blood contract

Chapter 355 A tense competition

This is considered a normal strike and not a foul.

"Oh, what a pity. 'Black Fang' is indeed still young and inexperienced. Due to this influence, it is now three positions behind 'Water Ghost'. I wonder if it can catch up with the veteran 'Water Ghost' again?"

The referee's explanation echoed on the scene.

A look from Deli Guxi, the eldest son of the Guyan family, was cast on Prince Le (Lingling) who was sitting in the chair.

He nodded slightly and politely expressed his apology, but in fact he was showing off his victory in this battle.

Lingling remained calm and returned the same smile.

Boy, don't be too happy too early!

In the box, Damian grabbed Mu Qihua Le's hand and stood up, saying, "Sister Ling, come and do it with me."

As he spoke, he raised his arms and waved them up and down, shouting, "Come on, come on Hei Ya! Come on... Come on, sister Ling, cheer for Hei Ya with me. Le and I often do this, it's very useful."

Mu Qihua. Le: "..."

Silly roe deer, do you know what you are doing? Don't expose such childish things to your uncle!

Lei Hewu just glanced at it and ignored it.

Anyway, it wasn't Xiaodouzi himself, so they didn't bother to care.

Not only did Le understand that his brother had such an unruly personality, he was afraid that he would punch him with his backhand.

It's a pity that now he can only endure it. He is no longer Mu Qihua Le but Lingling.

He didn't know that if Changling Ling were here, he would definitely tie him up and throw him aside.

'Black Fang' was also cheering for the beastmen, and its explosive speed was catching up.

There were loud cheers again on the field.

The on-site referee was also the commentator of this competition. His slightly excited voice sounded in the field: "Look, Black Tooth is actually speeding up, and it is half a body away from the water ghost...

Oh my God, there is only one position left. It, it is really too fast... I really can’t believe that it can speed up again in this situation. Now, it is parallel to the 'Water Ghost'. Could it be that this competition , is the championship going to change hands? "

The referee's excited explanation was also affecting every spectator in the stadium.

"Come on, Black Tooth..."

"Ahhhhh!!! Come on, Black Teeth..." Those spectators who bet on it to win kept shouting excitedly.

"Look, look," the referee shouted with even more excitement and an incredible tone, "Oh my God! A miracle, a miracle just happened...'Black Tooth' surpassed 'Water Ghost' by just an inch. ...Everyone has witnessed the birth of a new generation of champions... Let us congratulate 'Black Tooth' for becoming the champion of this round."

"Ahhh! I, I actually won the bet!"

The winner of this bet jumped up, grabbed the person next to him and gave them a big bear hug, and shouted excitedly, "I won, I won the bet!"

"Black teeth, black teeth..."

Damien was so excited that he forgot about it, grabbing Lingling's shoulders and shaking him, "It won, it won...right, I said that would be very useful!"

Then he took Lingling's hand, raised it high and put it down together, "Hei Ya, Hei Ya, you are the best... Hei Ya, Hei Ya is the most handsome..." He kept repeating this action.

Speaking of Hei Ya's victory, Le Ben was very happy, but when his brother-in-law, Guard Lei, and this boy did such a shameful and childish thing like a stupid roe deer, he, the prince, really couldn't do it!

I struggled several times but could not free my hand from his.

He gave a death stare: Brat, if you don't let go, I'll blow your pig head off.

Feeling the death gaze, Damian realized that his behavior was inappropriate, he quickly let go of his hand and apologized to Lingling again and again, "Sorry, sorry, Le and I often do this, we are used to it!"


Le Xin slapped his forehead hard, you stupid roe deer, you can just say it once, why do you have to say it a second time? This prince has lost his face today!

Inexplicably, I felt a dark aura emerge. I don't know if it was an illusion or something. Damien An felt that the person next to him was more like his good brother! ! !

He scratched his head and laughed awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I'm too happy."

"Haha!" Le Yong Lingling's pretty face forced out a very forced smile.

Some beastmen were happy and some were sad. The cheers were mixed with roars and curses.

Deli Gu Xi's face looked a little ugly at this moment. He clenched his hands tightly and did not dare to look at the expression on His Highness Le's face at this time.

But if you think about it, you can see the arrogant and arrogant appearance of the Great Demon King Hun Tian.

Chief Sheng saw a look of disappointment in the eyes of Xuanze and Fairy Linghong, among the five chiefs of the tribes. The others all looked proud, and he knew in his heart who they were betting on in this round.

He smiled and said: "Everyone, there are only two games left, there is still a chance!"


Second obstacle course.

The originally calm inland sea runway was transformed into a variety of criss-crossing obstacles after the water spell was applied to it.

There are different items placed in the obstacles, as well as various water monsters and monsters transformed by the power of water.

These are not visible now. Only after being triggered, those obstacles will appear and then attack the racers. The racers gain points by avoiding obstacles or killing obstacles.

The ten beast masters were eager to try and prepared as they rode on their own white dolphins.

Each beastman has a solemn face, and their eyes are like falcons, staring at every intricate track in front of them with unusual concentration.

Every obstacle is like an insurmountable mountain or a rushing river. And those high-point items are among them.

After locking which track he was going to take, he kept looking at his opponents, thinking about their own little plans.

The silver whistle sounded, and various animal masters controlled the white dolphins and rushed towards the track they had chosen before.

At this time, the audience in the stadium changed from the enthusiastic cheering in the previous game. They all held their breath and cheered for the beastman in their hearts, for fear that making any noise would affect their concentration.

The audience can't help but scream when they see the thrilling scene.

The referee's commentary still echoed in the arena.

"Oops, the 'Green Elephant' was cleverly used by the 'White Bee' when avoiding the water monster, and was knocked out of the track, becoming the first white dolphin to lose the qualification in this round, and the 'White Bee' won the 5 points...

As for 'Perfume', 'Red Mane' and 'Oliver', the three of them are heading towards the highest point. Who will get the highest score of seven points?

Will it be 'Red Mane', the winner of the previous two jumps races?

ah! As expected, there is no suspense. 'Red Mane' won the highest score of seven points, followed by 'Perfume' and 'Orioles' with three and two points...

On the other track, 'Xiaoyou' and 'Juice' are being besieged by a group of water monsters. Can they escape safely and pass this track..."

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