Those who can be promoted to Jonin must be those who meet the standard of strength and whose overall quality far exceeds that of other ninjas.

This means that all jounin are all-round elite ninjas, and no matter what situation they encounter, they will not find it difficult.

"Let me do it," Minato said.

Sure enough, the real strong always come forward at critical moments. In this case, Luye stepped back slightly to avoid being affected by accidents.

Minato placed his hand on the back of a researcher's head and injected a trace of chakra into him.

Suddenly, the researcher's body shook. Minato thought that the illusion was lifted, but to his surprise, the experimenter fell to the ground.

This surprised everyone present, and they immediately ran over to check.

Minato put his hand on the researcher's nose and found that there was no breath.

The heart also stopped beating.

"She's already dead, how could this happen?"

"It may be that after this illusion is lifted, people may die directly. After all, the types of illusions are all kinds of weird."

This seems to be the only logical explanation at the moment, so the remaining researchers may not be able to dispel the illusion.

"Spread out the search and see if there are any clues."

Kakashi and the other three immediately executed the order after receiving it.

Minato invited Luye to rescue the villagers trapped in the glass tank.

Upon hearing this, Lu Ye summoned the Shadow Snake, smashed the glass jar, wrapped the villager around him and placed him firmly on the ground, then took off the researcher's clothes and covered him.

The movements are smooth and flowing in one go.

Although Minato was a little curious about the black snake in Luye, now didn't seem to be a good time to talk about it.

I can only endure my curiosity and concentrate on rescuing these villagers.

Except for those who had undergone experiments and became somewhat deformed, all other people without any obvious changes in appearance were rescued.

As for those who had already carried out experiments and developed mutations, Minato did not dare to act rashly, otherwise it might cost another life.

Let's wait until the Hokage-sama is reported and let the ANBU handle it to see if there is any suitable method.

However, Minato could also guess that the most likely thing for those people who had become deformed in the glass jars was to be removed and their traces erased.

Minato also followed Shikano's actions, taking off the clothes from the researchers who were under the illusion and covering them on the naked villagers.

Fortunately, there are no women among these people, otherwise it would be a bit indecent.

"Thank you Luye, you've been a big help."

Luye waved his hand when he heard this: "What's this? I'm just helping you rescue them. I can't help you with anything else, because I don't know if there are any other hidden spaces in this laboratory."

"Perhaps the mastermind behind the scenes is watching us from the surveillance camera."

Minato smiled slightly reluctantly: "Haha, Kano, you really know how to joke."

Just after they finished here, the team searching the laboratory also came back, but they were dejected.

"Teacher Minato, we haven't found any useful clues. They are just some scattered experimental records, and there is no clue at all."

Minato took the paper handed over by Lin and looked at it briefly, then handed it to Shikano.

[Experiment Subject-001, developed severe physiological rejection, with massive body swelling and damage, accompanied by obvious mania and irritability, and died the next day after the test. 】

[Experimental Subject-013, on the first day of the experiment, all aspects of the body's functions tended to be stable, but on the third day, strong rejection began to occur, and he died within an hour after the rejection occurred. 】

[Experiment Subject-058, a rejection reaction occurred after the second day of the experiment, but something abnormal happened to the subject. The subject died immediately after rejection, but the body was still able to move in a strange way and attack blindly without distinction. . 】

The first few Luye don't look like much, and laboratory experiments must be recorded. The first few are also the initial test subjects of the experiment.

It was tested bit by bit using their lives, and this experiment has continued to the fifty-eighth person, and this number will definitely increase.

When Lu Ye saw the description of No. 58, he immediately thought of the female corpse outside. Her characteristics completely matched No. 58.

Orochimaru is really doing all kinds of bad things.

After Kano read it, he returned the paper to Minato.

"The corpse outside is No. 58. Do you need to take her back for research?"

Even a calm person like Minato felt a little uncomfortable after hearing what Shikano said.

"Perhaps, but this is not our mission. We are just investigating. We cannot bring back these experimenters and villagers here at once. We can only wait for the ANBU to deal with them."

Lu Ye nodded, they really couldn't transport so many people back, but Minato and the others didn't know, but Lu Ye knew very well.

This is Orochimaru's secret base. After they all left, Orochimaru came back and destroyed this place.

However, Kano thought again and it seemed that there was no need for Orochimaru to do this because no direct evidence pointing to him was found.

This guy probably only took something to prove his identity.

"When will the Anbu come? It may not be safe here, and you can't rest assured if you put the villagers here."

Minato smiled after hearing this: "They are already here."

Sure enough, after saying this, several black shadows suddenly flashed past, and several more figures appeared in the laboratory.

They wore gray ninja uniforms and animal masks on their faces, making it difficult to see their faces.

This is the standard configuration of the root.

Seeing them, Luye felt relieved.

Firstly, these people were saved, and secondly, he no longer had to carry an unconscious person back to Konoha Village.

"Minato-sama, please tell us in detail what happened here."

Minato nodded and then repeated everything he knew to the ANBU.

Without too many words, more ANBU ninjas soon came out of the tunnel.

Carry away the unconscious villagers on the ground and the researchers who were under the illusion.

Then, like locusts crossing the border, they moved everything that could be moved in the laboratory.

What had once seemed a very professional laboratory was now reduced to load-bearing walls and some equipment fixed to the walls.

Seeing Lu Ye's surprised expression, Minato also smiled softly: "Don't take it too seriously, this is a task they must perform."

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