Naruto: I have shed my snake skin and become a dragon!

Chapter 55 The Best Candidate for the Fourth Hokage

Konoha Village requires an examination to be promoted to chunin, while jonin needs to complete a large number of A-level and S-level ninjutsu, and their strength must meet the standard.

Finally, submit an application to the Hokage, or be promoted to a Jonin by the Hokage.

It's a good thing that Shikaku is preparing to be promoted to Jonin. This means that the family has one more high-end combat power.

And he can legitimately become the heir to the clan leader.

Luyuan did not give up Lujiu to become the heir because of Luye's recovery.

Because both children are his flesh and blood, there is no preference for one over the other.

Over the years, he had been developing Shikaku's leadership skills just so that he could take his place.

It will not change because of Luye.

Moreover, Luye has no interest in the position of clan leader.

"You kids have become the backbone of Konoha, and us old men are about to end."

This is just a joke from Shika Yuan. Even if Shikaku becomes a jounin, he still has a long way to go before becoming a clan leader.

There is definitely not a lot to learn.

"Father is joking. I don't have enough experience. I have to continue to learn from you."

Lu Yuan laughed and said nothing more.

Luye was thinking about how far Shikaku's strength had reached.

The brothers only have limited time to meet each other, usually just to chat and talk about their current situation.

They are all busy with their own things.

And Shikaku probably won't spar with him. After all, in Shikaku's view, the eldest brother has just gained the strength of a chuunin.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to hold back my hands during the sparring process and accidentally hurt my eldest brother. In that case, I will not only hit my eldest brother, but I will also feel uncomfortable in my heart.

But if Shikano told him that his strength was already at the peak of Chunin, I wonder if Shikaku would think that there was something wrong with his elder brother's brain.

After eating, Lu Ye originally wanted to talk to Shikaku about the mission, but it seemed that it was a secret and could not be disclosed.

Of course, Luye couldn't force it. After sitting on the sofa for a while, he simply returned to his yard.

It was getting dark, and when Luye opened the door, Xiao Shuanzi was staring at him at the door.

He touched Shuanzi's head: "You're waiting for me, you're so good."

Luye asked a maid to take Shuanzi to breastfeed every day. After all, sometimes he was out and had no time to return home, and Shuanzi might be hungry.

In this way, Luye only needs to pay for his work, and it is not a tiring thing.

The people hired are all trusted by the family, so there will be no surprises.

But obviously, Xiao Shuanzi, who hadn't seen Lu Ye all afternoon, missed him a little and kept wandering around, bleating.

Luye had no choice but to sit down and comfort it for a while.

After Shuan Zi calmed down, Lu Ye got up and went to light the fire.

It seemed that the fireplace had just been extinguished for a while, and the temperature in the room had not dropped yet, so it was just about to turn on.

After that, I simply washed up, changed into pajamas, and read a book in bed.

It's a book about chakra theory. Because he is developing ninjutsu, this thing should be helpful to him.

Whenever you feel sleepy, just go to sleep.

This kind of life makes Luye feel quite fulfilled. He makes some progress every day and doesn't feel empty.

Konoha Village has become dark, with only a few houses with lights on, and the lights in the Hokage's office are almost the last to be turned off in Konoha Village.

But in the invisible underground, the dim light at the roots never stops.

Danzo had been furious for a while, but now his emotions have gradually calmed down.

But thinking about the way Hiruzen spoke to him, he still felt very angry.

They have the same identity and status, and have been on the same starting line since childhood.

But now that Hiruzen has become Hokage, everything is no longer equal, from friends and competitors to a superior-subordinate relationship.

This contrast was unacceptable to Danzo's proud character.

What was even more intolerable was Hiruzen's pretentious tolerance.

He obviously didn't dare to do anything to himself, but he made a gesture of forgiveness! It really made Danzo sick just thinking about it.

"Sir, it's not good to be so angry."

Danzo glanced at Genichi, and then pinched his temples: "I remember telling you that if you do things cleanly, why would someone find out?"

Although Danzo's tone was calm and even a little casual, Genichi, who had followed him for many years, could immediately tell that Danzo-sama was angry.

He immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "Sir, this time it was indeed the subordinate's dereliction of duty, but the man poured the residue into the trash can after finishing the medicine."

"It was already very late at that time, and it was impossible to identify it. But when I wanted to deal with it early the next morning, I found that the body had been discovered..."

Danzo frowned when he heard this: "Who would care about a single man for no reason!"

"The creditor...Danzo-sama is the creditor to whom he owes money. He came to collect the debt in the morning..."

It was because of such a ridiculous reason that he was completely embarrassed in front of the three tribes!

But in the final analysis, it is still the Nara clan! And today's kid is actually very sharp-tongued.

It must have been Lu Yuan's instruction.

"Catch that creditor and torture him for a period of time on some crime. This is his punishment."

Gen immediately said after hearing this: "Sir, he does this for a living, but he does it very secretly, but this time he can't hide it. If we punish him for offending, he can only suffer."

Danzo was too lazy to listen to so much, and waved his hand casually: "Let him suffer a little, but don't kill him, or Hiruzen will come to trouble me again."

Genyi bowed and said: "As you command, my lord."

Just as Genichi turned around to leave, Orochimaru arrived.

"Hehehe, I heard that you and Master Hiruzen had another quarrel. He is still so stubborn."

After hearing this, Danzo sighed: "He doesn't understand the significance of our research at all. How powerful the first generation is. No one can surpass him. If you study his cells thoroughly, you can know the source of this power! Then restore Carve a new Hashirama-sama!"

"But as pedantic as Hiruzen, he will only stick to the rules."

Orochimaru spread his hands: "Who says it's not the case? I have to listen to him nagging endlessly every time."

"But he is about to abdicate. When the time comes, I will support you as the Fourth Hokage. If it succeeds, then we can study it openly."

Orochimaru licked his lips with his tongue, the Fourth felt pretty good.

He couldn't imagine that anyone else could be Hokage besides him, Jiraiya? Just a fool.

Tsunade fell ill and was already a disabled person.

Among the three ninjas, he is the only one who can become Hokage. This is inevitable. He is the best candidate for the fourth generation Hokage.

"Don't you want to become Hokage?" Orochimaru looked at Danzo slyly.

The latter avoided his sharp gaze, closed his eyes and sighed: "It's impossible for Hiruzen to let me become Hokage, and I don't have such high expectations for the position of Hokage."

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