Struggle to build a country in the world of pirates

Chapter 100 The long-lost conference (Part )

The conference room was full of people, many of whom Lei Luo didn't even know. Today Lei Luo was sitting at the main seat, presiding over the meeting, scanning the people in the audience, and inadvertently exuding a domineering and domineering look. Many people did not dare to raise their heads. Looking at Lei Luo, it was as if his eyes could see through everything, and his heart was filled with lingering fear.

Minister on the left - Gail Bulwer; Minister on the right - Helen Maud

Minister of Household Affairs - Ives Billy; Minister of Personnel - Gene Tuttle

Minister of Punishments - Kama Anthony; Minister of Works - York Gibson

Minister of Ceremonies - Polly Jane (female); Minister of Finance - Lynne Henry

Ministry of War——(Deputy Minister) Oliver [Princess’s brother, the old king’s uncle]

Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Theater——William Constance

Commander-in-Chief of the Western Theater—Joan Ford; Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Theater—Bryant

Chief Instructor of Officer Training School——George

Director of the Intelligence Department—Asi Leader of the ANBU—Miles Shaw

Northern Theater Chief of Staff—Pete Langdon,

Chief Instructor of Boot Camp——Orlando (Deputy)

Director of Fighting Beast Island - Ternes Taylor

Prison Warden - Harvey

In the quiet conference hall, only the sound of Lei Luo tapping his fingers on the table was heard, but the small sound reached everyone's ears, and the sound suddenly stopped.

Lei Luo cleared his throat and said to everyone: "I have been going to sea for more than a year. Thank you all for your hard work. Please report the results of the past year and more from each department."

Minister of Household Affairs - Ives Billixian spoke: "In the past year, our country's population has also gradually increased. Now the country's population has exceeded 3000 million, and the number of migrant workers is about 8 million. There are still many people coming to our country. Refugees fleeing the country. Grain production has also increased. In addition to meeting annual domestic demand, there are still million tons of remaining grain. Our existing grain storage warehouses are full."

"Our country's eugenics and eugenics program should be suspended for now. Our current population and territory are almost the same. In order to ensure the high-quality life of our citizens, we must improve the welfare benefits of our citizens, and at the same time strictly control the number and quality of immigrants. For some People with special skills and outstanding contributions should be recruited first.”

Lei Luo said: "As for the refugees, we can first set up reception stations at the border or in the island villages under Hanas and inspect them for a period of time, but they are absolutely not allowed to enter the mainland."

"In terms of grain, production capacity needs to be improved. In this world, food is always precious, and granaries need to be expanded. We must ensure that even if there is no grain production, we have enough grain to meet domestic demand for three years, and replace old grain with new grain every year. .”

"Minister Billy, your task is still not easy, so I am considering establishing three more departments under the jurisdiction of your Ministry of Household Affairs, namely the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Commerce. The organizational structure is that you and the two ministers and Several ministers will discuss it after the meeting and come up with a plan as soon as possible.”

Minister Billy nodded in agreement [Your Highness will be busy as soon as he comes back, and it seems he won’t be able to stay idle anymore. 】

The Minister of Personnel, Gene Tuttle, is a little old man in his 60s. He seems to be very tired in the past few years, and his hair is obviously whiter. He said: "Your Highness, the current selection of grassroots cadres mainly continues from the previous ones. policies, college admissions, demobilized cadres from the army, those recommended by the people with high civilian prestige, and those who passed the Ministry of Rites examination. Fortunately, after more than a year, the territory and population have grown slowly, and the number of cadres is basically enough. After promotion In terms of performance, there are also strict selection standards, performance appraisals, public satisfaction rates, etc.”

Lei Luo nodded. He was very satisfied with the veteran who had followed his father for half his life. In terms of ability and loyalty, he was just a bit older.

"Minister Tuttle, after all your hard work over the years, your gray hair has increased significantly. You should be a role model for future generations."

Tuttle said excitedly: "Thank you for your compliments, Your Highness. I will devote my whole life to Hanas."

Lei Luo waved his hand, motioning for him to sit down, and continued: "We now have a larger territory, more people, and more cadres. It is inevitable that there are places that cannot be controlled and cannot be seen. Are local officials acting illegally, and are they corrupt and bribery? , whether to bully the people, so we must not only have standards for promotion and promotion, but also standards for supervision and punishment, so that some cadres are always alert to which red lines cannot be touched."

"When I first came back, I passed by a village on the outskirts of Hanas. There was only one squadron stationed there. This squadron leader could collect money from merchants at will, eat and drink for free in the town, and treat disobedient merchants as pirates. The thieves were sent to their own country to mine, and their behavior was no different from that of pirates. Of course, this is my fault. It is the appearance of such scum in the army. It shows that there will be similar situations in other places."

"Therefore, people from the Sixth Department are sent out to form an inspection team to thoroughly investigate all areas of Hanas, including the surrounding villages, towns and islands. If found, they will be punished severely." He put his right hand towards the table, murderous intent bursting out, and his momentum was astonishing.

Ministry of War——(Deputy Minister) Oliver was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief.

The Minister of Punishment, Kama Anthony, stood up and said: "Yes, Your Highness, this is within my jurisdiction and it was my negligence."

Lei Luo smiled and said: "Minister Anthony, there is no need to blame yourself. As I said before, you all stepped forward when Hanas was in the most difficult time. Needless to say, everyone is loyal to Hanas. The place is big. , with too many people in charge, there will inevitably be omissions. As long as they are discovered in time and corrected, it is not considered a fault as long as it is not against one's will. But the Ministry of Punishment is the most fair and just place. Once a mistake is made, you will lose it. Credibility, this is the scariest thing. Therefore, Minister Anthony, you must first examine yourself, and then check whether the prisoners sent by the army in recent years are really pirates, and whether any of them pretended to be pirates and then received credit."

"Yes, subordinate, we will check again later."

Minister of Industry, York Gibson, stood up and said: "The domestic infrastructure construction has been basically completed, and the relocation of many factories and people has been completed. His Highness said before that he wanted to build a small theme park of the Great Waterway. , the location has been selected. Just to the west of Hanas, there are many empty uninhabited islands that have not been developed. The distance between the islands is not very far. It is visible to the naked eye, which is completely in line with His Highness’s idea. New Fishman The island was also chosen there, it is some distance away from the mainland of Hanas and sparsely populated, so it is very suitable for transition.”

Lei Luo nodded with satisfaction and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Minister Gibson. This Mr. Dan is the talent I invited back from Fish-Man Island. He is both a biological expert and an outstanding builder. The construction of Fish-Man Island Leave the design and design to Mr. Dan, and then you can discuss it and build a residential area in Fishman City as soon as possible. Jinbei and the others are expected to come back in a while, so they need to be as soon as possible."

They both replied at the same time: "Yes"

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