What Americans didn't expect was that after the gun robbery, there were major robberies in shopping malls. Huge amounts of basic daily necessities were lost in more than a dozen shopping malls. In these cases, just like the gun cases, no transport vehicles were found, as if all those things had been magically disappeared. Then there were more than a dozen tanker trucks filled with fuel. The driver was knocked unconscious, but the tanker truck disappeared.

Lu Linfeng robbed here for 25 days, hoarding a large amount of various materials in the magic weapon world, including various vehicles, which are urgently needed in the zombie world. Twenty-five days later, Lu Linfeng read in the newspaper the news that the Raccoon City Nuclear Power Plant had suffered a sudden and vicious accident. He knew that this was the end of the plot of "Resident Evil 25". Three weeks later, Alice will escape from Umbrella's medical center with the help of Jill Valentine, Carlos and others, and then a global outbreak begins.

As for why he didn't go to Raccoon City? Since it is certain that this world will follow the footsteps of the zombie world, then going to Raccoon City to collect various supplies is not as important. And apart from Alice having telekinesis in the future, her current physical fitness is probably not as strong as his.

On the evening of the 26th day, Lu Linfeng drove a second-hand car to the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles.

"Sir, it's time to get off work now. Please come back tomorrow to handle business." As soon as Lu Linfeng arrived outside the Consulate General, he was stopped by the person on duty.

Lu Linfeng took out an envelope from his bag and said, "Please give this letter to the Consul General, so that he must pay attention to the content of the letter." He handed the letter to the soldier on duty and left without looking back.

The soldier looked at his companion, then checked the letter to make sure it was not dangerous, then went in and handed it to the consul general. The Consul General was also a little strange. He opened the letter and read it. His face became more solemn as he read it, and then reported the matter and the contents of the letter to the country.

"I've reminded you all, I hope you can pay attention to it." Lu Linfeng thought in his heart while driving.

In the letter, he stated that Raccoon City was indeed, as recorded by Raccoon City TV reporter Terry Morais, that the Umbrella Corporation virus leak caused the biohazard incident in Raccoon City. The Umbrella Corporation used a nuclear bomb to destroy Raccoon City in an attempt to prevent the spread of the T-virus, and the nuclear power plant accident was their excuse to cover up the nuclear bomb explosion. Before that, sporadic infections had occurred, and their organization (made up an organization) knew that the spread of the T-virus could not be stopped, so they robbed weapons stores and various supplies in the stores. Lu Linfeng also mentioned in the letter that no matter how much accidents occurred at the nuclear power plant, there would be no nuclear explosion. If he wanted to determine the truth, he could use satellites to look at the situation in Raccoon City from space and the situation would be clear.

The news of Lu Linfeng's letter quickly spread back to the country. Domestic senior officials also paid attention to it. They immediately asked experts on nuclear power plants and learned that nuclear power plants would indeed not produce explosive effects. Then we urgently mobilize the satellite to take a look at Raccoon City, okay! Such a huge crater is located in the city center, far away from the nuclear power plant. It was really caused by an explosion. So they also paid attention to the suggestions mentioned in Lu Linfeng's letter to strictly check the physical condition of immigrants, conduct military training for all people, and stockpile various supplies.

Of course, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also questioned the United States, but the words of the umbrella company and the US spokesperson cannot be justified at all.

"I don't know what you think of what the letter says, that the Umbrella Company, together with the upper echelons of the Western United States, is trying to cleanse the entire world with the T virus?" The information in Lu Linfeng's letter was discussed again in China, and this time the topic was very scary. : The Umbrella Corporation uses the T-Virus to cleanse the world.

Of course, Lu Linfeng didn't know whether the things in "Resident Evil 6" would happen in this world, but he felt it was necessary to remind them.

"Whether it's true or not, we have to treat this matter as real." One committee member said seriously, "Also, I think we need to obtain T virus samples as soon as possible and convene researchers to study T virus antiviral serum. . Even if wind-borne sera cannot be developed, routine injection sera must be developed.”

Other participants nodded, and everyone brainstormed and decided on some actions, including quickly sealing down domestic umbrella companies. Although the Umbrella Company has great influence all over the world, it really does not dare to take radical action against a powerful country like China, and can only let China seal down its company.

Chinese intelligence agents in the United States reported back four days later that zombie incidents did occur in towns near Raccoon City, but they were quickly suppressed by the U.S. government and the Umbrella Company. The intelligence officers also obtained a sample of zombie flesh and blood and sent it back to the country via a special plane. Then a domestic research team that had been formed began to study the virus in the sample.

As for Lu Linfeng, he was committing crimes everywhere during this period. He even went to an arms dealer's warehouse and looted a container full of ammunition. He would never have too much of these things. Regardless of whether the T-Virus in this world was accidentally leaked or it was a conspiracy as mentioned in "Resident Evil 6", these things have become very difficult to obtain after the fall of the world, and everyone is looking for them, so use less.

Lu Linfeng's search for weapons, food and other supplies caused huge riots throughout the United States. More than 20 shopping malls in various states were emptied of daily necessities, more than a dozen weapons stores were raided for weapon pills, and even a large amount of ammunition was removed from the warehouses of two arms dealers. In addition, China determined that the Raccoon City incident was a biochemical incident. , strictly checking the physical condition of immigrants, and purchasing food internationally. This makes the American people more and more inclined to believe that the previously exposed Raccoon City biohazard video is true. As a result, the vast majority of American people also began to hoard food and weapons, leading to chaos in the market order in the United States and a sharp increase in crime rates.

As a result, the United States has begun a war of words with China again. Just a few days later, Russia also began to implement policies similar to China's, which made other countries start to panic. The reason why Russia did this was because the Russian President visited China in advance and confirmed that the T virus does exist.

After Lu Linfeng got the news that Russia had also started to strictly inspect people entering the country, he knew that more and more countries would join in the future. As for whether this could solve the world's biological crisis, he didn't know.

"At least more people can survive." Lu Linfeng said while standing on the beach in Los Angeles looking at the sea in the distance. After driving the Chevrolet Trailblazer into the magical world, Lu Linfeng came out and went to the next unknown world.

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