The architectural structure of Panyan Town is intricate and maze-like.

Narrow stone steps and winding passages connect a variety of residences, shops and workshops.

On both sides of the street, scattered stone houses stand on narrow stone steps, as if time has left mottled traces on the stone walls.

These stone houses have gone through vicissitudes of life, but they still stand, witnessing the prosperity and silence of Panyan Town.

Xing walked out and saw Chen Fei and March Qi accompanying three children at a glance. They didn't know what they were talking about.

"I agreed, if I win the hide-and-seek game, I will tell my sister all the secrets!"

March 7 said softly to the three children in front of her.

In front of her, the leader was a little girl wearing a tiger skin hat and a miniature miner's uniform. She looked extremely cute.


The little girl Hook nodded in agreement, then bit her finger and asked doubtfully.

"One five ten...what does it mean?"

Hook shook his body and spoke every word so cutely, his little eyes showing great confusion.

"The dark Lord Hook is still performing steadily today!"

Chen Fei almost stopped laughing when he saw this scene, and the raised corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than AK.

"Just tell me everything. You can't hide it, and you can't lie to your sister!"

March 7 patiently explained.

Hook looked at his left and right followers and said to March 7

"Hmph, Hook is not from the earth, so he can't lie!"

"I won't lie!"

The little follower following Hook said.

Hook nodded proudly and looked at March 7th with his cute big eyes.

"It's a deal! Then let's hurry up and play, eh, Xing?"

March 7 blinked and said.

"When did you come?"

Xing stood next to March 7, showing a sly smile.


"Not long, sister?"

"Oh, don't talk like a child!"

March 7 said angrily.


Chen Fei laughed mercilessly next to March 7.

"It's like this. After I was woken up by Chen Fei, the doctor said that Dan Heng was taken away by that bad guy. We both searched for her for a long time but couldn't find her. We happened to meet these children and said they knew her whereabouts."

"But they said that if you want to know, you have to join the Mole Party, and you have to play games together and win to prove my strength, so you understand!"

March 7 tried hard to explain

Xing showed a thoughtful expression, and then said

"I understand, you two can't handle these kids!"

"Don't get involved with me. I told you to be respectful to Lord Hook and maybe let us join directly, but March 7 refused and insisted on playing games with them!"

Chen Fei is not omnipotent. After all, it was a game he played a long time ago. He can't remember these details at all and can only follow the plot.

"Although what you said is very irritating, there is really no way to refute it. Wait, now that you are awake, let's help together!"

March 7 said helplessly.

"Hey, how long are you going to keep whispering? The time of the Mole Party is very precious!"

Hook put his hands on his hips and said with a milky voice.


Julian, the follower behind Hook, helped.

"Here we go! By the way, this star also wants to join the Mole Party. Can he play with you? Lord Dark Hook?"

" seems like there's nothing wrong with it. Just be responsible for arresting people together!"

Hook thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Boss, we see that he is not very smart. Do you want to demonstrate it first?"

Julian said, and after speaking, he looked at the three of them with disgust.

"No need, we want to join the Mole Party urgently. Our worship of the dark Lord Hook can no longer be stopped. We can no longer tolerate the atmosphere of not joining the Mole Party."

"Please Lord Hook, please give permission to start the game now. Even if we fail, we will fall on the glorious road of joining the Mole Party!"

Chen Fei said in an exaggerated tone.

"Okay, since you want to join the Mole Party so much, let's start the game now!"

"You turn around and count for 50 seconds, and then you can come and arrest people. The range is... Do you understand?"

Hook's not-so-smart little mind was tricked by Chen Fei. He was confused and agreed to start the game directly.

"The rules are very simple. When you see a child hiding, just catch him. After 50 seconds, go and catch him!"

"Chen Fei, don't be idle, count together!"

March 7 turned around and started counting loudly.

Chen Fei shouted along in a low voice and quickly counted to 50.

When March 50th called , Xing immediately rushed to the trash can on the side and started rummaging through it.

"Obviously, they're not here..."

Chen Fei grabbed Xing's legs, pulled Xing out of the trash can, and said disgustedly.

So how did Kafka and the others raise Xing? They didn’t give her enough to eat, so she was forced to learn to pick up trash and eat it by herself...

The three of them searched together very efficiently, catching Hook and the little girl next to her in one go.

But when he looked for Julian, he couldn't be found.

"I remember he seemed to be pretending to be an adult."

The three of them gathered in the square in front of the medical center. Chen Fei tried to recall the plot and spoke.

Regarding playing games with the Mole Gang, he only remembered that he could hide in the alley until the second day, and that a boy turned into an adult.

Several people glanced at the adults standing around and quickly locked on a target.

"The guy over there has been staring at us. Although it's a bit unlikely, let's go and take a look!"

The three of them walked up to the grown man.

At least he looks like an adult...


The grown man made an embarrassed sound and his body became stiff and motionless.

"My keen intuition tells me that something is wrong with this person, but..."

March 7 looked at the man in front of her carefully and said.

"But he looks like a mature man..."

Xing followed and said.

"Yes, no matter who comes, I am a mature man!"

The grown man made Julian's voice, which was indescribably funny.

"Stop pretending, your voice has already given you away!"

March 7 said bluntly.

"Damn it, I wish I hadn't said anything. Julian in front of me has wasted his reputation, and he is unworthy of being the boss!"

The adult man turned back into a child and spoke bitterly.

"There's no need to belittle yourself, your disguise technique can be said to be magical!"

The Mole Party returned to the square, still discussing the game they had just played.

"Damn it, the most powerful hide-and-seek team in the underground has actually been defeated!"

"I'm sorry, boss, I broke your trust!"

"Damn it, you can actually see through Julian's disguise. Who are you?"

Hook raised his head, held his tiger hat and asked.


Chen Fei coughed, and everyone immediately understood.

"Since you asked sincerely."

Chen Fei made a gesture and spoke first.

"Then I will tell you with great mercy."

March 7 also spoke.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"Carry out true love and protection!"

"Cute and charming decent characters!"

"March 7!"

"Chen Fei!"

"We are pioneers traveling across the galaxy!"

"Star Core, the future of containment is waiting for us."

"That's it, Pa!"

Xing stood up from the ground in front of the two of them, jumped and spoke.

March 7 discovered that since traveling with these two people, his bottom line has become lower and lower, and now he can actually pronounce such lines without any shame!

Sure enough, if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black.

"How about it, Lord Dark Hook, can you tell us the secret now?"

March Qi asked proudly.

"Hmph, as the boss of the Mole Party, we do what we say!"

"Hook saw his black-haired eldest brother being taken to the fight club by his blue-haired uncle!"

"boxing Club?"

"It's an underground boxing gym. Let's hurry up and check it out!"

Chen Fei recalled the plot and said.

Because there will be an event at the Panyan Town Boxing Gym later, he now has some impressions of the specific name.

"Ah, dark Lord Hook, where is the Fight Club? Can you help lead the way?"

March 7 lowered his body and asked.

"Can't you find such a conspicuous house? It seems I underestimated your level!"

Hook said, thrusting his hand into his waist.

"Come with me, I'll take you there!"

"Thank you, Lord Hook!"

March 7 said happily.

"Don't call me that perfunctory, call me Lord Dark Hook with respect!"

Hook asked seriously.

"Yes, yes, the noble leader of the Mole Party, the guide of Panyan Town, Lord Hook, the incarnation of darkness, could you please take us there?"

Chen Fei opened his mouth and said respectfully.

"Well, good, come with Hook!"

Hook nodded with satisfaction and started running.

The three of them followed Hook, chatting as they trotted.

"Fighting, it turns out that the underground likes such extensive entertainment activities!"

March 7 said.

"Then there are no TV signals and no entertainment methods underground. Apart from mining, the only thing you can watch is this."

Chen Fei didn't think there was anything strange and said it as a matter of course.

"Yeah, fighting is fun!"

Hook said from the front.

"What? Have you participated in it too? This club is too much!"

March 7 said angrily after hearing this.

“There are a lot of kids playing there!”

"What? There are many children who have been dragged into boxing! This is too much. The righteous train crew must not stand by and watch this happen!"

After hearing these words, March 7 almost fainted and said through gritted teeth.

"Wait a minute, sober up and think about it. It's impossible to let children go up there. If Hook really goes up there, can he still be as white and tender as he is now, able to run and jump?"

Chen Fei said helplessly.

The three of them came to a building with large colorful lights on the outside, and the five characters "Fight Club" were written on it in incomprehensible characters.

"This is it. You can just go in. Hook won't take you in since he's going to fight!"

"Whose territory is this? They actually let the children play fighting. Chen Fei, did you hear that? Hook said she was going to fight!"

March 7, whose emotions had finally been calmed down, broke out again and said to Chen Fei.

"That should be just for children to play. Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Chen Fei still didn't quite believe it, so he spoke rationally.

"This is the territory of the Mole Party, but it is only for children, and the adults are under the control of the earth."

Hook said thoughtfully.

"Can the Mole Party even control this place?"

Xing asked

"Yeah, the underground is the territory of the Mole Party. Ah, there happens to be a lack of opponents over there. If you want to fight, come find me!"

After Hook said that, he ran away, leaving the three people on the train crew staring at each other.

"You see what I said, those are all tricks organized by children, managed by adults' Return to Earth Fire Organization. Okay, hurry up and get in!"

Chen Fei looked at the fight club in front of him, a little eager to try, and said.

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