In a certain respect, Huihara Ai is also a cold-hearted person.

After hearing Lancer assure her that the outside surveillance people would not have any impact on her life, Haihara Ai did not mention the matter again.

Not to mention who Gin's target has become.

Or maybe she already knows it, but won't interfere in other people's affairs.

After carefully recording the time when Lancer took the medicine and returned to his original appearance for the first time, and comparing it with Kudo Shinichi, Haibara Ai was a little surprised.

"It took you longer to transform back than the other experimental subject."

The young man also bent down in front of the computer screen to look at that person's information, and raised his eyebrows: "That person, could it be Kudo Shinichi?"

Shocked by the breadth of information he knew, Haiyuan Ai regained his composure after a moment and replied: "Yes."

Lancer chuckled.

"Now Kudo Shinichi is a comrade-in-arms to you. Otherwise, given your desire to escape from the organization, you wouldn't take the initiative to develop an antidote to this drug."

Maybe he didn't mean it, but when Haibara Ai heard what he said, she always felt that it was somewhat sarcastic.

Hui Yuan Ai's hand holding the mouse couldn't help but tighten.

"Because the drugs I researched have harmed many people...even if it's trivial, I want to try to make up for it."

But Lancer didn't think so.

"Stop stroking your own face. The people the organization wants to kill will be eliminated no matter what method is used. Feeding poison is just one of the methods."

"Take Kudo Shinichi, for example, he was given poison only after he witnessed the transaction between the organization and others. If drugs were not used, but Gin's usual shooting method was used, do you think he could still survive to this day? ?”

Lancer squinted at her, seeing her in a daze, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Gin is a very old-fashioned guy, but he dares to use your new medicine as a means of assassination. To a certain extent, he still trusts you - he believes that your medicine will not cause any problems."

Although it couldn't be described as a compliment, Huihara Ai still heard a bit of sourness in his tone.

She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"Ah, are you jealous?"

"Is it that obvious?" The young man blinked innocently.

"I actually don't have much contact with Gin. Although that man is not easy to mess with, he is very popular among some female members in the organization. For example, Belmode and the like..."

Lancer snorted, "I will get rid of that annoying woman sooner or later!"

Seeing that his annoyed look didn't seem like he was faking it, Hui Yuan Ai pondered for a moment, but finally couldn't hold it back and asked the question in his heart——

"Lance, where are you... on?"

After receiving such a question, Lancer lowered his eyes and looked at her.

The girl's calm eyes were full of doubts, and her brows furrowed slightly. On the surface, her defense was not visible, but Lancer thought that once he told the answer that scared her, she would definitely not hesitate. Hesitant to stand on his own opposite side.

Lancer lowered his eyes and chuckled.

He said unnecessarily: "I never think that the world is black and white, so I often wander in the gray area."

But this time, he seemed to have no choice.

This organization used his body as a test subject to study drugs, and it didn't take him as a descendant of the boss's bloodline seriously. If he didn't resist, sooner or later he would become a dead soul shot by others.

"But neither the organization nor Gin allow betrayal." Haiyuan Ai reminded him coldly.

She herself just wanted to ask the organization for an explanation for killing her sister, but she was imprisoned without explanation.

If people in the organization find any signs of betrayal in Lancer, they will definitely find a way to get rid of him.

Hearing this, the young man scratched his soft and fluffy short hair with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"You're right, this organization eats people, so of course you can't stay for a long time. But I was so blinded by the beauty that I couldn't walk. Plus, I have nowhere else to go..."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the young man squatting on the ground, holding his chin in thought.

Then, he had a flash of inspiration and snapped his fingers.

"What do you think, I'll take over the organization? In this case, even Gin won't dare to touch me."

Haibara Ai:"……"

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Lancer saw Hui Yuan Ai looking away expressionlessly and continuing to input some information into the computer.

Such bold words were ignored as if they were farts...

[System: Why doesn’t she believe you? Would it be difficult for me to do this? 】

Lancer: Yes! I don’t think it’s difficult. If I kill everyone in the organization, wouldn’t I be the boss?

[System:...Why don't you just leave it here to play chicken? 】

In order to obtain more accurate data, Haiyuan Ai took out a few spare APTX4869 antidotes from the medicine box that he kept secretly for him to use.

Lancer looked at the capsule in his hand and frowned at her strangely: "Do you want me to develop antibodies and never come back? What a scheming idea~"

Hui Yuan Ai's head suddenly became enlarged, and he shouted unbearably: "Eat it or not! Don't forget that you are begging me now——!"

"Yes, yes! I'm sorry!" The young man apologized devoutly, then carefully wrapped the medicine in a handkerchief and put it in his pocket.

After seeing his actions, Hui Yuan Ai finally calmed down.

She snorted arrogantly and complained: "It would be great if a certain famous detective had the same awareness as you, because if you want to show off in front of your sweetheart, you will almost take the antidote as a daily routine."

I guess she was talking about Kudo Shinichi who turned into Conan.

After a tiring day, Lancer decided to stay overnight at Dr. Ali's house. Fortunately, Haibara Ai had no objection, and Dr. Ali couldn't refuse, so Lancer slept on their sofa for half the night.

Why does it have to be said to be half a night? Because in the middle of the night, Lancer received a call from a nocturnal man.

The cell phone next to the pillow rang. Lancer was woken up from his sleep. He picked up the phone and looked at it, and found that it was Gin calling him.

He answered the phone with a thick nasal voice, and his voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't woken up.

"Brother, can you see what time it is now? Do you work so hard?"

"After you went to find that woman, you never left her, right?"

Thinking of the people watching outside, Lancer hummed and slowly sat up. "Are you jealous?"

However, Gin had no intention of quarreling with him and said directly: "I'll ask Pomaro to pick you up and help with the mission."

He heard the young man on the other end of the phone yawn lazily and mutter reluctantly: "How much does the organization pay you? Let you work for them day and night? If it doesn't work, you can retire and I'll go." I'll support you by moving bricks on the construction site."

Gin: "...Do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

The night wind from the Tone River blew his hair flying, and also made the newly lit cigarette turn into stars, flickering in and out in the dark night.

"Be there soon, wait for me." The young man said and hung up the phone.

Gin looked at his phone for a long time, then exhaled a puff of smoke, and his whole body relaxed comfortably.

Unknown joy sprouts like spring buds.

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