Struggle to build a country in the world of pirates

Chapter 57 Arriving at Winter Island

Lei Luo and the others were sailing on the sea. The sea was calm and calm. Lei Luo lay comfortably on the armchair and basked in the sun. Suddenly, I felt a little cold, and a chill came over me, so I quickly entered the bedroom and rested.

Meiya and the others had changed into winter clothes. Lei Luo was sleeping in the bedroom and did not come out for a while. Meiya went in to check and found that Lei Luo had a constant high fever, so she hurriedly called a doctor. After examination by the doctor, it was discovered that His Highness Lei Luo was infected with a bacterial cold from a plant in the small garden. Coupled with his young age and weak resistance, it was very serious.

Meiya: "It's serious, let's get treatment quickly."

The doctor said: "We don't know much about the plants in the Grand Line, so we can't easily use medicine, and there is no medicine. We can only suppress it temporarily and find a nearby country for medical treatment."

Meiya gathered everyone together to explain the situation. Everyone was anxious, but there was nothing they could do. Martin said: "There is a winter island nearby, and there is a country on it called the Drum Country. The medical skills are very advanced. Your Highness will be able to be cured there." .

Constance: "Without further delay, let's go to Winter Island as soon as possible. Minister Martin, you will make sure the route is correct."

~~~~~~After a day of sailing, we arrived at Winter Island~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The soldiers on the coast saw Lei Luo and his ship sailing, and quickly reported to the superiors; the soldiers stopped Constance and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Constance: "We are from the Hanas Empire in the East China Sea. We are here to visit your country and seek doctors to treat patients."

Soldier: "Our country is now under martial law. Please go seek medical treatment elsewhere."

Constance came to the soldier in an instant, strangled the soldier's neck with his right hand, and said: "If you keep talking nonsense, you will die." The combatants on the ship had also gone ashore and handed over their weapons.

Constance: "Take me to your king and get the best doctors."

"The only doctor you can find is the king." The soldier said tremblingly.

Constance escorted the soldiers and brought a hundred combatants to the palace. When the King of the Drum Kingdom heard that someone was coming, he said in a panic: "Dorudun, lead the soldiers immediately to wipe out the opponent."

Dorudun [animal-type Ox-Niu fruit ability user]: "Yes, His Majesty the King."

Doruton led 500 king's guards to stop the attack, and happened to meet Constance and others who came to the palace.

Dorudun: "Why did you gang of thieves invade our country?"

"You idiots don't listen to your good words. I have to beat you down and talk to you rationally."

Doruton directly transformed into a minotaur form and attacked Constance. "Animal Devil Fruit, I finally met a strong opponent."

Doruton punched, Constance held the opponent's fist with one hand and stood motionless. "Your strength is a bit weak. Are you really an esper? Why are you so weak?"

Doruton wanted to pull his fist back, but found that he couldn't pull it out. The opponent was so much stronger than himself.

Constance kicked Doruton in the stomach, then grabbed Doruton's wrist, threw Doruton three times in the air, and threw him to the ground, making a crater.

Seeing that Doruton was defeated so easily, the soldiers on the other side surrendered and ran away. Constance and others tied them up, left them under guard, and then continued to walk towards the palace, which was built on a high mountain. , the temperature here is very low, the wind and snow are very strong, Constance only brought a small number of people to the palace. At this time, the palace was already empty, only a few soldiers who had not had time to escape were left.

Constance said, "Where is your king?"

"Our king, he, he, escaped," the soldier said tremblingly. "Escaped" [What is the situation in this country? He came here by himself, beat people without saying a word, ran away without telling people clearly, and destroyed a country like this].

Constance shook his head: "Besides the king, whoever has the highest official position here can have the final say."

"Lord Doruton, he is the captain of the king's guard. He has the highest strength and prestige."

"Is that the devil fruit user?", "Yes, sir"

[This country is weak enough] "Take me to your palace treasure house and find the best doctor here."

"Sir, we don't have a doctor here now."

"What do you mean?" the soldier said carefully: "Sir, our king has controlled all the doctors and kept them around to treat him at any time. When he left just now, he took all the doctors away."

"Then there are no other doctors in your country?"

"There is an old woman named Dr. Gureva who lives in the west of the town. Her medical skills are very good, but her fees are quite expensive."

"Let's go, you and I go to the town to find the doctor, and the others go to their palace treasury to see what good things they have."

The soldiers led Constance to the town. Dillon also brought people to the town to inquire about the doctor's whereabouts and saw Constance coming.

Dillon said, "How is it?"

"The king of this country is really interesting. He looks like a clown. When he saw that he couldn't be beaten, he ran away. He was afraid of death and took all the doctors in the country with him. Now this country is the only private doctor."

Constance and the others came to Dr. Gureva's residence. Constance stepped forward and said politely: "Is Dr. Gureva at home?"

Knocking on the door, no one paid attention. Use your senses to feel that there is no one inside.

"What should I do if I'm not at home?" "His Royal Highness's situation is very dangerous. We must find him as soon as possible without any delay. You stay here and I will look for him outside," Di Long said.

Constance asked the soldier "where does she usually go"? "She usually either goes to town to see a doctor or goes to the mountains to collect medicine."

"Constance, let's search separately. I'll go to the mountains to have a look." "After dark, no matter what the outcome, we will come back."

Dillon: "Yeah"

At this time, Dr. Gureva was on her way to find her brother Dr. Silk. Unfortunately, Dr. Silk was not at home. He came to the town and saw Doruton and the king's soldiers. Captured by a group of outsiders.

[What's going on, Doruton was defeated] "What's going on Doruton, why are you tied up?"

Doluton didn't say anything, and Nancy came up to talk: "We are from the Hanas Empire in the East China Sea. We came here to seek medical treatment. When the other party blocked us, we started fighting. Who are you?"

"I'm a doctor, Dr. Silk" Nancy held the other person's hand excitedly, "Great, our Highness has a very hot fever. It's a fungal infection. Can you treat it? We will be very grateful."

Dr. Silk said confidently: "No problem, just take me there!"

Dorudun: "Dr. Silk, stop messing around, you will kill everyone.", "Why did I mess around?"

Dorudun: "This little girl, don't believe him. He is a quack. If you want your Highness to be fine, don't believe him."

Nancy looked at Dr. Silk with an angry look [this damn guy almost harmed His Highness and me]: "Come here! Capture him."

Dr. Silk: "I really know how to treat patients, you have to believe me."

Dorudun: "Dr. Silk, please stop being ridiculous. It can be seen that although they are powerful, they have no murderous intentions. But if you kill his highness, all the people of our country will be buried with him." .”

~~~~~~~~~~Dr. Silke won’t say anything else, just calm down~~~~~~~~~

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