutes now.

The snow fell freely, but he seemed not to feel the cold, letting the snowflakes fall on his body.

Walking to the door, he slowly took out the key, opened it and walked in.

The moment the door closed, Wendy breathed a sigh of relief. He took stiff steps, picked up the matches from the table with difficulty, and walked upstairs.

Unlike Crodia and the others who were all sluggish, Wendy's current state was that her body couldn't keep up with her brain.

When his body became numb, he used his own divine power to protect his head and avoid the invasion of the ice element.

The village chief also noticed his movements, but unfortunately he didn't know that the boy in front of him was a god. He thought Wendy was driving the elemental force.

"This feeling... is so uncomfortable! If anyone from Mondstadt breaks the law in the future... he will not be punished until he is punished by death... he must feel it." Wendy complained, and the stiffness made him feel like climbing a mountain when he climbed the stairs. .

Finally returning to the room, he collapsed on the bed and gasped. For the God of Wind who likes light things, this was undoubtedly the ultimate torture.

He sat up and looked at the matchbox in his hand. Next, he wanted to see what secrets this body held.

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