Xiuxian: My Branches and Leafs System

Chapter 3, System Activation

Chapter 3, System Activation

Chapter 3, System Activation

I stayed at home for another two days to recover.

Finally, after Dr. Zhao confirmed the diagnosis again, Xu Fei was indeed fine.

It's time for him to continue to go to school to study.

This made Xu Fei very helpless.

However, the helplessness in his expression disappeared instantly after he walked out of Zhang's house.

Turning his head to see that there was no one behind him, Xu Fei touched a hidden pocket in his book bag and walked towards the south of Gao County.

Gao County is a county in Yongle County of Liang State, and it is fairly prosperous.

The north of the city is populated by merchants and officials, while the south of the city is where some shops are located.

There are three dental shops in the south of the city that can buy and sell maids and servants.

The chrysanthemums at home were brought back by grandma in exchange for a bushel of wheat from Yaxing last year to help take care of my mother's daily life.

Although the predecessor was unlucky, he left a lot of small money, that is, pocket money.

It's a full three taels and seven silver, and it's converted based on the price of six fen for a catty of wheat.

This thirty-two-seven yuan of silver was less than two thousand yuan in the previous life.

But the facts cannot be so easily converted.

After all, in the living environment of Xu Fei's previous life, could he exchange a bucket of wheat, that is, about 30 catties of wheat, for a handsome maid?

Even if a disaster such as drought or flood occurs, it is obviously unlikely.

But here it is.

So even if the year is good and there are no droughts or floods, Xu Fei can still buy a maid back with the thirty-two seven cents of silver he owns, and find a suitable place for her.

As for the moral issues of buying and selling people...

In order to activate the plug-in first, Xu Fei didn't care about that. At most, he would be nicer to the woman he bought in the future.

Soon we arrived at Yahang.

Xu Fei's clothes couldn't be said to be gorgeous, but his clothes were clean and without patches, which made the people in Yaxing afraid to mess around with them.

Be careful with the reception.

After Xu Fei made his intention clear, he was even more complimentary.

A few suitable women were quickly selected.

It's just the looks of these women...

It can only be said to be ordinary.

After all, if she is a really beautiful woman, it’s not like Zui Feng Tower in the county can’t afford the money.

So after picking and choosing, Xu Fei chose a twenty-year-old woman.

Seeing the woman Xu Fei chose, several Yaren couldn't help but be surprised.

But when I saw the woman's high chest, I suddenly realized that this young master was not old, but he knew it very well.

Soon, after paying the dental bank a tael of silver, Xu Fei left with the woman he had chosen.

Find an inn in the county and put the woman first.

"What's your name?" Xu Fei finally asked.

"My family's surname is Qi, and my husband's surname is Wang. However, after I married, my husband died less than half a year ago. My husband's family disliked me and sold me." The woman said.

Xu Fei couldn't help being silent when he heard the words.

If it wasn't for activating the cheat, he wouldn't be able to do anything to this woman with a tragic fate.

But now we can only ignore our conscience.

After a lot of busy work, Xu Fei had his first partner, and the cheat was activated at the same time.

'Branch and Leaf System'

‘Every time you work hard to spread your branches, you can gain a certain level of proficiency’

'The proficiency value is a free proficiency value, which can be added to any skills, skills, etc. mastered by the host'

‘Every time you have a descendant, a large amount of proficiency points will be given based on the talent of the descendant’

The moment the plug-in was turned on, some information flooded into Xu Fei's mind.

It made him understand what was going on with the system he turned on in a hurry against his conscience.

Spreading branches and leaves?

Proficiency value?

Doesn't it sound good?

Just when Xu Fei thought of the system.

The system interface opens.

Just like some interfaces in the game.

At the top is ‘Name: Xu Fei (Zhang Chuan)’

Below is 'Mastering Skills: None'

'Proficiency value: 0'

It's so simple and clear that it's outrageous.

Needless to say, everyone knows the name Xu Fei.

Zhang Chuanze is the name of his predecessor, the unlucky guy who was replaced by Xu Fei.

Xu Fei frowned slightly when he thought of this.

Although his predecessor was an unlucky guy, he was not a good boy.

I met a few romantic men in school, and learned to have fun with them.

Otherwise, Xu Fei would not be left with only three taels or seven coins.

After all, during the Chinese New Year every year, grandma and mother will give 1 tael or 2 taels of lucky money, plus the usual small money.

If you save everything in a year, you may even have about ten taels.

Sixteen years now, that’s a huge sum of one hundred and sixty taels!

If he had this money, how could Xu Fei buy such a woman in front of him?

But these are not the most critical, because at the end of the predecessor's memory.

He just followed a few romantic young men to a flower house in a valley outside the county and had fun several times.

Although the doctors in the county couldn't see any symptoms, from Xu Fei's point of view, something was obviously wrong with that valley!

He might even be the culprit who killed his predecessor!

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +3’

After some busy work, Xu Fei's panel changed to:

Name: Xu Fei (Zhang Chuan)

Skills mastered: None yet

Proficiency value: 3

It's just that Xu Fei doesn't have any skills at present, and he doesn't know the actual effect and value of these three points of proficiency.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't continue.

After all, he was just recovering from a serious illness, so he still had to take it easy.

So after paying some room fees, Xu Fei gave the woman dozens of copper coins and went to school first.

Otherwise, Xu Fei would be in big trouble if his father found out that he didn't go to school.

Hurrying quickly, Xu Fei finally arrived at the school at the middle of the hour, that is, around ten o'clock in the morning.

Regarding Xu Fei's tardiness, Master Guan from the school didn't care too much after taking one look at it.

On the one hand, Xu Fei has just recovered from a serious illness, and on the other hand, Xu Fei is not outstanding in the school, and he has no intention to discipline him harshly.

This is why Xu Fei dared to activate the system halfway on his way to school.

"Hey, Brother Chuan, what's wrong with you? Why haven't you come to school for so long?" A young man in his twenties sitting not far from Xu Fei covered his face with a book and whispered to Xu Fei.

The other party was one of the romantic young men he knew from his previous life, and he was also one of the people who took him to the Flower House in the Valley.

But I don't know why the other party is fine, but the previous body is already cold.

Is there any reason for this? !

Xu Fei whispered a few perfunctory words, and then began to listen carefully.

Although he doesn't expect that he can get chrysanthemums through excellent test scores, but what if?

And how to place women in the future?

Especially if the other party is pregnant, will it be born?

These are all problems, but if Xu Fei's grades in school are very good, then his parents may be a little more tolerant now?

In addition, Xu Fei also wanted to try listening carefully and see if he could get some skills or something like that. Let's try adding some.


I have seen many book friends struggling with the fact that more than 100 acres of land cannot support many servants.

This is because everyone’s life is better now. Of course it’s not good according to current standards.

But the environment the protagonist is in is ancient, and the gap between people will be huge. Just imagine it, and you can understand it. Even if you don’t need ancient times, the environment decades ago is not bad.

In addition, the protagonist has a double name problem. When he calls himself Xu Fei in his previous life and introduces himself to others, when others call the protagonist, he uses his current name Zhang Chuan.

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