Naruto, the youngest succubus son of the Hatake family

Chapter 151 The fight is over, the Akatsuki organization appears!

Fu's body is not strong enough to support the complete transformation into a tailed beast, which will cause harm to Fu.

But at this time, if it is just a tailed beast coat, it will not have much impact on the battle situation. It will only turn a big headwind into a headwind, and a comeback will still be impossible.

Therefore, complete tailed beast transformation is necessary, but this time, the complete tailed beast transformation is led by Chongming.

"Chongming, I'll leave it to you." Fu said in a low voice.

Knowing Nanao's name should have been a happy thing, but she couldn't be happy at all.

"give it to me."

As Chongming finished speaking, Fu's figure disappeared and was replaced by Chongming's body.

Nanao Shigeaki's appearance is that of a giant beetle with six wings and one tail. It ranks third among the nine tailed beasts in terms of power.

Because it has wings to fly, Chongming has a unique advantage over other tailed beasts.

After seeing the tailed beast appear completely, Danzo couldn't help but become nervous.

In other words, not only Danzo, but everyone present including Takigakure was nervous.

The reason why the tailed beast can be regarded as a strategic weapon of a village is naturally because of its powerful strength.

"Roar!!!" Chongming flew in the air and let out a roar that shook the earth.

This was the first time in decades that he reappeared in the ninja world in his own body. Although he was excited, Chongming did not forget to solve Fu's trouble.


As Chongming opened his mouth wide, he spit out countless yellow scale powder, and for a while the entire village was covered in scale powder.

Everyone who inhaled the scale powder felt paralyzed, and even lost their ability to move for a while.

Because of Fu, Chongming did not choose to release the Tailed Beast Jade. This yellow scale powder was just a way for him to fight the enemy.

"Wind Release·Splitting Sky Palm!" As veteran ninjas, Danzo and others have always had clear judgments about battles.

Therefore, after noticing the effect of Chongming Scale Powder, Fengdun became the best solution.

As everyone released the Wind Release Ninjutsu, the large amount of scale powder also dissipated.

"Huh——" At this time, Chongming, who was flying in the air, spat out red scale powder in the direction of Danzo and others.

"It's just Nanao, I'm not a vegetarian!" Danzo said coldly.

He stood at the front, and after completing the seal, he directly released his best ninjutsu.

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade!"

As Danzo took a sharp breath, the Vacuum Dayama flew towards Chongming in the air like a rocket launcher.

The red scale powder exploded violently the moment it came into contact with the Wind Escape Chakra of the Vacuum Dayu.

boom! ! !

"Danzo, let me help you!" Mito Kaden and Koharu said together.

After catching Danzo who was flying upside down, he used ninjutsu again on Shigeaki in the air.

Although Mito Katoen and Kaden Koharu have not participated in battles for many years, they still have the strength of elite jounin as they studied under Senju Tobirama.

Therefore, after a brief confrontation with Chongming, they ended up in a tie instead of being at a disadvantage.

Of course, this is also the reason why Chongming did not choose to use Tailed Beast Jade.

Otherwise, when faced with the Tailed Beast Jade falling from the sky, the three of them would have no choice but to flee.

"We can't let him be so unscrupulous anymore. We can't have more chakra than the tailed beasts." Danzo calmly analyzed the situation.

Competing with a tailed beast to see who has more chakra is no different than seeking death.

This is the consensus of the entire ninja world.

Soon, Danzo noticed Shibuya who kept moving Takigakure civilians.

And not far away, Shibaki fell to the ground due to his fists and feet and was still unable to get up.

One of them is the leader of Takigakure, and the other is the son of the leader. Their identities are very precious to Takigakure Village.

"Koharu, Yan, you hold on, I'll go get the hostages." Danzo turned to his two old partners and said, regardless of whether they could hold on or not, he walked directly in the direction of Shibuya to evacuate civilians.

At this time, Shibuya was already exhausted due to the Heroic Water, and it was impossible for him to participate in the battle. He just wanted to transfer as many civilians in the village as possible in the remaining time.

Only in this way can he be worthy of his status as village chief.

As the head of a village, Shibuya is completely qualified, but as the leader of a hidden village, Shibuya is not qualified, even if he is willing to sacrifice his life for the people of the hidden village.

"Come with me!" Danzo stretched out his sinful hands towards the weak Shibuya.

In just one round, Shibuya was captured by him. When Danzo returned, he took Shibuya lying on the roadside with him.


At this time, Chongming was flapping his wings and moving in the sky. As he moved, yellow paralyzing scale powder would spit out.

Once Koharu and others are unaware of something, Chongming will launch a dive, and his hard head horn can easily take away the life of a jounin.

Under Chongming's attack, the hearts of both Koharu and Mito Menyan were bleeding.

Those are all jounin of their ninja clan!

It is the most important fighting force of their clan. Let alone one of them die, even one of them, as the clan leader, is hurt!

Damn Danzo, they have suffered so much loss, it is not enough to restore the position of an elder!

While the two of them gritted their teeth to avoid Shigeaki's attack, their resentment towards Danzo became even more intense.

At this moment, Danzo came back with Shibuya and his son Shibuya.

"Nanabi! Look who these two are!" Danzo lifted up the father and son, "If they come into contact with the tailed beast, they will become corpses if they don't!"

After realizing that Nanao could not be defeated from the front, Danzo turned his attention to the jinchūriki.

Sure enough, after seeing Shibuya and Shibuki and his son, Shigeaki stopped.

"Fu?" Chongming was confused and didn't understand why Fu was resisting.

If he continues to fight, he can kill all of these people.

In the mental space, Fu stood there and raised her head, looked at Chongming and asked: "Chongming, do you think that if I cancel the tailed beast transformation, can the village chief and Shibuki survive?"

The tall Chongming replied without any hesitation: "If you can't survive, the human named Shibuya is already dying. If you are released from the tailed beast transformation, you will follow in his footsteps, and the human Shibuya who has no use value will also be killed." Kill.

Never underestimate the evil in your human hearts. "

Chongming doesn't have much favorable impressions of humans other than Fu.

Fu sighed, "Yeah, then why do these Konoha ninjas still want me to cancel my tailed beast transformation?"

The reason why she asked Chongming to stop was because of Shibuya, but not because of Shibuya.

"Let go of the village chief. I don't have to kill you. If the village chief dies, you can be buried with him." Fu's voice came out of Chongming's mouth, looking extremely irritable.

At this moment, ripples appeared in the pond nearby.

A total of fourteen figures jumped out of the pond.

One of them was carrying a corpse in his hand.

Looking at it, it was the hookah that escaped when the battle started.

"Everyone, the fight is over, Akatsuki will take over the battle."

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