The two walked out of the mall hand in hand and walked on the streets of Shibuya.

For these two good-looking siblings, the rate of turning heads on the street is quite high.

All members of the Otosaka family are beautiful men and women.

It seems that the genes are passed down very well. In addition to Souji and Aumi, the second brother Yuu Otosaka and the eldest brother Otosaka Hayabusa are both rare and handsome men.

The four members of the family are all very good-looking. Not only are they good-looking, but their abilities are also extremely abnormal.

The abilities of time jump, plunder, time travel, and collapse are very awesome just by hearing their names.

Able to travel through time and jump back in time.

It is because of this ability that the eldest brother Otosaka Hayabusa was able to save a lot of money to establish the Star Ocean Academy.

The second brother, Otosaka Souji, plundered the superpowers of everyone in the world through plunder in the original time and space, and finally became a god-like existence on earth.

The younger sister Ayumi Otosaka couldn't control her newly awakened Honkai ability because of the stimulation, and finally died of collapse.

But at present, Otosaka Ayumi is still a long way from awakening his abilities, so there is no need to worry too much.

Otosaka Ayumi saw octopus dumplings on the street, then took Souji's hand and pointed to the stall selling octopus dumplings.

"Brother Youyu, I want to eat that."

Otosaka Souji looked in the direction pointed by Aumi's finger.

I saw a lot of people queuing up to buy octopus balls.

"Okay, let's go queue up."

Then he and Ayumi Otosaka started queuing up to buy octopus balls.

The two-dimensional atmosphere in Shibuya is still very sufficient. Otosaka Souji looked at the people waiting in line like himself in front of him. Eighty percent of them were young people wearing cosplay costumes like himself.

The waiting process was very long, but out of the desire for delicious food, Otosaka Ayumi still waited patiently with Souji.

Finally, it was Otosaka Souji and the others in line. Otosaka Souji wanted two boxes of octopus balls, one for himself to eat and one for Ami to eat.

One thousand yen for two boxes, consumption in Neon Country is still very high. One thousand yen is equivalent to fifty yuan, and one box costs twenty-five yuan. There are eight in a box, which averages out to three yuan per octopus. Little balls.

Seeing the octopus balls in his hand, Otosaka couldn't wait to open them and ate one with a bamboo skewer.

"Hmm~ It's so delicious."

One bite and your mouth is filled with happiness.

Seeing Ayumi immersed in the food, Otosaka Souji also opened it and was ready to try it.

The surface of the octopus balls is slightly browned, and they are paired with tomato salad sauce and chopped seaweed. When you take a bite, you will first feel the slightly crispy texture of the skin, and then the squid and seafood flavor combined with the sweetness of the sauce.

Although it is delicious, it is not amazing. As someone who came from a food empire, Otosaka Souji can come up with at least a thousand kinds of food that are more delicious than octopus balls.

"Brother Youyu, look at the many police officers over there!"

Otosaka Ayumi seemed to have discovered something interesting and quickly reminded Souji.

Looking closely, General Otosaka did see a bunch of police officers surrounding him on the side of the road.

At first, Otosaka Souji didn't feel anything, until he heard a fat policeman wearing a brown windbreaker say.

"Brother Kudo, I have to thank you again."

Suddenly, Otosaka felt a chill in his back, wondering if he had heard it wrong?

No, no? It can't really be that person.

Otosaka Souji looked at the young man whom the police called Kudo-san.

It was indeed a familiar face.

He is Kudo Shinichi, the legendary person with the aura of death, also known as the God of Death of Yoneka Town.

Otosaka Souji broke into a cold sweat. He didn't expect that he would still be in this world.

It seems that the world is getting more and more dangerous. I wonder if there is anything else that Souji Otosaka has not discovered yet.


Taking a deep breath, Souji Otosaka planned to keep a low profile in the future.

The water in this world is very deep, and Souji feels a little unsure.

Only by developing in a low-key manner can we live longer.

"Officer Mumu, I know who the murderer is."

Kudo Shinichi walked around the scene and already knew who the murderer was when he returned to Officer Megure.

Sure enough, it has reached the most classic stage of choosing one of three.

"There is only one truth, and that is that the murderer achieved his alibi through... and then used... to smash the victim to death. There is only one person who can do all this, and that is you, Miss Nako."

After speaking, Dondo Shinichi pointed at one of the three suspects, a girl.

It seems that this young Miss Nako is the murderer of this murder case.

In fact, Otosaka Souji suspected that Miss Nako did not want to kill anyone, but Kudo Shinichi happened to be nearby.

Miss Nako was affected by Kudo Shinichi's death aura, which led to the murder.


Thinking of this, Souji Otosaka took a breath.

The halo of death is so terrifying!

While thinking, General Otosaka seemed to have thought of something else.

"Could this death aura be Kudo Shinichi's superpower?"

Combined with the world view he currently understands, Souji Otosaka feels it is very possible.

"Wouldn't that mean that Kudo Shinichi is also the one we strive for?"

Otosaka Souji couldn't imagine what Kudo Shinichi would be like after he came to Hoshinokai Academy.

Is there a murder case every day?

And it's not just an ordinary murder, it's a superpower murder.

After all, Star Sea Academy is a group of students who have superpowers or have the opportunity to awaken superpowers.

Otosaka Souji shuddered directly.

"It's scary! This super power is really scary."

Sure enough, the power of the law of cause and effect is so unsolvable.

It seems that we can only stay away from him in the future, and we must not let him come to Sea of ​​Stars Academy.

Facing Kudo Shinichi's immersive reasoning, Miss Nako was powerless and could only admit her mistake in tears.

Then Miss Nako was taken away by the police.

Then Officer Megure laughed and said to Kudo Shinichi.

"Hahaha, brother Kudo, thank you again this time. Please go to the police station to make a record."

After saying that, Officer Megure got into the police car and escorted Miss Nako back to the police station.

After Otosaka Souji knew that the man was Kudo Shinichi, he pulled Otosaka Aumi and ran away early.

"Brother Souji, why are you walking so fast?"

Looking at Souji Otosaka who was rushing away, Ayumi asked curiously.

"There was a very dangerous person there just now, so we have to leave quickly."

"Is he that handsome big brother who can reason?"

"Yes, it's him. If you meet him in the future, you should stay away from him."

"Ah, why? I feel like he is a good person."

"He has an ability. Wherever he appears, people will die around him."

"Huh? Is this true or false?"

Otosaka Ayumi didn't believe it and felt that Souji was lying to her.

"it is true."

Otosaka Souji looked at Ayumi with a serious face and said.

Looking at Brother Souji who suddenly became serious in front of him, Otosaka Ayumi started to believe it. After all, it was the first time that Brother Souji showed such a serious expression in front of her.

"Okay, I understand, Brother Souji, and I will listen to you."

Seeing that Otosaka Ayumi listened to everything he said, Souji felt relieved.

After all, who knows if Otosaka Ayumi would suddenly trigger his non-Honkai ability and collapse himself to death if he came into contact with Kudo Shinichi, or even trigger a scene in advance where Ayumi was threatened with a knife by a female classmate in his class.

Two-dimensional competition

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