Ke Xue World Technology Becomes King

Chapter 87 Dr. A Li’s invention

"Brother Qingjiu, we have arrived."

However, in less than ten minutes, Hideo Shibata parked his car in front of Dr. Agasa's house.

Looking at Haibara Ai who had regained her composure, Miyamoto Kiyoshi showed a smile on his face.

"Children Haiyuan, is your home here?"

Such a gentle tone was completely different from before.

Looking at the man in front of him with a warm smile in his eyes, Haiyuan Ai was stunned in the back seat for a moment.

"What's wrong? My little friend Haiyuan, did you tell me the wrong door just now? This is not your home?"

Miyamoto Kiyohisa stretched out his right hand, waved it in front of Haihara Ai's eyes, and asked in a kind tone.

"Ah, oh, no, this is where I live."

After noticing something floating in front of her eyes, Haihara Ai realized that she had arrived at the door of Dr. A Li's house.

He quickly jumped out of the car and ran towards the house.

As for Miyamoto Kiyohisa, he did not rush to let Shibata Hideo take him back. Instead, he followed Haibara Ai into this house that looked like a rice cooker.

"Dr. Ali, I'm back."

Opening the door, Haihara Ai politely shouted inside, then put his schoolbag on the chair next to the table, and then entered the room to look for Dr. A Li.

Following the sound of an explosion, a gray-faced old Mediterranean man, whose beard and hair were blackened by the smoke produced by the bomb, walked out of the room.

"Xiao Ai, can you please don't call me suddenly when I'm doing experiments next time? It's really dangerous."

Opening his mouth and blowing out a puff of black smoke, Dr. Ali said helplessly. After all, he had always lived alone before. This was the first time Dr. Ali had encountered this situation.

"Doctor, can't you stop conducting experiments at this time? It's the time when I get home from school, and it's also time for dinner. No one is still in the laboratory at this time."

Although he knew that he had done something wrong, but he had just experienced a series of complex psychological changes, Haihara Ai took this opportunity to express all the resentment in his heart.

As expected, after these words were spoken, Hui Yuan Ai's complexion became visibly better.

"By the way, Xiao Ai, I haven't asked yet, who is this gentleman following you?"

"Ah, excuse me, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Miyamoto Kiyohisa. I happened to meet these children on the road today. After helping them a little, I saw that it was too late, so I sent the children home one by one. .”

"As for why I followed this kid from Huiyuan back? It's because when I first met, I noticed that the kid from Huiyuan was in a low mood and was not like other kids at all, so I wondered if there was something wrong with her family. What happened? Because I wasn’t worried about her family environment, I came here to check it out.”

"But what? After seeing what this gentleman did, I became very understanding of the peculiar character of the child Haiyuan. After all, with parents who behave like this, I think the child Haiyuan must also be very... It’s a headache.”

Stretching out his right hand and touching Haihara Ai's head unpreparedly, Miyamoto Kiyoshi said in a sinister tone.

"Ah ah, no, that's not the case. Xiao Ai is just a child fostered by my distant relatives. His character has become like this, and it really has nothing to do with me."

I don't know if it was because Miyamoto Kiyoshi's momentum was too strong, but Dr. Ali was confused for a while and began to explain.

"Okay, Dr. A Li, I don't have any idea of ​​blaming you, but I just hope that you can take good care of such a cute child like Xiao Ai."

The little head in his hand had already broken away from Miyamoto Kiyohisa's big hand, and dexterously avoided him at a distance. Seeing this, Miyamoto Kiyohisa smacked his lips with unfulfilled meaning and explained to Dr. Agasa.

"Haha, that's what it should be."

After listening to Miyamoto Kiyohisa's explanation, Dr. Ari smiled awkwardly and touched the back of his head, which didn't have much hair.

"By the way, Dr. Ali, I once heard Conan say that you have made many pretty good inventions. I am a well-known entrepreneur, and you are engaged in technology-related fields. I am very interested in your inventions, Dr. I have some interests. I didn’t have the opportunity to meet the Doctor before, but I just have the opportunity this time. I wonder if the Doctor can bring him out for me to observe?"

"Ah, yes, yes, of course!"

Dr. Agasa, who was already worried about not being able to sell his invention, heard these words and immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum on his face. He quickly handed a cup of hot tea to Seihisa Kōmoto, and then gave it to him on the other side. He ran to the storeroom, looking for inventions that might impress Miyamoto Kiyoshi.

After a while, Dr. Ali ran out with a lot of inventions that seemed useless but were actually useless.

"This is a hair dryer that does not need to be plugged in and can be used with only a battery. It does not produce strong wind and can replace a hair dryer!"

"This is an auxiliary running shoe that allows you to walk very fast without exerting too much force. However, the disadvantage is that walking will become very unbalanced because there is a force acting on yourself, and inertia will occur after taking off the shoes. reaction, causing the person to be unable to continue walking.”


Listening to Dr. Agasa's explanation about a product that he thought was of little use at first glance, Miyamoto Kiyoshi couldn't help but have a few black lines on his forehead.

"Dr. Ali, please wait a moment. What I want to see are the inventions Conan is equipped with. I think they are very creative."

After hearing what Miyamoto Kiyohisa said, Dr. Ari finally realized that co-authoring the explanation just now was completely unacceptable to others.

But after taking a quick look at Haibara Ai who was rolling his eyes wildly, well, two votes to one, Dr. A Li knew that he had lost completely.

So he no longer introduced his inventions that had been backlogged in the warehouse for a long time. Instead, he took out the Conan three-piece suit, which included shoes, tie and glasses, force disguise and tracking, and the three attributes were maxed out.

Seeing that Dr. Agasa finally took out what he wanted, Miyamoto Kiyoshi couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, that's it. I don't know all the relevant patents for these inventions. Dr. Ali, do you own them all?"

Seeing that you already have the things you want, the next step is of course to get them. After all, the things you can get in reality, and the knowledge required to exchange these science props from the system is actually not very good. What a deal.

"Of course, these are all designed and invented by me!"

After hearing Miyamoto Kiyohisa's words, Dr. Ari immediately understood that he was indeed going to make a fortune this time.

Sure enough, as soon as Dr. Agasa finished speaking, Miyamoto Kiyohisa put his hands on his hands and smiled.

"Okay, then, in order to wish us a happy cooperation in the future, why don't I invite you out for a meal? Dr. Ali, you haven't had dinner, right? It just so happens that neither Haibara nor I have."

"Really? Thank you so much."

Because he had been in the laboratory for a whole day, Dr. Ali was feeling quite hungry at the moment. After listening to Miyamoto Kiyohisa's words, he quickly agreed.

Soon, the group got into Miyamoto Kiyoshi's Porsche, and Shibata Hideo drove directly to the Miyamoto family's private hotel.

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