Time traveled! mine! It's all mine!

Chapter 54 Tianlong Part 8

"Xiaoxiao, this Mr. Lu is really generous. I took Xuan'er and the three of them there just now. Mr. Lu immediately said that he would redeem their lives for them, and the money he spent was gold!" The old bustard took out the money. The golden beads given to her by Lu Linfeng.

"Let him come here!" Su Xiaoxiao said.

The madam went to bring Lu Linfeng to Su Xiaoxiao. When Su Xiaoxiao saw him, he bowed slightly and said, "Xiaoxiao has met Mr. Lu."

Lu Linfeng nodded. This Su Xiaoxiao was indeed more beautiful and had a better temperament than the three girls just now, but he was not like Brother Zhu who was at a loss when he saw her. He said to the madam very proudly: "The four of them will work together and I will redeem their lives. In addition, I am very pressed for time and have to buy a house in the city, so... take it easy."

When Su Xiaoxiao saw Lu Linfeng like this, he opened his mouth in shock. However, since she was able to escape from this brothel, and since the other party was good at writing and had an upright appearance, she did not refute.

The old madam smiled and said: "Xuan'er and the other three have clearly marked prices, and they are daughters who have not yet been combed, so each of them is 4500 taels of silver. Xiaoxiao is the number one in our Zuixiang House, and the redemption fee is It’s even higher, but it costs 8000 taels of silver.”

"Twenty-one thousand five hundred taels of silver, converted into gold is 2150 taels, that is 215 kilograms of gold." Lu Linfeng converted in his mind, and then cursed "fuck you."

"No problem. Let them get ready. I'll get the money now." Lu Linfeng said, then he threw two gold beads to the madam and said, "It's for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu!" The madam took it over in surprise and beamed. She had just checked it and it was real gold.

Lu Linfeng left Zuixiang Tower, turned around and shook off the tail following him, then entered the magic weapon world and took 8 gold bricks. These gold bricks all weigh 120 kilograms. Eight gold bricks are kilograms, which is enough to pay for the ransom of four girls.

Putting the gold in two backpacks, Lu Linfeng returned to Zuixiang Tower again. There were not only the Madam and Su Xiaoxiao, but also four more girls. They looked fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Boom! Boom!" Lu Linfeng dropped the two backpacks on the ground and asked the madam, "What's going on with the four of them?"

"It turns out that the young master is still a member of the martial arts world!" The old bustard looked at Lu Linfeng in surprise and said, "The four of them are the maids who serve Xiaoxiao and the others. Since the young master has redeemed himself for Xiaoxiao and the others, they will naturally follow him."

Su Xiaoxiao, Xuan'er and others who had already arrived here opened their mouths in surprise when they saw him carrying more than 100 kilograms of gold so easily.

Lu Linfeng heard what she said and asked: "Do you know anyone in the martial arts world? Then tell me who you have heard of?"

The old bustard came back to his senses and said: "The slave family also heard some guests mention it occasionally, saying that the Beggar Gang is the largest gang in the world, and the gang leader Wang Jiantong is also a highly respected person."

"Wang Jiantong." Lu Linfeng was shocked. He knew where he had come. This was the world of "Dragon Babu".

"Hurry up and ask someone to click on it. I have to rush to buy a house." Lu Linfeng said.

The old bustard called a servant, took a scale and weighed a gold brick and said to Lu Linfeng with a smile: "Sir, the weight of your gold brick is a little over 23 kilograms, not less than and a half kilograms."

"23 pounds?" Lu Linfeng frowned.

When the man saw Lu Linfeng frowning, he immediately said: "Sir, the little one is definitely not wrong. He is really a little over 23 kilograms."

Lu Linfeng suddenly thought of something, that is, when two people are indifferent, use half a catty and eight liang. In other words, one catty in the old system was sixteen taels, and eight taels was half a catty, so half a catty and eight taels are the same. He then nodded and said: "I remember that a gold brick is 375 taels, which is almost 23 kilograms."

"Yes! Yes! Young Master is right!" the servant said quickly. He weighed the others and they were exactly the same weight.

Lu Linfeng asked the madam: "Don't these four little maids also have to pay extra? We have made a big deal."

The madam smiled and said: "You can give them a thousand taels of silver for the four of them. After all, they are also very beautiful."

Lu Linfeng smiled at the madam and said, "I'll give you six gold bricks. That's an extra 100 taels of gold, which is exactly the same as a thousand taels of silver."

Lu Linfeng threw down six gold bricks and said to Su Xiaoxiao and the other eight: "Take your deeds and come with me! I want to go to the city to see and buy a house as soon as possible."

"Yes! Young Master!" the eight girls responded.

The servant who weighed gold said with a smile: "Sir, if you want to buy a house, I know there is a good house looking for a buyer."

"Then take us there. Once it's done, it will be your benefit." Lu Linfeng said with a smile.

"Okay!" The servant said with a slanderous smile, "My name is Wang Tian. Master, please come with me."

Everyone followed Wang Tian down and left through the back door of Zuixiang Tower, so as to avoid being seen by the guests in the lobby of Zuixiang Tower and causing unnecessary trouble. Wang Tian led everyone to the outside of a large house. The plaque above said Shen House.

Wang Tian pointed to the house and said: "This family sold a large yard in Yangzhou. The whole family moved there half a month ago, and the place has been empty. The house is now hanging in Lao Liu's pawn shop. If the young master likes it, Yes, you can buy it."

Lu Linfeng jumped to the gate of Shen's house and took a look. The environment inside was not bad, and there were many houses. It was a large house with three entrances and three exits. He jumped down and nodded and said, "Very good. You go and ask someone to come over, and all necessary procedures will be completed at once. Once done, this golden bead is yours." Lu Linfeng said and took out a golden bead.

Wang Tian immediately patted his chest and said, "Sir, just look at it! I'll do it right away!"

Wang Tian's speed was not slow, and the people from the pawn shop arrived quickly, including shopkeeper Liu, because he was the owner of the pawn shop and also the dental care provider. According to the laws of the Song Dynasty: land and house transactions must be carried out with dental insurance, and any violation will be regarded as theft. In other words, the purchase and sale of houses and land must be handled by the person responsible for the house transaction, otherwise it will be handled according to the relevant laws punishing thieves. In this way, the official can also collect the deed tax through the Yaren's handling.

Lu Linfeng asked about the price, but he didn't expect that this house was slightly more expensive than Xuan'er and the others, so they only asked for 5000 taels of silver. A gold brick weighs 375 taels, which is equivalent to 3750 taels of silver. One and a half gold bricks can be obtained.

After signing and deeding, Lu Linfeng had his own house in Hangzhou City, and he had eight more beautiful women to accompany him. But when he saw the date on the contract, he knew the specific time: June 15th.

Entering the house, Lu Linfeng said to Su Xiaoxiao and the others: "I don't have so many rules here. You can each choose a room to live in. Tell me what is missing at home and buy it tomorrow. Just make do with it today. !”

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