Ke Xue World Technology Becomes King

Chapter 91 National Arena Threat Incident

The next day, the news that the Suzuki Consortium was going to enter the new energy industry was directly showered on people from all walks of life in Japan.

In this regard, only a handful of people who knew the inside story chose to follow suit silently, hoping to get a piece of the action.

The vast majority of people view the actions of the Suzuki Consortium with suspicion.

However, Suzuki Shiro, who has already determined that Miyamoto Kiyoshi is concerned about these external evaluations, will not care too much at all.


Unknowingly, the time on the calendar on the phone has jumped to the first day of January again, and time has returned to the New Year that has passed.

As the beginning of the new year, an exciting football match happened to be held at the National Arena, and this match was the final of the Emperor's Cup, between Big Osaka and Tokyo Soul.

Originally, Miyamoto Kiyohisa would not care at all about this kind of competition that would not bring him any benefit. As the beginning of another new year, Miyamoto Kiyoshi, who understands that he is on vacation now, just wants to lie down in bed. . However, a phone call disrupted Miyamoto Kiyoshi's plan.

"Boss, Nippon TV, which is broadcasting the Emperor's Cup final, seems to be in trouble."

On the other end of the phone was a staff member from Blackwater Security Company.

"Huh? What's wrong? Is it possible that someone at their senior level has been threatened? They came to you for help!"

Suddenly hearing such a familiar name, Miyamoto Kiyoshi suddenly became interested. After all, because of the existence of the major shareholder of Nippon TV Station, until now, he has not been able to control the right to speak in it.

If there is really something wrong with one of the shareholders, then it is not impossible to take advantage of this opportunity to further strengthen one's position in it.

After all, as the real voice of Japan, Tokyo's media industry has the ability to influence the whole country. In other words, controlling the entire Tokyo media industry is equivalent to controlling most of the voice in Japan.

The Japanese TV station in front of him was a difficulty that he had to overcome.

"Boss, that's not the case. According to the person who came to ask for help, it seems that there was a gun threat at the National Arena where the Emperor's Cup was being explained. The other party hopes that we can take action and cooperate with the police to secretly track down the criminal."

"Huh? That's such a shame!"

When he heard that the answer was not the one he wanted, Miyamoto Kiyoshi couldn't help but feel regretful.

However, suddenly, an idea flashed through Miyamoto Kiyoshi's mind.

Nippon TV is responsible for broadcasting, and they are also the ones selling tickets. Therefore, putting a ferocious beast carrying a gun inside the venue is enough to be used by Miyamoto Kiyoshi to deal with the top management of Nippon TV. Sharp weapon.

As long as Miyamoto Seihisa operates properly and through the pressure of public opinion, it is not impossible to bring down Nippon TV Station.

Of course, it's better to try something you can get, there's no need to destroy it just like that.

Thinking of this, Miyamoto Kiyoshi immediately became energetic and quickly made a call to the board of directors of Nippon TV Station. He wanted to see what their current situation was like.


The cell phone rang for more than ten seconds before being answered.

"President Miyamoto, I'm sorry, because there were too many shareholders who came to inquire about the incident just now, and I couldn't answer the phone. I'm sorry for wasting your time!"

As soon as the call was connected, Miyamoto clearly heard the operator's apologetic voice.

"Okay, can you tell me the specific details? Tell me what the senior officials are thinking now, or you can tell them to give up some of your rights, and I can help them solve this incident."

Before the other party could ask why Miyamoto Seihisa called, Miyamoto Seihisa immediately conveyed his intention to the other party, and then hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to react.

What follows is a long and excruciating wait.

Ten minutes later, an unfamiliar caller number lit up on Miyamoto Kiyoshi's cell phone.

"Hey, is this President Miyamoto? This is Nippon Television. The other directors have voted to agree to the opinions you just raised. We also hope that you can send support as soon as possible. The situation on the scene is really not good."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Kiyoshi couldn't help but smile. If that's the case, then he should take action.

I called Blackwater security and asked them to bring equipment to the National Arena to help.

Because I planned to take a rest today, and it happened to be the New Year, Shibata Hideo also returned to Miyamoto's house. At this time, no one came to help Miyamoto Kiyoshi drive.

So after thinking for a moment, Miyamoto Kiyoshi called Blackwater Security again and asked them to drive a helicopter to his building.

After hanging up the phone, Miyamoto Kiyoshi prepared some equipment for himself, and then took the elevator to the top of the building.

However, in less than five minutes, the roar of the helicopter propeller came to Miyamoto Seikyu's head. After catching up with Miyamoto Seikyu, the helicopter immediately increased its power and headed towards the National Arena at full speed.

Ten minutes later, Miyamoto Kiyoshi came to the backstage where the TV staff were.

Director Kaneko, who received the order from the board of directors, immediately informed Miyamoto Kiyoshi about the incident.

However, it was obvious that Miyamoto Kiyoshi's attention was not focused on such a simple matter. Instead, he was looking around to see if there were any safety hazards.

"Hey, why are you guys here too?"

The moment he saw the five little ones, Miyamoto Kiyoshi suddenly realized that it was Conan who gave him an assist this time.

Immediately, Miyamoto Kiyoshi put a smile on his face.

"We came here to watch a football match! But we happened to find gangsters shooting footballs with guns."

"By coincidence? I think this happened because of you!"

He complained silently in his heart, but Miyamoto Kiyoshi still had a smile on his face.

"That's it. I'm really sorry for delaying you from watching the football match. Don't worry, the incident will be resolved soon. Everyone can go back to watch the football match later."

"Eh? Brother Miyamoto, do you already know who is threatening the TV station this time? Why do you suddenly say this?"

Hearing Miyamoto Kiyohisa's determined tone, Conan couldn't help but be confused. After all, he didn't have a clue about this threat.

"Well, because I just arrived at the scene, of course I don't know who the specific prisoner is. But, dealing with such a little thief is not a simple matter, don't you think so, Officer Megure?"

Stretching out his right hand and touching Conan's head, Miyamoto inadvertently stabbed Officer Megure next to him.

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