"Kushina, which of these two pieces of clothing should I wear?" Minato Namikaze asked his wife, holding a piece of clothing in one hand.

Kushina's belly was already showing her pregnancy at this time, and she found another piece of clothing from the closet for Minato with a gentle look on her face.

"Minato, let's wear this one. This one is more formal."

While Kushina was arranging Minato's clothes, she also said: "Minato, before this, I have always believed that becoming Hokage is your dream, and it is also my dream, and I firmly support you in running for Hokage.

But now I want to say yes, whether you succeed in this campaign or not, I will continue to support you, and our son supports you as well as I do. "

Namikaze Minato gently caressed Kushina's abdomen and said softly: "Kushina, I understand what you want to say. Orochimaru-senpai and I are running for Hokage just to put an end to our dreams. Can we become Hokage?" It doesn't matter to me.

I believe that if Orochimaru-senpai becomes Hokage, he will definitely lead Konoha to become stronger. "

Kushina nodded. After having a child, she hoped that Minato could spend more time with her instead of sitting in the Hokage building to deal with official duties.

At this moment, the door of Minato's house was opened, and a tall man wearing wooden clogs walked in.

Jiraiya looked at Namikaze Minato, who was wearing formal clothes, and said, "Minato, Kushina, how are the preparations? It's time for us to set off."

He has been traveling around the ninja world. During the Third Ninja War, Jiraiya happened to be in the Bear Country, so he directly assisted in the battle there.

After the war, Jiraiya continued to collect materials and search for the Son of Prophecy.

The reason why he returned to Konoha was because he heard the news that Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru were running for the Fourth Hokage.

After all, one of the two is his close friend and the other is his disciple. If he doesn't come back even for the two to run for the Fourth Hokage, it would be inappropriate.

Namikaze Minato nodded and said, "Get ready, Jiraiya-sensei, let's go."

Jiraiya smiled and said, "In the blink of an eye, Minato, you have grown so big that you are about to run for Hokage."

Jiraiya has been running around all his life. In the early years, he came to Mount Myoboku by accident. He learned the sage mode from the toads in Mount Myoboku, and was able to meet the big toad sage, also known as Toadmaru, and learned from the other party's mouth. He learned about the prophecy about the future of the ninja world and firmly believed in it.

In order to find the son of the prophecy, Jiraiya successively accepted Nagato, Konan, Yahiko and Namikaze Minato as his disciples. However, Tomamaru's prophecy prevented Jiraiya from staying in one place for a long time.

Therefore, even if Jiraiya had other feelings for Tsunade, they had been hidden by her.

"But I didn't expect that guy Orochimaru would also run for Hokage. Minato, as my apprentice, you can't lose to that guy."

Jiraiya was very surprised that Orochimaru could participate in the Hokage election. Based on his understanding of Orochimaru, how could the position of Hokage interest him.

Minato smiled and said: "There are many people who support Orochimaru-senpai. Even Tsunade-senpai supports Orochimaru-senpai to become Hokage, so I may have disappointed Mr. Jiraiya."

Jiraiya patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder, "Minato, teacher will not be disappointed in you. You are my most proud disciple."


at the same time.

He Feng woke up from Tsunade's arms early, and he gently tried to get out.

"Hmm~ Don't move, I haven't slept enough~" Tsunade closed her eyes and subconsciously hugged He Feng, then adjusted her position and went back to sleep.

"Sister Tsunade, today is the Hokage election between Mr. Orochimaru and Mr. Minato. Wake up." He Feng had no choice but to wake up Tsunade.

Tsunade still had no intention of getting up. She muttered: "The Hokage election is just an election. What does it mean to be a broken Hokage?"

He Feng was ashamed.

There is indeed nothing wrong with what Tsunade said. As the granddaughter of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and related to the current daimyo of the Fire Country, she really does not care about the position of Hokage. Otherwise, as long as she wants to be that Hokage, There's nothing wrong with Orochimaru and Minato.

"The daimyo will also come to this election. It's better for Tsunade-san to be there. If Tsunade-san has a few words with the daimyo then, she can also get more funding for Konoha, right?"

Hearing this, Tsunade sat up suddenly. She looked at He Feng resentfully, stretched out her hand and poked He Feng on the forehead.

"You, Orochimaru hasn't even become Hokage yet, and you're already benefiting her." Tsunade complained unceremoniously about He Feng's behavior.

"Hehe~" He Feng rubbed the place where Tsunade poked just now and smiled sheepishly.

Tsunade did not lie down and continue sleeping. Instead, she got up with He Feng to wash up and change into a set of relatively formal clothes.

Regardless of whether she likes this Hokage or not, the position of Hokage is sacred in the hearts of most people in Konoha, and the fire country's daimyo will personally participate in the Hokage election.

There's no harm in being a little more formal.

As for Hefeng, after he got up, Nohara Lin and Shizune who lived in other houses gathered around him.

The He Feng at night belongs to Tsunade-sama, but the He Feng during the day is for everyone.

Without asking for anything else, even if they stayed by He Feng's side and did nothing, as long as they could smell the scent of He Feng's body, it would be enough to make the two of them happy for the whole day.

He Feng also likes to stay with the two of them. At this time, only people of the same age like Zhiyin and Lin can make He Feng have the illusion that I am not that short after all.

Soon, several people were ready and officially set off towards the central square of Konoha.

It has the largest open space in Konoha and can accommodate many people, so it was also chosen as the venue for the Hokage campaign.

In the past few days, both civilians and ninjas in Konoha were discussing the Hokage election.

In their eyes, it doesn't matter who becomes Hokage, it's not their turn to be Hokage anyway.

Nohara Lin stood next to He Feng and asked: "He Feng, do you think it is Lord Orochimaru who can become Hokage, or senior Minato?"

He Feng turned to look at Nohara Lin, "Lin, why didn't you count Danzo-sama and Fugaku-sama? They obviously also participated in the Hokage campaign."

Nohara Lin's big eyes blinked and she said in surprise: "Eh? I thought only Orochimaru-sama and Minato-senpai were running for Hokage."

Shizune and Tsunade on the side couldn't hold back their laughter.


"It seems that Danzo and Fugaku didn't do a good job canvassing votes." Tsunade sighed.

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