I have a space bead

Chapter 107 A team of men was killed

A team of more than fifty people from the Zhangjia Escort Bureau were all killed on their way back, five or six miles outside the city. Their accompanying goods were robbed, and no one escaped.

Hearing the news, Lin Xiaofei was suddenly shocked.

At the same time, he thought about the fights that had broken out between Zhangjia Escort Bureau and Heifeng Village from time to time in the past few years, and that Zhang Shulong of the Zhang family was also killed by bandits from Heifeng Village while escorting goods for many years.

Especially a few days ago, when he saw Ding Baiyu, the third master of Heifeng Village, walking out of the town's brothel, he felt something was wrong.

Now, when he heard that a large team of Zhangjia Escort Bureau was massacred by bandits from Heifeng Village, he had a suspicion in his mind that Heifeng Village had made preparations in advance to ambush the Zhangjia Escort Bureau. This was also given to Zhang Shuhu. A warning.

"I really didn't expect it. Some time ago, I saw that the Zhangjia Escort Bureau was using the official road, and the bandits in Heifeng Village didn't pay attention at all. I thought those bandits were afraid of the Zhangjia Escort Bureau. Who would have thought that the Zhangjia Escort Bureau would send them out this time? More than fifty people escorting the bodyguard were all killed."

"Who says no.

A few days ago, I was thinking that it would be very safe to have a group of experts from the Zhang family escorting the goods. I planned to ask the Zhang family escort agency to help me transport a batch of goods back from Canyon County. Who would have thought that the people escorting the goods from the Zhang family escort agency would be killed? It messed up my business plans.

With this group of bandits from Heifeng Village here, it will be really difficult for me to do business. "

“Hey, it’s all the same.

I had a small business before, but because Heifengzhai liked to block roads and rob people, my business couldn't continue.

Finally, I saw that the Zhangjia Escort Bureau could confront Heifeng Village. I thought that the Zhangjia Escort Bureau could slowly kill all the bandits in Heifeng Village. Who would have thought that the bandits in Heifeng Village were so ferocious that they actually killed Zhang? More than fifty warriors with extraordinary skills killed him.

Now I don't know if the Zhangjia Escort Agency will take revenge. "

"This time, the bandits in Heifeng Village were too cruel. They killed more than fifty people at once. This was a slap in Zhang Shuhu's face. I think Zhang Shuhu will definitely call more masters from Canyon County to Qingshan Town. So we can continue to fight against the bandits in Heifeng Village."

"Yes, I also hope that the Zhang family can confront the bandits in Heifeng Village, so that someone can combat the arrogance of Heifeng Village."

Listening to the discussion of a group of people on the street, Lin Xiaofei kept thinking in his mind.

In the past few years, the Zhangjia Escort Agency and Heifeng Village have been fighting each other from time to time. He estimated that Zhang Shulong killed the apprentice of the second master of Heifeng Village, and then Heifeng Village killed Zhang Shulong, and hatred arose between them. .

Behind the Zhangjia Escort Agency, there are now two brothers, Zhang Shuhu and Zhang Shubao, who support them. Their brothers were killed by bandits in Heifeng Village, so they will naturally avenge him.

However, Heifeng Village's action this time was too crazy, killing more than fifty people at once.

At the same time, he guessed that Heifeng Village had made preparations in advance, setting up an ambush on the official road, and specially took advantage of the Zhang family to escort a relatively large business, and carried out a large-scale massacre.

"This time, Zhang Shuhu had just returned to Qingshan Town and had just offered incense to his eldest brother when his escort team was killed by bandits from Heifeng Village, and they were very heavy-handed.

I guess it's the bandits from Heifeng Village who want to scare Zhang Shuhu, right? "

Lin Xiaofei murmured in his heart.

Suddenly, he remembered what he had heard before. The second eldest son of the Zhang family, Zhang Shuhu, was doing big business in Canyon County, while the third eldest son, Zhang Shubao, had become the son-in-law of a wealthy family in the county. Now they both have relatively high status and have huge connections behind them. With his strength, he will not easily let go of Heifeng Village, and may even confront the bandits of Heifeng Village.

Of course, he didn't have a good impression of the bandits in Heifeng Village, and he also hoped that the Zhangjia Escort Agency could confront the bandits in Heifeng Village.

He continued walking on the street and saw more than ten people from the government hurriedly walking out of the street where the Yamen was located and trotting away towards the city gate.

At the same time, there were already many people from the government at the city gate, heavily guarded, and strictly checking everyone who came in or out.

Moreover, he also discovered that some inner disciples of the Qingfeng Gang were wandering back and forth in some alleys of the street, as if they were searching for something.

Lin Xiaofei thought for a while and immediately entered an alley. Just as he was about to ask the inner disciples what they were searching for, he suddenly saw a black shadow hitting the wall of the alley and letting out a scream.

Lin Xiaofei stopped and looked over, and saw several teenagers playing together. One of them, a boy of thirteen or fourteen, was holding a young kitten with gray hair in his hand, and threw it towards the wall, causing the little kitten to The cat fell to the ground.

After taking a look, the young man had a proud smile on his face. Lin Xiaofei immediately understood that these young men used a kitten as a toy, throwing it back and forth and even letting it fall to the ground.


The little black cat fell to the ground with a bang, rolled over, and trembled slightly. His eyes revealed a timid look. He stepped forward on his four unsteady legs and backed up, trying to stay away from this group of teenagers.

"This time, we throw it into the sky to see who can throw it the highest."

With a smile on his face, the young man walked over quickly, bent down, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the little black cat by the neck.

At this time, the little black cat kept retreating, with a look of fear and timidity on its face. It did not even dare to fight back. It meowed a few times, as if it was struggling.

Moreover, one of the little black cat's legs seemed to be injured and could not stand at all.

The young man grabbed the little black cat's neck. The little black cat kept struggling and waving its claws. The claws hooked into the young man's finger, causing a bloody cut.

The young man's face changed and he became a little angry. He pinched the little black cat hard and slapped it on the head hard with his other hand.

After slapping four or five times, the boy was relieved, and then he threw the little black cat into the sky with great force.

Lin Xiaofei looked at it for a few times, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't want to pay attention to it, thinking that there would be nothing wrong with a few teenagers playing with the little black cat. However, when he saw that the little black cat was not only injured, but also treated like this by them. Playing, it is estimated that this little black cat will be played to death by them in a while.

The moment he saw the little black cat thrown into the air, Lin Xiaofei couldn't help but took a step forward and rushed over.

He felt that this little black cat was so pitiful. If he accidentally fell it, he would probably be seriously injured or die.

A figure, as fast as lightning, came closer. With a wave of his hand, he caught the little black cat that was about to fall.

Lin Xiaofei glanced at the limp black cat in his hand. It looked powerless and meowed in a low voice, as if it was praying for something.

Without hesitation, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and poured out a pill.

Strength pills!

This time he made a deal with old man Wang Qingliang, because stamina pills can quickly restore a person's physical strength. Fighting with people is the easiest way to consume stamina. If you take a stamina pill at a critical moment, it will enhance your combat effectiveness, so the old man is very interested in this kind of physical strength pills. He was very interested in the pills and exchanged ten bottles for them.

However, he had refined a lot of these pills and took them out casually.

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