Naruto, the youngest succubus son of the Hatake family

Chapter 218 Appears, the first generation!

As Ashura and Senju Hashirama walked on the streets of Konoha, their perception of Qi Ye became increasingly shaken.

It can even be said that Asura has already decided in his heart that if he sees He Feng next time, he will not attack He Feng unless he is as evil as his father said.

He himself does not belong to this era. It is a sin to be reborn into this era with the help of someone else's body, and it is even more sinful to interfere in the affairs of this era.

However, Hashirama Senju's state of mind is completely different from Ashura's.

When he saw the general environment of Konoha, saw that everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, saw that everyone was laughing and talking, and saw that no one was secretly sad because of the war, he felt so happy in his heart!

Wasn’t it for this scene that he founded Konoha?

Madara, if you saw Konoha now, would you still question my original decision?

At this moment, Hashirama no longer had any intention of attacking He Feng.

On this point, he agrees with his ancestor Asura that people from the old era should not participate too much in the decision-making of the new era.

"It seems that the Six Paths Sage (father) has also grown old." The two sighed in their hearts at the same time.

"Let's go find the Hokage," Ashura said.

"Okay, ancestor. I had the same idea." Senju Hashirama nodded, then looked towards the Hokage Rock.

He wanted to see what kind of person the Hokage was who had brought Konoha to such a peaceful and prosperous state.

Soon, the two arrived in front of the most eye-catching building in the center of Konoha, the Hokage Building.

The ninja who was standing guard in front of the Hokage building saw someone wanting to see the Hokage without an appointment, and immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" the ninja asked in a harsh tone.

If most people hear this tone, they will feel unhappy in their hearts even if they don’t say anything.

But it is obvious that Ashura and Hashirama Senju are not ordinary people. The former pursues true altruism, and the latter is a man who has the power to destroy four countries alone but kowtowed to the other four Kage at the Five Kage Summit.

"We have something to ask your Lord Hokage." Ashura said.

The ninja said disdainfully, "You have something to ask our Hokage? Humph! Every day, there are people who have something to ask our Hokage. The people who have something to ask our Hokage in Konoha alone can line up from here to outside the village. The Hokage is busy with all kinds of things every day. Can people like you just go and see him whenever you want?"

"Do you have an appointment? If you have an appointment, you can see the Hokage. If you don't have an appointment, there is no room for negotiation!"

Ashura wanted to say something but was stopped by Hashirama Senju.

Senju Hashirama stepped forward and said with a smile: "I have a special relationship with your Hokage-sama. If you tell him, he will definitely come to see me."

The ninja frowned, took a step back and continued, "Bah! You have some special relationship with our Hokage-sama, and you told her that she would definitely come to see you. Everyone in Konoha knows that the Hokage-sama has a kind heart and treats everyone equally."

"If I have something to ask the Hokage, she can also see me. You can just ask any villager who has something to ask to see the Hokage. As long as the news reaches the Hokage's ears, the Hokage will also see him. But everyone knows that you can't just ask the Hokage casually. Why are you so special?"

"I, Gang Zitie, despise people like you the most in my life. Hurry up and leave. If you don't leave, I will have someone beat you up."

The defeated Hashirama Senju returned to Ashura's side with a helpless look on his face.

My goodness, this guy called Gang Zitie has a really poisonous tongue. Even Hashirama Senju had his fists stiff for a moment.

But it's great that the fifth generation guy did it! At least it's better than the first generation himself.

Everyone in Konoha will subconsciously protect this Hokage.

But the more this happened, the more Senju Hashirama wanted to see who the Fifth Hokage was.

"Since conventional means don't work, we can only use some unconventional means." Ashura sighed.

Although the body he resurrected only has the strength of a Chunin, after merging with his soul, it can also exert the strength of a super shadow.

Needless to say, Hashirama Senju has already reached the level of Super Kage in terms of strength. Although his strength will be weakened after his Impure World Reincarnation, it is still easy for him to enter the Hokage Building without being noticed.

Soon, the two of them used their magical powers to enter the Hokage Building without anyone noticing and came to the Hokage's office.

Nara Shikakumi, who was working, was confused when two people suddenly appeared in his office.

"Are the Anbu so unprofessional nowadays?" Nara Shikaku thought to himself.

As to whether it was an attack, Nara Shikaku had no doubt at all.

God knows how difficult it is for an outsider to pass through the layers of barriers outside Konoha without permission.

Even if the Shodaime Hokage wanted to pass through those barriers, he could only destroy them with brute force.

However, the reaction of the Anbu the next second surprised Nara Shikaku.

Originally, there was only Nara Shikaku in the Hokage's office, but the next second, six masked Anbu ninjas appeared.


The six ANBU said in unison.

Hashirama Senju completely ignored the threat from the Anbu. He knew that if he couldn't see the Fifth Hokage this time, he would not be able to resolve the misunderstanding just by talking.

"You are not the Hokage, I want to see the Fifth Hokage." Hashirama Senju looked at Nara Shikaku who was sitting in the office and said calmly.

"It's so troublesome." Nara Shikaku held his forehead with his hand. With his extremely sharp mind, he caught a hint of unreasonableness in the situation and was extremely speechless.

He waved his hand and said to the Anbu: "There's nothing to do here. Thank you for your hard work. You can go down first."

"Yes, Lord Shikaku." The Anbu ninja nodded, then used the instant body-flickering technique to leave the office.

"My name is Nara Shikaku. There is only one reason why you appear here, and that is that the Hokage of our Konoha does not want to see you for the time being. If you have anything to say, just tell me directly." Nara Shikaku said helplessly.

It's already annoying enough that he has to deal with various government affairs at work, and now he has to do extra work, which is simply adding insult to injury!

"Why not just resign?" Nara Shikaku thought silently in his heart.

"Mr. Nara, you can't make a decision on this matter yet. We need to meet the Fifth Hokage. Please tell him." Seeing that the person sitting in the office was from the Nara family, Senju Hashirama's tone was not so tough.

If we were to talk about which families had the best relationship with the Senju before Konoha was established, the Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi families would definitely be among them.

"I've already told you, Lord Hokage doesn't want to see you. There's nothing I can do even if you tell me that." Nara Shikaku spread his hands, feeling even more helpless.

"What about now?" Senju Hashirama sighed, then canceled his transformation technique, revealing his appearance after being resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation.

"Shodaime-sama! Is this Impure World Reincarnation?!" Nara Shikaku was shocked.

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