My different world is game mode.

Chapter 59 Rest in the Cave

Chapter 59 Rest in the Cave

Difficult to assess value?

Lindsay is unsure of the value of the [Ivy Circlet].

But out of a player's common sense, when he saw such words, he immediately determined that this thing was of high value.

Then in order to verify the effect of [Ivy Ring].

He was just outside the cave, trying to put it on his head.

As soon as the headband was put on, Lindsay immediately felt the flow of essence in it, but there was no immediate and clear reflection of the so-called natural effect.

"So what exactly is this affinity and nature..."


Suddenly, Lindsay slapped herself in the face.

Because just when he was talking about the effect of this item, a beetle flew over from the forest and lay on his face.

After feeling the effect of this item personally.

Lindsay simply put it in her backpack and had no intention of trying to wear it in the short term.

At this time, look at the body of the tree spirit on the ground.

The bark on the forehead of the corpse was suddenly missing a whole circle. If someone who didn't know saw it, they might have thought that some weird and curious incident had occurred.

"Ha ha--"

Lindsay shrugged indifferently. He dragged the dryad corpse back to the cave, and then began to deal with the ice badger corpse.

The gains are equally great.

[Prey Materials] Collecting materials is not % successful.

But based on more than ten ice badgers, he still got a total of 2 skins, 4 sharp teeth, and 2 claws, all of which are excellent materials that can be used to make props.

Lindsay also tried to chop off the ice badger's claws herself.

However, the ice badger claws obtained through non-skills are greatly reduced in the description of the product attributes, and are obviously not as valuable as the materials obtained through skills.

While collecting materials, Lindsay then remembered to open the [Hunting Notes].

Sure enough, the kill achievement has become 22/50.

The primary kill achievement of the first-level monster is unlocked.

First of all, just like hunting ordinary animals, he earned the title of [Ice Badger Killer].

But there is a little difference between Warcraft and ordinary animals.

Along with the title, it came with an added bonus, Lindsay received a small ice badger claw pendant.

[Accessories: Ice Badger Claw Pendant]

[Elementary achievement reward items, after wearing, can provide the holder with cold resistance. 】

[Achievement items have practical and collection value and are valuable. 】

"It's worth a lot of money..."

Lindsay muttered lowly and immediately hung the ice badger claw on her waist.

I don't know if it was an illusion or something that actually happened, but he immediately felt a lot of warmth in his body.

——In the hidden frontier.

——The weather never feels warm in the wild in autumn.

After sorting out the harvested materials, Lindsay began to prepare the ice badger carcass.

The meat on these monsters cannot be wasted.

Lindsay peeled and gutted them and divided the meat into parts.

After handling several ice badger legs simply and quickly, Lindsay asked Ju to go outside to collect some firewood, took out the seasonings from his bag, and started cooking everyone's dinner.


"Lindsay, your skills are really getting better and better!"

After eating, Alan, who was most seriously injured, fell into a deep sleep, and Ju volunteered to guard the entrance of the cave.

But the Huntress didn't rest.

Instead, she came over and talked to Lindsay, who was processing ice badger meat:

"I still remember the barbecue you made last year, tsk tsk - the taste is really hard to describe."

Last year, my cooking skills were at the mastery level.

You can’t make anything good for sure!

<divclass="contentadv">"People will always make progress."

Lindsay rolled his eyes. He was busy chopping off a leg from the torso of a dozen ice badger carcasses in his hands. This was the first time he faced so many monsters. A question suddenly came to his mind and he asked casually:

"Dan, these monsters also have the essence. Can we just treat them as simple meat instead of finding ways to use this essence?"

Dan knew something about this and answered without thinking:

"There are a very small number of animals and plants that will indeed undergo special changes after obtaining the source of essence. We humans can benefit from eating them, but that is just a special case. As for ordinary magical beasts..."

The woman seemed to have thought of something.

A chilling smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Lindsay, you have to know that the difference between humans and animals is actually not that big."

"If every part of the essence existing in the body in this world can be absorbed by people in the form of food. Not to mention these beasts with the essence, I am afraid that the awakened human beings themselves will eat their own kind and consume them. It’s all gone!”

Listening to Dan's explanation, Lindsay also thought of everything that might happen.

Naturally, he couldn't help but shudder.

Under the premise that there are no huge differences between human individuals, after an organization is formed, the exploitation of the weak by the strong is frighteningly harsh.

Not to mention in a world with extraordinary abilities.

If such a thing really happens.

So if a few crazy and powerful people appear, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable tragic situations.

Lindsay decisively dropped the topic.

At this time, he happened to be disassembling the right leg of an ice badger, so he asked casually:

"By the way, has anyone tried to sublimate the skill of cooking into the ability of an awakened person?"

"Of course!" the female hunter replied without hesitation, but her tone immediately turned regretful, "But unfortunately, this thing has no future. Just like the hunter I am engaged in, some people have reached level 5 at most, so for now Can be an ascender. But the chef..."

At this point, Dan shrugged:

"In the information I have heard or seen, the highest level is only level three. Most of them serve some powerful people, and they are not much different from ordinary chefs."

Lindsay frowned and asked:

"Don't all skills produce more magical effects?"

Dan did not deny this:

"The food prepared by the chef tastes very good, and can have a certain degree of recovery. But the effect is definitely much worse than that of specially prepared potions. Who would choose if there are better options? What about something worse?"

"You can't expect ordinary people to pay high prices to buy these foods, right?"

“There are a lot of cheap and filling things, and it’s not entirely impossible to find some that taste good.”

Lindsay accepted this reality, but when he thought about it, he had a new question:

"I remember that the number of awakened people should be very small. Under this premise, would anyone really waste their abilities on such a career that seems to have no future?"

Hearing this question, Dan's eyes showed a trace of nostalgia.

She couldn't help but suggest to Lindsay:

"Lindsay, if you have the chance, you can go to my hometown [Fortnix], or the place where An Rui was educated [Narkbondeck]."

"After the unification is completed, the awakened people who were born there are spread all over the magnificent cities in the universe. The number of awakened people is much greater than that in small towns and villages like ours, and once the number of people increases, the so-called scarcity will not exist. People generally think it’s so unique.”

Lindsay nodded silently, he would definitely go take a look.

It's not just the home of Huntress and Anre. Even the volcanic city that Finn kept talking about. As well as Grandma Hongyue’s hometown of Shuhai Realm, he also wanted to see it with his own eyes one day.

Not long after, Lindsay finished processing the ice badger meat.

He put the meat into his backpack in front of the female hunter. Dan just smiled and shook his head when he saw it, without saying anything else.

At this time, Lindsay's eyes fell on the body of the tree spirit, and he asked:

"Dan, is there any material on this thing worth using?"

"This thing?" Dan frowned and thought carefully, "My understanding of this kind of monster is relatively simple, and I don't remember it producing any precious materials."

The huntress gave this answer.

But Lindsay had a sudden idea. He tried using his [Simulation Management] ability and took a look at the product information of the dryad corpse.

[Corpse: Vine Dryad]

[The corpse of a refugee who was forced to flee his homeland due to fear and torture. 】

[Its most precious parts have been stripped away and are worthless. 】

[Please collect, please vote! 】

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