The next morning, Shiraishi came to visit the nursing home where Xiuzou's father was in Hongcun with a gift.

"It's Shiraishi, why did you come to the United States? I didn't hear Xiu Zao say." Nijimura's father saw Shiraishi's special white hair and remembered that this was his child's basketball player in junior high school, and then said in surprise.

"I went to study in the United States for a year for some special reasons. I had to deal with some personal matters before, so I only have free time recently. So I took the time to visit you. How is my uncle's health recently?" Shiraishi came in and saw that Nijimura Shuzo was not there. I wasn't too surprised, after all, I had learned that he would come to the nursing home every weekend morning to take care of his father. In order to give him a surprise, I didn't tell him in advance that I would come to visit.

Not long after Shiraishi and Hongcun's father chatted, making the old man laugh, Hongcun Xiuzao came to the nursing home carrying fruit.

"Aha! Shiraishi, why are you here? You didn't even tell me in advance. You were completely unprepared." He was very surprised to see Shiraishi Hongcun Xiuzao, and then said in surprise.

In this way, the two of them stayed in the nursing home for a while and then said goodbye to Hongcun's father and left.

In a cafe not far away, Shiraishi and Hongcun were sitting opposite each other.

Hongcun was still surprised to see Shiraishi. After all, it was very happy to see his former fellow students in a foreign country. But I am also very curious about the reason why my junior appears:

"Why did you come to the United States? Are you here temporarily for business or do you plan to stay for a long time?"

Shiraishi didn't hide anything and told the truth directly: "Captain, you don't know that after you left, everyone was training very seriously. What followed was that everyone's strength improved rapidly, and now I can barely suppress a few others. . But it’s just because of their physical fitness and their inability to fully exert their full strength. I can’t get good opponents and effective training methods in Japan for the time being, so I came here to study for a year and look for opportunities to improve.”

Hearing Shiraishi's words, Nijimura couldn't help but sigh: "When you first joined the club, the coach and assistant coaches have always been optimistic about your future. The most intuitive thing is that guy Aomine, who pestered me to give up, but I still didn't expect you to grow up. It's so fast. Now it's surprising that you can't find any opponents among your Japanese peers, but you are still so afraid of them. It seems that you have lived up to your talents."

After hearing this, Shiraishi replied confidently: "Of course, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to fulfill the big promise made by the coach of the first national championship - three consecutive national championships! It has been completed for two years, and there will definitely be no surprises this year, just a little bit It’s a pity that the two of us can’t see each other anymore.”

Nijimura also nodded in agreement, "I remember that in the first year, I wanted you to accumulate some competition experience, but no one expected that your performance would be so strong. At that time, the coach said those words and he actually had no idea himself, but later I am becoming more and more confident after seeing your performance. Although the two of us cannot witness this feat with our own eyes, we have also participated in it, right?"

Hearing this, Shiraishi praised Nijimura: "I remember when I first joined the team, Captain Nijimura, you were the target we wanted to catch up with. At that time, Aomine was not convinced because he was in the same position as you and kept working hard to improve. If it weren't for his uncle If this happens, the captain will probably be our starter last year. By the way, Captain Nijimura, are you still playing basketball now?"

Hearing Shiraishi's question, Hongcun smiled and replied: "There's no need to call me that. After all, we quit the team a long time ago. If you don't mind, just call me Hongcun. As for basketball? How could you give up? I also like basketball very much." Yes! And the basketball atmosphere here is so good. Since I came here, I quickly started playing basketball with people in the community. However, I didn’t join the school’s basketball team because I had to take care of my father.”

Hearing this, Shiraishi's lips curled up in relief. After all, there were no scenes in the original work after Hongcun left Teikou. Who knows if he will continue to pursue his dream of basketball? If so, then this is also a powerful team member! Then he looked at Hongcun and invited him actively: "Then let me call you Hongcun-senpai. Since you have been playing basketball, Hongcun-senpai, are you interested in playing basketball?"

Hearing Shiraishi's invitation, Hongcun was also looking forward to it. He smiled and nodded and said: "Then let's have a ball and let me see how far your strength has improved. You dare to say that no one among your peers in Japan can do it." Putting pressure on you so much that you want to come to the United States to further your studies. There is a stadium nearby, we can just go to my house and get the ball and go directly there."

The two of them didn't say much after that. They went to the home built in nearby Hongcun to take the basketball and went to the court that Hongcun mentioned.

Nijimura threw the ball to Shiraishi and said, "I am your senior after all, so let me attack first."

Shiraishi didn't pretend to be pretentious. He took the ball and planned to test Nijimura Shuzo's strength to see how he has improved since he left. "Then thank you very much, Nijimura-senpai, but you have to be careful, I won't hold back."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shiraishi dribbling the ball quickly in front of Nijimura, and then took advantage of him to break through to the right. Nijimura reacted quickly, keeping up with Shiraishi's movements and then tried to poke the basketball with his hand.

Shiraishi stopped his hand and pulled the ball back to avoid Nijimura's small movement, and then his body leaned to the left. Seeing Nijimura's center of gravity begin to shift to the side, he suddenly changed direction and continued to break through to the right.

Upon seeing this, Nijimura immediately accelerated, increased his speed and started a pick-and-roll to chase Shiraishi from behind. Seeing that he might be blocked again, Shiraishi slowed down and stopped to shoot a jump shot. Nijimura saw Shiraishi's movement from behind and jumped up with the help of accelerating running, and swatted the basketball Shiraishi had just shot from behind.

Seeing that the ball was intercepted, Shiraishi didn't continue to pick up the basketball and attack. After all, Nijimura was in the air and couldn't stop himself anymore. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Nijimura Shuzo, who had just come down from the air, and said, "Senior Nijimura, you are really not bad. I remember that you didn't have this speed when you just left."

Hongcun also understood what was going on. He chuckled and shook his head: "No, no, this still can't stop you? But you don't seem to be trying your best, you brat. You don't even use 'wildness'. You are still scrupulous." Is it because of seniors? It’s just that you don’t look like you can crush all your peers in Japan.”

After hearing this, Shiraishi joked with Nijimura: "No way, I haven't just met you, senior. I have become very strong. Who knows how far you have become, senior? I don't want to crush you easily." .”

In fact, Shiraishi still used some snacks. At least at this speed, even if any one of the "five untitled generals" came, he might not be able to catch up with his speed.

"I can't pretend that I haven't heard this before. If that's the case, then let me see your true strength!"

After hearing this, Nijimura no longer prepared to attack, but continued to throw the ball to Shiraishi and let him hit another ball.

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