A cold breath emanated from Aizen's body...

Aizen's eyes were fixed on the "leader skull reptile", and his Mangekyo Sharingan was releasing murderous intent to the sky!

The moment "Chief Skeleton Reptile" saw Aizen's eyes, he suddenly panicked and subconsciously took a few steps back.

I don't know why, but the moment he saw Aizen's eyes, the only thing left in his mind was that weird pattern!

"Beast! You deserve to die!"

"Su! Zuo! Can! Hu!" Aizen roared one word at a time.

The next moment, a huge amount of chakra burst out from Aizen's body!


A huge amount of chakra exploded, setting off a gust of wind!

"This is...this...what..."

Sakaski stared blankly at Aizen in the strong wind. At this time, the sense of oppression Aizen brought to him was infinitely close to that of instructor Leo!

I saw a huge ball of purple energy emerging from Aizen's body!

The next second, the purple energy group covering Aizen changed its form!

"Click! Click!"

There was a sound of bones colliding, and the purple energy built clear ribs, protecting Lan Ran in them.

Gradually, the entire chest was formed, and then two huge arms were formed. Finally, a huge skull appeared on Aizen's head!

Aizen stood inside Susanoo, his eyes filled with endless killing intent,

But at this time, his face was unusually calm.

"You should be buried with him..." Aizen said flatly.

I don’t know why, but facing Aizen at this moment, the “Leader Skeleton Reptile” was a little scared!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Leader Skeleton Reptile" roared, taking a few steps back unconsciously.

"It's just a little bigger!"

"Leader Skeleton Reptile" restrained the fear in his heart, stabilized his body, and shouted boldly!

"Incompetent barking..." Lan Ran looked at the "leader skeleton reptile" lying on the ground with a blank expression.

Aizen stood in Susanoo and slowly raised his hand.

At the same time, Susanoo's huge energy arm also lifted up!


The huge energy arm roared and smashed into the "Leader Skeleton Reptile"!


Susanoo's heavy punch directly caused a lot of blood to spurt out of the mouth of "Leader Skeleton Reptile"!


Aizen controlled Susanoo and directly hammered the body of the "Leader Skeleton Reptile" into the ground!


Aizen controlled Susanoo's arms, beating the huge body of the "Leader Skeleton Reptile" in turn.

The blood kept spurting out from the body of the "leader skeleton reptile" and splashed onto Susano. Gradually, the "leader skeleton reptile" sank deeper and deeper, and Susano's hands were also stained red with blood. ...

It wasn't until there was no movement in the pit that Aizen slowly stopped.


Aizen raised the "Leader Skeleton Reptile" with one hand.

At this time, the "leader skeleton reptile" was already breathing in and out of breath...

"Any last words?" Aizen said lightly.

"Leader Skeleton Reptile" opened his mouth slightly, but no sound came out.

Lan Ran shook his head self-consciously, "Why do you ask so many questions... After all, you are still a beast..."

The next second, Susanoo's huge palm clenched instantly!

The chest of the "Chief Skeleton Reptile" sunk in, and all the organs in the chest were squeezed together!


"Leader Skeleton Crawler" howled in pain!

Aizen still looked at the "Leader Skeleton Reptile" with an expressionless face, howling in pain, and said, "Do you feel it?"

"This pain..."

"Is it painful?"

"This is not one ten thousandth of what you gave Porusalino!"

This time, Aizen's tone changed, and his mood fluctuated obviously!

"I told you to be buried with me! You will definitely die!"

Aizen spoke word by word, his tone full of hatred and murderous intent!

Blood trickled down from the "Leader Skeleton Crawler"...

Just when the body of the "Chief Skeleton Reptile" was about to be squeezed into a ball, the blue lines on its body suddenly lit up!

"Leader Skeleton Reptile" suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth!


A thick breath of energy spurted out from its mouth, instantly hitting Aizen's Susanoo!


The huge impact directly caused Aizen's Susanoo to retreat more than ten meters!

The "Leader Skeleton Reptile" also got rid of Aizen's control.

"Leader Skeleton Reptile" gasped heavily, staring fixedly at Aizen's huge Susanoo with eyes full of resentment and fear!

"go to hell!"

"Leader Skeleton Crawler" roared!

In an instant, a breath of energy far larger than any previous breath gathered in its mouth.


The breath of energy spurted out, directly submerging Aizen's figure and stirring up a large amount of dust and smoke!


Sakaski looked at Aizen, who was overwhelmed by the breath of energy, with splitting eyes.


Seeing that his energy breath successfully hit Aizen, "Chief Skeleton Reptile" laughed wildly with pride.


The laughter of "Leader Skeleton Crawler" suddenly stopped!

It stared blankly at the unscathed Aizen slowly walking out of the dust and smoke,



"Leader Skeleton Reptile" roared in disbelief!

Seeing that Aizen was fine, Sakaski breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and whispered: "I knew..."

At this time, the Mangekyo Sharingan in Aizen's pupils was spinning crazily, and the Susanoo on his body was also changing!

Ka Ka Ka!

More and more purple chakra spurts out of Aizen's body, and the Susanoo tissue on his body gradually becomes richer and richer!

Slowly there are muscles between the bones, and the body is getting bigger and bigger...

Then, Susanoo's facial features gradually emerged!

Aizen grinned grimly at the "leader skeleton reptile" who was stunned in place, and roared:

"I said! I want you to be buried with me!"

Susanoo's big hands roared towards the "leader skeleton reptile"!


"Leader Skeleton Reptile" roared in fear, and once again gathered a breath of energy and sprayed it towards Aizen!


The thick energy breath impacted Aizen's Susanoo, but apart from shaking Aizen's body, it left no trace!

"Leader Skeleton Reptile" looked at this horrifying scene in disbelief. The next second, his body was grabbed by Aizen again!

"Leader Skeleton Reptile" kept struggling, trying to break away from Aizen's control again.

But this time, Aizen didn't leave it the slightest chance!


A black flame burst out from Aizen's pupils in an instant!

It immediately covered the "umbilical cord" of the "Chief Skeleton Reptile"!

"Ah ah ah! Don't!"

The "Chief Skeleton Reptile" watched in horror as the black flames burned the "umbilical cord" that connected him to the bottom of the cave!

Under the burning of the eternal black flame, this "umbilical cord" was quickly burned!

"This time! I'll see how you live!"

Lanran roared angrily, and hit the "leader skeleton reptile" with a punch. In an instant, the body of "leader skeleton reptile" was smashed into the ground again!


Aizen kept swinging Susanoo's giant fist, without giving the "Leader Skeleton Reptile" any chance to breathe!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Aizen frantically vented the regret and pain in his heart!

Gradually, the body of "Leader Skeleton Reptile" turned into a lump of meat...

Seeing that the "Leader Skeleton Reptile" was completely dead and there was no possibility of resurrection, Aizen slowly stopped.

Aizan disappeared, Susano, and knelt down on the ground with a plop, tears kept streaming from his eyes...

"Ha ha……"


"Finally dead..."







Ask for everything, brothers and sisters~

Ask for praise, ask for more~

By the way, let me spoil the story in advance again. Don’t think that the plot of Kong’s Skull Island is going to end here~

Finally, join the group~ Brothers~ There are still too few people in the group~

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