Kingdoms across the East China Sea, whether they are joining the World Government or not, require Hanas to establish diplomatic relations, ask for flag protection, be willing to pay protection fees, and guarantee that Hanas will not suffer losses to its industries in their countries. .

The pirates were even more afraid of Hanas. Instead of staying in the East China Sea, they might as well go to the Grand Line, so many people started thinking about going to the Grand Line.

There were cheers and laughter everywhere in Hanas, and some businessmen even organized free activities to feel proud of the strength of their country.

~~~~~~~~~ Countries in other sea areas, after the pirate read the newspaper, when did such a powerful country appear in the East China Sea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~On the Grand Line, the Whitebeard Pirates. ~~~~~~~~~

"Dad, please read today's news. A big monster appeared in the East China Sea." Marco [Bird Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Phoenix Form] said lazily

Whitebeard picked up the newspaper, "This kind of fruit power has never appeared before. It seems that many strong people have appeared in the East China Sea."

Marco: "With this kind of strength, why didn't you come to the new world? Why are you wandering around in a small East China Sea?"

Whitebeard said: "Didn't you notice that Hanas was mentioned many times in the newspaper? This is a country, and it is now a very powerful country."

"This person is just a member of this force. There should be more than one monster like this. The biggest headache now is not us, but the navy."

~~~~~~~~~The Grand Line, Big Mom Pirates~~~~~~~~~

Perospero [Superman: Licking Fruit]: "Mom, a powerful country has appeared in the East China Sea. We can go and make friends with them."

Charlotte Lingling [Soul Fruit]: "Okay, if it's convenient, let's see if there are any suitable candidates in that country to marry us."

Perospero: "Don't worry, mother."

~~~~~~~~~The Grand Line, the Beast Pirates~~~~~~~~~~~

Kaido [Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Azure Dragon Form Ability User] took a sip of wine and said, "Wahaha, this guy should join our Beasts Pirates. Jhin, go and catch him!"

Jhin [Animal type·Dragon Fruit·Ancient species·Pteranodon form ability user]: "To be honest, I may not be an opponent. Don't worry, this kind of monster will come to the new world sooner or later. There is no opponent in the East China Sea."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The first half of the Grand Line, the red-haired pirates~~~~~~~~~~

Ben Beckman [Vice Captain]: “Be more careful when going to the East China Sea in the future.”

Shanks: "Hahaha, it's okay. We won't rob them. If they come to mess with us, we will fight them."

Jesus cloth [sniper]: "Captain's domineering"

~~~~~~~~~~~The Grand Line - Chambord Islands, Rip-off Bar~~~~~~~~~~~

Silbaz Rayleigh [former deputy of Roger the Pirate King]: "An incredible guy came out of the East China Sea."

Xia Qi: "It would be more appropriate to say that a great country has emerged. It is not easy for such a person to stay there willingly."

Rayleigh: "Yeah, it's hard to find promising newcomers in the East China Sea."

~~~~~~~~~~Great Channel Kingdom of Alabasta~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Neferutali Kobra [King of Alabasta]: "When did such a powerful country appear in the East China Sea?"

Ikarem [Alabasta Kingdom Guard Captain]: "Is Your Majesty worried about something?"

King Kobra: "I always feel that the leaders of this country are not simple and have great ambitions."

~~~~~~~~~Holy Place Maria Joe Wulaoxing Room~~~~~~~~~~~

"This Hanas has been a bit noisy recently."

"This country deserves to die because it wants to make money."

"But after all, it is also a member country of the World Government. If we do nothing, it will make others feel cold and look down upon our World Government."

"Let the Navy handle it."

"How to deal with it, all-out war?"

"Last time the CP was still in that country, hold them accountable, and then let them join the world government to let others give up their bad ideas."

"Agree" "Agree" "Agree"

"According to CP5's response, their prince seems to be a profiteer and will not join without sufficient benefits."

"Let it become a first-level alliance country without having to hand over heavenly gold, recognize its reasonable status in the East China Sea, and the navy will not enter the country's waters."

~~~~~~~~~~~Naval Headquarters Marineford~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Warring States [Marshal]: "What on earth does this brat want to do? Does he have to make such a big noise?"

Garp: "Wow haha, that guy has grown to this point now, it's really scary."

Kizaru Porusalino [Natural ~ Shining Fruit]: "What a scary guy."

Lieutenant General He [Superman type "Washing Fruit"]: "I am more worried about the navy in the East China Sea. If there is any conflict with that guy again, although the matter last time was resolved, our navy's power there will touch him. Interests."

Akainu Sakaski [Natural type. Rockberry fruit]: "How about I go there."

Qingzhi Kuzan [Natural type "Frozen Fruit"]: "Forget it, go ahead, if you say something wrong, you will have to fight. Maybe they won't let you in if you are a person with mass destruction. .”

Warring States: "Forget it, let's wait for the World Government's attitude. After all, it is a war between two countries, and it is not easy for us to intervene."

~~~~~~~~~~The CP organization, which received the notice in Hanas, is heading to the palace for formal talks~~~~~~~~~~~~

CP official "Your Highness Lei Luo, the world government invites your country to join the organization."

"I didn't expect you to react so quickly. I thought I was going to fight you, so I just told you. Tell me about the conditions you offered!"

CP official [Let me go, you are ready for war]: "As your country becomes a first-level alliance country, you do not need to pay heavenly money. Your country's reasonable territory in the East China Sea is recognized. The navy will not enter your country's waters without request. .”

"Sounds good, any more?"

The CP official sweated: "No, Your Highness, this kind of condition is unique."

Lei Luo: "Let me talk about the conditions I offered. I want the navy to control the East China Sea. That means the East China Sea does not need the navy. I am responsible for the security of the East China Sea. In addition, the sky gold of the East China Sea joining countries must be halved."

CP official: "Your Highness, it is estimated that it will be difficult to pass these two conditions of yours."

"Don't be so sure. I'll tell you first and then report it to the top leaders of the world government. They will understand. First of all, if the navy in the East China Sea withdraws, the military and financial resources used will be reduced. You still have to wait in the other three sea areas. The pressure of having a great sea route will also be reduced. Secondly, I am maintaining order in the East China Sea as a joining country, so I do not lose face. The reason why I reduce the sky gold of other joining countries is because I have to charge fees and the military expenditures I invest. Now that I'm high, I've done all the work in the navy, and the world government won't get me any money, so of course I won't care about other people's protection fees."

"One more thing, I will publish it in the newspaper to explain that I, Hanas, have joined the world government and call on young people not to become pirates. You can also show your talents in the new world. Go back and talk to them, they will agree, government The higher-ups have a better vision than you.”

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