Struggle to build a country in the world of pirates

Chapter 79 The Ownership of the Thunder Fruit

The CP5 chief reported the situation of Lei Luo and Tom to Wulao Xing, and told the process of Lei Luo's speculation, as well as the requirement to protect Mr. Tom.

~~~~~~~~~Holy Place Maria Joe Wulaoxing Room~~~~~~~~~~~

"What do you think of this?"

"Lei Luo, this little guy is so smart. He can guess so much from just a few words, and he doesn't hide it at all, which shows that he is not interested in that thing."

"Whether he's interested in getting that thing or not, he can't be exposed to it too much."

"It is true that although it is very complicated to create that thing, with Hanas's current strength, it is completely possible, so we can't bet on it."

"Then what should we do? Kill him?"

"It won't work either. If we really get into trouble, it won't look good on both sides."

"We just want the drawings. Since Lei Luo wants his people, we want his drawings and let Lei Luo come forward to solve the matter. I believe Lei Luo will understand."

"Agree" "Agree" "Agree" "Agree"

~~~~~~~~~~~Lei Luo’s Manor in the Capital of Seven Waters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

CP5 relayed the opinions of the top leaders of the world government to Lei Luo. Lei Luo thought for a moment and said, "Yes, but at this time, it's hard to say. Mr. Tom, you know exactly what kind of person he is. If coercion and inducement worked, you would have taken advantage of him long ago." Here’s what you want.”

"Let Mr. Tom build the sea train with peace of mind first. After all, it is a good thing. I don't want to obliterate this invention that can benefit the country and the people because of my joining."

"Mr. Tom, I will lobby there." CP5 nodded and left without saying anything.

Mr. Tom has not been idle this week. He and his disciples have modified the design of Leiluo's ship. It has a greater power storage function, more power, less smoke exhaust, faster flight speed, more functions, and There are many backup functions to deal with emergencies.

When traveling on the sea, there will be no attacks from the Neptune class. It can cross the windless zone. The technology added here is the rail technology of the sea train. The sound of metal friction is added to the bottom of the ship. This friction sound will make the Neptune class Very annoying and far away.

In terms of materials, Adam's treasure tree is to be used as the main material, and the rest of the steel and gold are countless. Mr. Tom plans to build Lei Luo's ship and develop a sea train at the same time. Because he knows that neither of these two things can be achieved in the short term.

Some time later, Constance brought 500 combatants from the rainy land of Alabasta to the capital of the Seven Waters.

Constance came to see Lei Luo: "Your Highness, I'm here."

"Do you know why I asked you to lead the team in person this time and come here from Alabasta?"

"not sure."

"The main thing is that we got a good thing on Sky Island, so we can't wait for you to come over. Do you know what it is?"

"Devil Fruit?"

"It's really boring. You can hit the target with just one guess," Lei Luo said in frustration. "Then you might as well guess what kind of devil fruit it is."

"His Highness told me before that the natural type is the strongest and can match my handsome image. Shaoshao fruit?"

"Tch, it's just rubbish. There's no comparison with it." Lei Luo pouted and said

"My subordinates can't guess. Please tell me, Your Highness."

"Natural type, thunder fruit, how about it, surprised or not, unexpected or not."

Constance didn't say anything for a long time, and then said excitedly, "Your Highness, do you really want to give me this fruit?"

"Of course, you know, when you people eat Devil Fruits again, I will always ask for other people's opinions, for fear that some people will say that I am biased. But this time, I made the decision. I am biased for once. He gives it to you. Thank you for your contribution to the Hanas Empire in the early days, and thank you for your family's hard work for the empire. This fruit should be yours."

Lei Luo took out a box and handed it to Constance. Constance knelt down on one knee and took the box with both hands.

When he opened it, he found a devil fruit with a thunder pattern inside. "Eat it quickly. After eating it, I feel more at ease. You don't know how hard it is for Dora to take care of it these days." Lei Luo said with a smile.

"Okay." Tears welled up in Constance's eyes unconsciously. Constance ate all the fruits. The fruits were unpalatable, but Constance's heart was sweet.

Like a child who got a new toy, Lei Luo said: "Quick, try your ability."

"Right here?", "Of course, you are Hanas' secret weapon now and cannot be easily displayed. Just give it a try here, and then you can go to an uninhabited island far away for training, and leave the work to others. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing that I need to use you for. I am going to use your power of thunder to make a flying ship, so I will go to Mr. Tom’s place when I have time and help him with the experiment.”

"Yes, Your Highness." After saying this, an arc of electricity appeared on his finger, and then a white thunder formed, shooting out in the direction of his fingertip, shattering the vase in front of him. In the palm of the hand, a large amount of blue lightning was formed, visible to the naked eye, and then condensed and compacted, and then changed its shape to form the shape of an eagle, hovering in the room, and wherever it passed, the surrounding objects were shattered by the arc. , Constance did not release it, and then control it, causing it to dissipate invisibly.

"Yes, you control it very well. You can control such a powerful force in such a meticulous way, which shows that you have good control over your abilities. This fruit is really suitable for you."

"Okay, don't practice here. There is a boy named Enelu. I got this fruit mainly because of his help. When I was on the empty island, I also said that I would help train him to become stronger. From now on, he can stay with you, and if he wants to leave, you don’t have to stop him.”

"Yes, Your Highness doesn't want to subdue him?"

Lei Luo smiled lightly and said: "It's not necessary, just let everything take its course."

Lei Luo then called everyone for a small meeting and decided that Martin would stay in the Capital of Seven Waters, as the general person in charge here, and White as the person in charge of the military aspect. Constance stayed to train near the Seven Waters Capital and cooperated with Tom's studio to conduct research on ships.

It was decided to set sail in a week and continue to move forward, with the ship's crew, Morgan, Dora, Nancy, Allen, Dillon, Ford, Thor, fifty combatants, and thirty ANBU personnel.

Non-combatants: Minister of Commerce for the South - Newman Fogg, Minister of Commerce for the North - William Constable

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