blood contract

Chapter 424 Huangfu Clan 1

"Without this initial chapter to guide me, I will always lack some artistic conception if I want to comprehend this book... Rabbit Bao thought, although it lacks artistic conception, it is better than the young master being weak! Hahaha... The young master is indeed lucky! Not bad, not bad. This way, Rabbit Bao will have fewer worries."

Ling Ling understood that without the initial chapter as a foundation, it is possible to practice. However, it would be like floating duckweed without roots, and the effect would be greatly reduced.

Oh, now that I think about it, I am really lucky!

Next, Ling Ling did not hide it from Tu Bao and told him how she got 'Out of Nothing' and the writing brush.

"I see. No wonder the young master was able to find the master's imperial brush."

"The imperial brush?"

"Yes, this pen has been with the master since he started practicing Taoism. All of his works were written with this pen..."

As if recalling the past, Tubao touched the brush with a sad look on his face, "I didn't expect its intelligence to be so seriously damaged... Little Master, can you leave it here with Tubao?"

"Okay, no problem." Lingling agreed without hesitation.

"Thank you, young master," Tu Bao said with a dull look in his eyes. He put the brush into his hair and said, "Young master, can you let me see the ring?"

"Of course you can." Ling Ling took out the ring and handed it to Tu Bao. "This ring looks ordinary, but it always gives me an indescribable strange feeling. I guess this thing is extraordinary, so I dare not use it."

Tu Bao took the ring, took a look at it and said, "I am pleased with the young master's caution."

"how do I say this?"

"Let me tell you this, my young master, your feeling is very accurate. The origin of this ring is not simple, and the owner of it is not an ordinary person."

"Oh, tell me about it." This completely aroused Ling Ling's great curiosity.

"Does the young master know the Huangfu clan?"

"Huangfu?" Ling Ling thought for a moment and asked, "Is it the Huangfu royal family from the Holy Dragon Star Region in history?"


"Oh, I've seen it in the literature, but there isn't much to it. It just says that the king was incompetent and unjust, which aroused the anger of the people and led to their rebellion. In the end, the whole clan was exterminated and perished... It's normal for the royal family to change from generation to generation."

"...So this is how they recorded it in the documents?" Tu Bao sighed, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Tu Bao's expression immediately reminded Ling Ling of Uncle Yuan Wu's words, and he asked, "Could it be that Emperor Huangfu is also one of the seven good friends of Senior Xuanyuan Mingtai?"

Because he also held a copy of "Dao Lai", the old monster who couldn't even be named "turned his house upside down".

When you think about it this way, it makes sense.

"Yes." Rabbit nodded.

"Ah! It's true," Ling Ling said in surprise, "He flipped the table over when he disagreed with something. He really has no 'card character'!"

The most infuriating thing is that when someone says "overthrow it," you don't have the strength to fight back. Who told you that they have the capital and strength to do so?

"Alas!" Ling Ling lamented, "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The final conclusion is left to the winner. How sad!"

"Yes, the winner takes all. It seems that the young master also understands this truth." Tu Bao said: "The last emperor of the Huangfu clan was a man who was only obsessed with cultivation. He was chivalrous and loyal, and he only married one woman in his life... and the foundation of their clan is the production of Xumi mustard sand."

Xumi mustard seed sand is a very small, like a tiny dust, but it has a vast space inside. It can be placed in any container, and over time, the Xumi mustard seed will gradually grow into a huge world, and various natural treasures can be cultivated in its space.

"Isn't that the main material for making storage rings and other magical treasures?" Ling Ling had read the introduction of this Sumeru mustard sand in a book.

"That's right. Because this kind of sand has high production requirements and the process is very complicated, the price is also very high.

Tu Bao has seen some storage-type spiritual treasures in later generations. Although they also use Xumi mustard sand as raw materials, their production process and space storage technology are far from comparable to those in ancient times. "

"So that's it!" Ling Ling exclaimed, it turned out that the ring he picked up had such a great origin.

The more you look at it, the more it seems simple and unpretentious, high-end and classy.

Now, if you want to buy a low-grade Sumeru Mustard Seed Sand Ring, you need to spend a high-grade spiritual vein or a hundred fairy marrow crystals.

As if she thought of something, she looked at this space again.

If this material is used to build a space house and then "divide" it, then it makes perfect sense...

Oh my, Senior Xuanyuan is really a rich man!


A villain emerged in Lingling's heart and laughed extremely evilly: Doesn't that mean I've made a fortune?

Meow, oh hehehe...(*ΦwΦ)

Tu Bao had no idea what Ling Ling was thinking, and continued, "In fact, the real reason for the demise of the Huangfu clan was the manufacturing process of Xumi Jiezi Sand.

Because of this production process, countless eyes were staring at the Huangfu family's piece of fat meat, forcing them to hand over their production process under the pretext of rescuing them...

But they never handed it over until their the craftsmanship was lost.

If others knew that the young master had such a high-grade Sumeru mustard seed ring that only the direct descendants of Huangfu could possess, I am afraid that the young master would not survive for a day. "


As if thinking of the scene in which he was being chased by a group of old monsters, Ling Ling patted his heart and boasted about his own caution.

Good virtues must be maintained, and you must be low-key.

Hearing that it was Huangfu's direct bloodline, and thinking of the skeleton in the A-shaped cage at that time, Ling Ling made up a large story in his mind:

After the demise of the Huangfu clan, this descendant of the bloodline fled to the lower three regions under an assumed name to avoid being hunted down by all parties, hiding in the market and leading an ordinary life. Unexpectedly, he offended a powerful clan, was persecuted and hunted, and was finally sent to the A-type prison in Shapu Town, where he died with hatred!

His family once possessed supreme glory and powerful strength, but eventually became a page in history.

Yes, just one page, a hastily scribbled page.

Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh for the Huangfu family.

Life is short, like grass growing in spring, coming like wind and rain, and going like dust.

Alas! Sorrow! Sigh!

Lingling and Tubao both sighed and shook their heads.

"I didn't expect him to do this for his master!" Rabbit Bao murmured.

Indeed. Just because of a friend's request, he sacrificed his entire dynasty. It is not easy for an outsider to judge who is right or wrong.

"Cheers to him!" Ling Ling took out a pot of wine and poured it on the ground.

The circles formed by the wine seemed to silently express respect for that person!

Tu Bao looked at Ling Ling, seeming to want to say something but stopping himself.

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