I'm live broadcasting Tiga's fight against monsters

Chapter 56 Yoshioka, what do you think?

Everyone wailed because of Hui Jianhui's words, but Lin Feng was happy. It was really nice not to have to go to work!

"No, dreams are for children. Haven't you seen that witches don't accept your dreams?"

Lin Feng came up, shook his head, and answered.

"There is a difference between dreams and wishful thinking. Do you still want to sleep? Hahaha, I'm going back to rest first!"

"Damn it!"

Everyone shouted in unison, looking like they had been spoiled.

"I can't even dream?"

Dijing complained for a while.

"Dig a well, do you know what the first step is to realize your dream?"

Hearing this sound, Lin Feng turned around.


Everyone looked at him in unison.

"Of course I'm sleeping! Everything will happen in my dreams! Hahaha, goodbye, I'm going to realize my dream!"

Lin Feng waved his hand, ignored the wailing behind him, mounted Zhuifeng, and galloped away.

The unforgettable Halloween passed quietly, and the long river of time continued to flow.

After finally spending a peaceful period of time, the Tiga theatrical version has been offline, but it has left a height that is difficult to surpass for those who come after us.

The cooperation between Lin Feng and Tsuburaya did not end. The two sides struck while the iron was hot and aired the TV series version of Ultraman Tiga.

Of course, this is a version adapted by Lin Feng, explaining Tiga's story from Lina's perspective. The audience, like Lina, knows nothing about Dagu's identity.

Of course, Lin Feng did not join the Ultramans he incarnated.

Firstly, it is to be different from reality, and secondly, it is naturally difficult to modify.

It is worth mentioning that with the broadcast of the Tiga TV series version, TPC finally couldn't sit still.

TPC headquarters actually held an all-staff meeting for Lin Feng.

The last time was when Ultraman Tiga appeared, which was enough to show Lin Feng's current influence.

The original Tiga movie version is, after all, a story from ancient times. It can be said that Lin Feng personally adapted it based on the legend of Tiga land.

But now, the TV series version is different. Except for omitting those Ultraman who only appeared once, it is almost exactly the same as the real world.

According to the current playback speed of Tsuburaya, it will soon exceed the current timeline.

Once the plot exceeds the real timeline, it will be difficult for TPC people to explain it to the public.

Do you want to announce in public that Lin Feng is a prophet?

Or should we continue to be stubborn and say that Lin Feng was just guessing?

"I believe you all understand the purpose of this meeting, right?"

Director Sawai spoke first, and the theme of the meeting was written on the big screen, making it clear at a glance.

"I still keep my suggestion and absorb the talent of Lin Feng. He will be our best weapon to protect the earth!"

Jian Hui answered. She had actively suggested that TPC win over Lin Feng from the beginning, and now she would naturally not veto it.

"I still don't really believe that anyone can predict the future."

Another senior executive said.

"The facts are obvious, aren't they? Isn't it clear enough in the report brought by Captain Hui Jian? Lin Feng is a prophet!"

"Perhaps Captain Hui Jian was deceived?"

"If nothing else, everyone knows how similar the TV series currently airing are to reality. We have not leaked the details."

"That is, the recently updated episodes of Ultraman Tiga are enough to prove Lin Feng's ability. Even if he cannot predict it, he still has the ability to hack into the TPC computer."

"We already have Ye Rui on the computer. I don't believe there are still humans in this world who can predict the future!"

"Before this, did you believe that there were monsters and Ultraman?"


Looking at the suddenly noisy venue, Sawai cleared his throat.

"Okay! Yoshioka, what do you think?"


Yoshioka always felt that this sentence was somewhat familiar, but he didn't know when he had heard it before. He shook his head to get rid of the weirdness in his mind.

"I have met this young man. He is a very good junior."

Megumi, who thought Yoshioka would reject Lin Feng from entering TPC, widened his glasses.

What happened? When did Lin Feng hook up with this guy? This is the person I like!

Yoshioka didn't even notice the weird look in Megumi's eyes and continued.

"Actually, we have agreed before that Lin Feng joins TPC as a consultant, right?"

Everyone then recalled that it seemed like this was the case!

So what are we discussing here?

"We just didn't agree with Lin Feng going to the battle site at the beginning! Then, there is nothing to worry about now."

Everyone seemed to have thought of something, but they seemed to be unable to follow Yoshioka's train of thought.

"My opinion is that we should still hire Lin Feng as a consultant. Going to the front line should be based on the requirements of front-line combatants. Lin Feng will only be allowed to pass the assessment."

At this point, Yoshioka finally expressed his opinion, and everyone felt suddenly enlightened.

It makes sense, I'm speechless!

"Then, let's do it like this, Captain Hui Jian, I'll leave the matter of recruiting Lin Feng to you."

Sawai nodded, as expected it had to be Yoshioka, so neat and tidy!

"Then let's adjourn the meeting!"

Sawai slapped the table, and the matter was settled.

Then, as if he remembered something, Sawai looked at Megumi and suddenly spoke.

"Remember, the plot of Ultraman Tiga cannot happen before reality!"


Hui Jian nodded, the prophet is indeed a trump card for the victory team.

But if people knew the news, it would cause unimaginable trouble.

The TPC ended the meeting, but Lin Feng, as the initiator, returned to his old business out of boredom.

The scripts that can be broadcast have been handed over to Tsuburaya, and of course they have not exceeded the timeline.

Lin Feng also knew that if the plot of the TV series happened before reality, he would be in great trouble.

In order to continue broadcasting Ultraman during Tiga's break, Lin Feng also compiled Taylor's story.

Speaking of which, the decision to broadcast Ultraman Taro was inspired by Tomoki.

In today's world, people think that Taro died together with the monsters in order to protect humans.

For this Ultraman, I respect him from the bottom of my heart. He is a hero recognized by people.

Finishing two scripts was enough to keep Tsuburaya busy for a while, but now he was free.

There are almost no classes during the day, and Zhishu has taught almost all of them, and now he is bored and starts teaching hacking techniques.

Therefore, in order to kill time before the Victory Team came to find him, Lin Feng set up another stall.

After obtaining the memory of the original owner, Lin Feng can be regarded as a half-master. If he really wants to tell people's fortunes, he can fool them, but he will not be incompetent in his business.

However, few people here in Neon believe this, and it is not open yet.

Lin Feng, who was looking around, soon discovered that the thing he was interested in was actually her!

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