Chris left the king's study and was about to return to his own dormitory. He passed by Lei Luo's dormitory. After thinking about it, he quietly opened the door and found that Lei Luo was already asleep. His pink and tender little chubby face was very cute. Lying beside Lei Luo's bed, looking at Lei Luo's profile, he would poke his little face with his hands from time to time, and soon he would fall asleep.

It's daybreak, Lei Luo, just about to stretch his hands, found that he couldn't move, opened his hazy eyes, "What the hell, when did this girl come?", he blushed a little, Chris wanted to wake up, so Lei Luo quickly closed his eyes again , pretending to sleep.

Chris opened his eyes and found that he had fallen asleep in his younger brother's room. Although he often coaxed his younger brother to sleep in the past, he found that Lei Luo was unexpectedly mature and no longer did this, so he quickly got up and left.

Lei Luo waited for Chris to leave, then stood up, exhaled to avoid the embarrassment between the two of them, started to wash up, and started a new day.

In the evening, the invited guests arrived one after another, and Lei Luo also wore a formal dress and accompanied the old king in a decent manner.

At about the same time, the king said to the guests: "First of all, thank you for your support of the country's education. The development of a country is inseparable from education. The education level of the people is also a reflection of a country's civilization. Our country is in military, cultural and , education, economy and many other fields, we are still at the end. Here we need to reflect on ourselves and strengthen ourselves, but we have the help of a group of patriotic businessmen like you. With our unremitting efforts, I believe that in the near future, we, Hanas The Kingdom will definitely have its place in the world.”

"Come, raise your glass, cheers, and wish us a better future."

"Long live the King" "Long live Hanas"

"Long live the King" "Long live Hanas"

Everyone raised their glasses and cheered.

Old King: "Lei Luo, go and lead the first dance." Lei Luo said quietly, "Just kidding, no one told me about leading the dance, and I can't dance either."

The old king gloated and said, "Really? I thought you knew. What should I do? All the guests in the audience are waiting. As the heir to the country, you should fulfill your responsibilities."

Lei Luo whispered: "You deliberately made me embarrassed, right?" Seeing the old king and his sister looking at him with smiles, Lei Luo knew that Chris could dance, so he took the initiative to ask for help, "Help me."

Chris said with a smile, "Okay, promise me three conditions, and I will lead you to dance." "That's too many, one, or I'll go down and walk around twice and leave without your help," Lei Luo said angrily, "Can"

So Chris took Lei Luo and walked to the dance floor. The music started and he danced Holtz. Chris was taller than Lei Luo. It could be said that he danced with Lei Luo completely. After the chapter was over, the two of them bowed and came down. Yes, it’s just kids dancing, no one can judge whether it’s good or bad.

Adults communicate with adults, and children also communicate with children. Several little boys invited Chris to dance, and some little girls invited Lei Luo to dance, but Lei Luo rejected them all. He really couldn't. I don’t like dancing either.

Lei Luo briefly communicated with the children and then walked away, preparing to ask the businessmen who were traveling to sea to understand the situation outside the sea.

At this time, an uncle with slightly darker skin came to Lei Luo, "His Royal Highness, hello, I am Chapman Giles and I am a traveler."

Lei Luo knew something about him, so he said happily: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Giles."

"Mr. Giles, have you been to many places? Can you tell me about the outside world?"

"It's such an honor", so the two had an in-depth exchange...

"So, Mr. Giles has also been to the Grand Line."

"Just traveling the first half," Giles said.

"Is Mr. Giles strong?" "No, compared to those monsters, I am just an ordinary person."

"Mr. Giles, it is not easy to survive on the great sea route where the weather is weird and there are many strong people."

"Your Highness, you are honored, you are just lucky."

"Mr. Giles, what are your plans next?"

"I am not planning to travel far for the time being. I am planning to develop in the offshore area and spend time with my family. If you have anything, Your Highness, please tell me and I will try my best."

"It's like this. You also know something about the situation in our country. I want to set up a caravan and go overseas for trade. I would like to invite you as the Minister of Commerce for Foreign Trade."

"In the next few years, our top priority will be overseas trade, cargo ships, commodities, and routes. These require experienced businessmen, so please consider it carefully."

Giles knelt down on one knee and said, "It is a pleasure to serve you, Your Highness."

Lei Luo motioned to Giles to get up, "You don't have to be so polite. Please help my father more in the future."

This scene was seen by many people. Some sharp-eyed businessmen immediately realized that something was wrong and came over to talk to Lei Luo. Lei Luo also chatted with them in a friendly manner.

Since there were many people at the banquet, Lei Luo invited them to come to the palace the next day to discuss in detail.

The next day, a group of people came to the palace to discuss. When they learned that Giles had been banned, many people expressed their opinions. Lei Luo thought about it and said, "We have no goods to sell now. The goods are nothing more than food, clothing, housing and transportation. So what’s important now is the first two items, who has any good suggestions?”

Everyone was thinking. Giles thought for a moment and said, "While I was sailing, I found a plant on an uninhabited island with snow-white flowers. It was also very tough and very large, and could keep out the cold."

[Isn't this an enhanced version of cotton?] Lei Luo asked: "Are there many such plants on the island? Can people live in them? Is there any danger?"

Giles said, "I didn't explore in depth. It's a huge area at a glance. It takes almost 20 days to sail to the island."

"It's not very far at the current speed. It's very good. We will prepare the fleet to go next. Giles, you will lead the team. In the early stage, there will be 500 troops and 500 workers. If possible, station those people in that part. The island will be transferred to our country. What else needs to be prepared? Minister Giles, you can add it and I will give you your full cooperation."

"Yes, Your Highness"

Seeing Giles' performance, the group let him take the lead and pretended to be successful. A fat uncle stood up and bowed and said, "Your Highness, my name is Newman Fox. When I was traveling before, I also passed an island. There is Two animals, pigs and cows, are large in size, gentle in character, and highly reproductive. Since the carnivores on the island are large and powerful, they are often hunted. If they can be introduced back and bred, they will be very big. to solve the food crisis."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Fogg, your advice is great," Lei Luoji offered.

"We will immediately prepare cages, soldiers, and ships to supply you, and hire you to be our Deputy Minister of Commerce, can you?"

“Ready to serve you”

Discussions continued after that...

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