"Okay, it's time to go home."

Seeing that Kaito Kidd had successfully escaped, and knowing that the scene had come to an end for the time being, Miyamoto Kiyoshi immediately ordered the pilot sitting in front to land at the designated location.

"Brother, how did you know that Kaitou Kidd would appear on the top floor of the Cupido Hotel today? Could it be that you unblocked the previous warning letter?"

On the way to the safe house, I thought about how to fix it, but finally couldn't help but ask this question.

"Hahaha, no, no, solving puzzles is still not suitable for me. You can guess the reason for this, you can think of it as a kind of intuition, for watching the excitement."

Hahahaha, Miyamoto Kiyoshi touched the back of his head.

"Okay, it's getting late. You should go back and rest quickly. Maybe uncle will have to look for you tomorrow."

Arriving at the garage, Miyamoto Kiyoshi got out of the car and turned to Hideo Shibata and said this.

After a dreamless night, time soon came to noon the next day.

The contents of the second notice letter were also sent to Miyamoto Kiyoshi.

"Haha, you didn't make any twists and turns this time, just so straightforward?"

Looking at the blatant theft warning letter displayed on the computer, Miyamoto Kiyoshi couldn't help but chuckle.

On April 4, the evening before the notice date was announced in the notice letter, Miyamoto Kiyohisa was invited to Suzuki's house.

"Uncle Suzuki, you can safely leave it to me to ensure the safety of this maritime voyage."

After three rounds of drinking, Miyamoto Seihisa seemed to be a little drunk. Facing Suzuki Shiro, he patted his chest and spoke with confidence.

"Hahaha, Kidd's arrival last time was only because of the Blackwater security members. I won't worry if I don't leave it to you this time."

Seeing that his soon-to-be son-in-law is so sensible, Suzuki Shiro naturally has some kind words to say.

Then, after rejecting Suzuki Shiro's repeated attempts to stay, Miyamoto Kiyohisa chose to return to his safe house.

As Shibata Hideo drove the car away from the Suzuki family's manor, Miyamoto Kiyohisa's drunken eyes immediately became clear.

"It was really scary. I almost had to be left there overnight."

Patting his chest, Miyamoto Kiyoshi sighed in his heart.

"By the way, Hideo, have you made arrangements for tomorrow?"

"The company has already responded. Tomorrow, a team of 30 people will be sent out to disguise themselves and infiltrate the cruise ship to carry out the mission. This mission is also designated as a B-level mission according to your wishes."

"A team of 30 people? It's almost enough, but these 30 people must choose some people who are familiar with each other. Kidd has extremely good disguise skills, so don't let the other party take advantage of the loopholes."

After saying this, Miyamoto Kiyoshi paused for a moment, seemed to think of something again, and then added.

"Tell them that if something goes wrong with me this time, I will lead the team in the next training camp."

"I understand, Brother Qingjiu, I will definitely convey this to you."

With a weird smile on his face and an unconscious shiver on his body, Hideo Shibata responded excitedly.

"Of course, if I go to lead the team for training, you kid won't even think about escaping."

Out of the blue, Miyamoto Kiyoshi suddenly said this again.

Then, Shibata Hideo's originally excited face suddenly dropped, and his tone became worried.

"I understand, Brother Qingjiu."

After sending Miyamoto Seihisa home, Shibata Hideo immediately conveyed Miyamoto Seihisa's original words to Blackwater Security Company.

After harvesting a group of howling ghosts and howls, Hideo Shibata felt a little more balanced in his heart.

"I hope these guys won't harm me. It's a training camp for big brother. I don't want to experience it a second time in my life!"

After hanging up the phone and looking at the dark night, Hideo Shibata couldn't help but pray silently in his heart.

The time soon came to April 4th, which is the day described in the preview letter of Kaitou Kidd.

As the controller of Japan's top three conglomerates and the prospective son-in-law of the Suzuki family, Miyamoto Kiyoshi will naturally go on board this cruise ship departing from Yokohama Port.

Of course, the most important purpose is because Miyamoto Kiyoshi wants to really meet Kaitou Kidd.

After all, the cost of redeeming many of the skills possessed by the other party from the store is still quite high, and without the guidance of professionals, it is not that difficult to just rely on Miyamoto Kiyoshi to familiarize himself with the practice.

Of course, the most important point is that this is a case related to Kaitou Kidd, and it is also a case in which Kaitou Kidd appears as the second protagonist. The safety factor is definitely very high. Speaking of which, as long as you board the On the ship, there is absolutely no chance that Miyamoto Kiyoshi's life will be threatened.

After lunch, at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, I called Hideo Shibata to go to Suzuki's house to pick up Ayako Suzuki, and then the three of them set off to Yokohama Port to prepare to board the Sallybeth.

Because there was basically no danger in this case, Miyamoto Kiyohisa did not bring any firearms with him this time, but simply selected one from his collection of swords.

As a member of the upper class, even a man standing at the top of the Japanese pyramid, carrying a knife on board a cruise ship would not be criticized at all.

After being able to scan their faces, the three of them boarded the cruise ship quite smoothly.

The sun sets in the west, dyeing the sea water red. A few rose-red clouds set off by the setting sun float across the sky. From time to time, there are some chirping of seabirds in my ears. I sit on the deck chair with Suzuki Ayako and enjoy the sea breeze. , Miyamoto Kiyoshi felt quite comfortable inside.

After a while, a man dressed like a waiter walked onto the deck.

"Mr. Miyamoto, the party is about to begin. Please go to the banquet hall as soon as possible."

First he stood straight to the side, then the waiter bowed slightly and said respectfully.

"Okay, I understand. You go ahead and do your work. I'll go down after watching the scenery for a while."

Waving his hand, Miyamoto Kiyoshi told the other party not to get in his way here.

After a while, seeing that the time was almost up and the sun was gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea, Miyamoto Kiyohisa stood up and prepared to go to the hall.

Holding his sword in his right hand and holding Suzuki Ayako in his left hand, Miyamoto Kiyoshi appeared in the hall in the cabin.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were attracted to Miyamoto Kiyoshi.

There were endless compliments from all kinds of people, but Miyamoto Kiyoshi just smiled and didn't speak.

However, such a scene did not disappoint those who came forward to talk. After all, the image of Miyamoto Seihisa circulated in the circle is so cold and aloof. If he can show his face and look familiar in front of Miyamoto Seihisa, it will be a big surprise. Some people are already satisfied.

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