blood contract

Chapter 433 The magic tree must be defeated with a magic tree!

With Le as a hostage, it believed that the other party would not dare to set fire at will.

And it seemed to have made the right bet on this point. With Le in its hands, Ling Ling did not dare to set fire to it at will, but likewise, they did not dare to touch Le at will.

clap clap clap!

"I didn't expect that you, a tree demon, are also a tree material!" Ling Ling clapped his hands and praised: "Can you show up and talk to me?"

"Hehehe..." Countless tree people around made low and strange noises, as if they were protesting against something.

However, this noisy sound was suddenly suppressed by an even more bizarre "Woo, woo..." sound.

The tree people instantly became obedient and silent, bowing their heads in greeting. From behind them walked out a strange black tree that was completely different from the tree people.

It is taller than those tree people, and its bark is a deep black, emitting a thick black gas. This black gas is thick and heavy, permeating the surrounding air, giving people a depressing and suffocating feeling.

There were two holes on the tree, flashing a green light like the eyes of a monster. The light jumped in the darkness, exuding a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

“Wooaaaaah, sizzle…” the tree demon made a sound.

(??)? ? ?

Ling Ling and the others didn't understand a word they said. They frowned and looked confused.

"Um, what are you talking about?" Lingling scratched his head.

“Wooahhhh, sizzle…” The tree demon.

"I do not understand."

“Wooooaaaaah, s ...


The two people on the same tree are like chickens talking to ducks. If they continue communicating like this, they will definitely fight.

Ling Ling, who didn't want to expose Bai Ya, had no choice but to let Bai Ya out.

The moment he saw Bai Ya, Mu Qihua Le's eyes lit up.

Oh! Sure enough, the magic tree must be defeated by the magic tree!

"What did it say?" Lingling pointed at the black tree.

It's time for the white crow to show off again. It shakes its trunk, and the white branches make a rustling sound, as if all the kings have come to pay homage to it.

So arrogant!

When the two trees, one black and one white, met each other, for some reason, the black tree began to make a wild "Yiyawuwa" sound, and the roots and tree people in the entire cave became crazy.

These sounds carry a strong attack on the soul.

Ling Ling inserted her fingers into her ears and frowned. She didn't know what was wrong with Hei Shu. Why did his temper suddenly become so bad?

Miao Shiyu covered her ears, her eyes narrowed, her face showing a hint of pain; Mu Qihua.Le shook his head from time to time, using the Yanshen method to keep himself clear-headed.

The white crow stood calmly beside Ling Ling, the tree branches swayed, and the red silk fluttered in the cave, looking so dazzling and yet out of place.

All of a sudden, Ling Ling and Miao Shiyu behind it recovered. It should be that Bai Ya blocked Hei Shu's spiritual attack for it.

But Mu Qihua Le didn't feel so good. He continued to be attacked by the soul, and at the same time, his bones wrapped in vines made crackling sounds.

His pupils were transformed into beasts, and it was obvious that he was using all his strength to fight the vines and break free.

Your Majesty, this tree is too evil. It has absorbed some evil spirits and turned into a demon!

The crows were swaying two branches, and the meaning they expressed was becoming more and more like Om Da.

"I know. I asked it what it just said and why it went crazy."

It said if you dare to set fire to this place, it will kill that person.

The white crow branches kept shaking to express it.

To outsiders, the white tree just kept shaking its branches, and no one understood what it was doing, but the meaning of its expression had already appeared in Lingling's mind.

Your Majesty, it has gone mad because it is jealous of the white crow's beauty!

"..." Ling Ling's eyebrows twitched and he clenched his fists, "Speak properly."

The white crow kowtowed and begged for forgiveness. The branches were still shaking, fearing that the Queen would be angry.

Bai Ya's words were never false. The Queen knew that the Tong Blood Tree was rare, but she didn't know why it was rare?


Because they are jealous, they will never allow a second beautiful and powerful tree to exist in their territory!

So if it finds a beautiful tree of the same or other species, it will definitely remove it.


After understanding what Bai Ya meant, Ling Ling was completely speechless.

He concluded helplessly, "It turns out that he is trying to make himself extinct! How cruel!"

The white crow rubbed against two branches, making a rustling sound, as if it was clapping its hands.

My clever queen, you are worthy of being my eternal goddess!

Ling Ling and Bai Ya completed the spiritual dialogue in a short while.

Miao Shiyu who was standing nearby and Mu Qihua.Le who was covered in sweat were both confused.

What does this say?

Although I know that the two are definitely communicating through spiritual consciousness, is it possible to tell them something?

"Well, stop talking. Tell it I know what it means. But if it kills that man, I'll burn everything it has."

The white crow shook the branch in response, and then the cow rustled and shook the branch to convey Ling Ling's meaning.

The black tree started making its 'woosh...' sound again.

The two trees, one white and one black, began to communicate in a strange way.

Ling Ling was puzzled. They were both trees, so why could the black tree make sounds while the white crow couldn't?

After some observation, she found that the sound made by the black tree was probably caused by the sound of wind flowing between the tree roots in the cave.

I don’t know how the black and white ones communicate with each other, but the more they communicate, the more violent they become.

Ling Ling didn't know what Hei Shu meant, but she knew what Bai Ya meant.

From the beginning, it said, 'If you dare to kill that man, we will burn everything you have,' and then it kept repeating: I'm more handsome than you, I'm more handsome than you, are you angry, are you angry!

Lingling's face suddenly turned dark.

Yes, this guy is also a narcissistic species. When two narcissists get together, nothing good will happen!

Sure enough, black gas suddenly rose from the black tree's trunk, and the tree people attacked them madly.

The trunk of the White Crow tree trembled, and its aura was full of domineering. Its roots penetrated into the mud, but it did not grow too big. Only the branches on the trunk grew longer and more numerous at a speed visible to the naked eye...

After a short while, the tree men were stabbed to the ground and could not move.

The remaining branches were fighting with the roots and vines of the black tree. The scene was quite magical...

Several times, Hei Shu tried to launch sneak attacks on Ling Ling and Miao Shiyu, but was easily resolved by Bai Ya.

Watching the white crow's effortless attack, Ling Ling leisurely sat on a white crow's branch, crossed his legs, took out a processed carrot from the ring, and ate while watching.

Ling Ling was so leisurely that Miao Shiyu also crossed her arms and watched from the side. It was unknown what she was thinking about, and her eyes occasionally shifted between Bai Ya and Ling Ling.

Then Ling Ling handed over a carrot. Miao Shiyu was stunned, then took the carrot and started eating it.

Mu Qihua.Le: (╥﹏╥) You two should at least take my feelings into consideration!

Gradually, the white branches of the white crow turned black, while the black branches turned black and purple.

The black tree's crazy attack seemed ridiculous to the white crow, but when it found itself turning black, the white crow got angry.

I'm dirty, I'm not beautiful anymore, the Queen will despise me...

Then, its red ribbon flew out like a snake.

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