Soon, the two arrived at the printing house, and Beria and Voorhees had already arrived.

"Why did you come?"

Beria and Voorhes looked at Funina with some confusion. After all, someone who found the clues so quickly should get to the printing house faster than them.

"Ahem, I have a stomachache and I need to go to the toilet!" Funina smiled awkwardly. She felt a little dazed now.

If these people could find this right away, their reasoning must be more accurate than hers.

Several people then looked at Ye Luo. Couldn't the assistant come over first?

"Ah, yes, yes, I have a stomachache too!" Ye Luo spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Ahem, why don't you go in? Are you waiting for me to give you some guidance?" Funina coughed twice and looked at the crowd with confidence.

Voorhees made a sound of disdain, but Beria looked at Funina. She always felt that this tone was so familiar.

"I'm telling you, no matter what you say, you can't go in. Unless you bring out a search warrant, we are not legally illiterate!"

The two brothers guarding the door looked at the few people with pride, enjoying the power of controlling other people's access very much!

Funina frowned. Unless she took off her mask now, there was nothing she could do.

So, she set her sights on her dog-headed strategist, Holmes Yello.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched slightly. How could these people get in if they didn't understand the world at all.

Ye Luo walked over with a smile, took out a check for one hundred thousand Moras, and handed it over to the two of them.

"Let's go in and investigate and just ask a few questions. We won't disturb your normal production!"

After Ye Luo finished speaking, he stretched out his hands and looked at the two of them.

"Haha, you are all here to visit our factory, why are you staying outside here!" The guard unceremoniously took the check from Ye Luo's hand, put it in his pocket, and then warmly welcomed everyone in.

Ye Luo blinked at Funina and saw that she was still stunned, so he directly took her hand and followed everyone in!

Funina frowned and whispered to Ye Luo: "If you give this kind of person a mora, no one can stop me wherever I go in Fontaine!"

She felt that Ye Luo had become that kind of smooth person, and she didn't like it very much!

"Hey, wait and see, my Mora is not so easy to get, are you right?" Ye Luo looked at Funina. He said with a smile.

Funina couldn't help but remember that she cheated him out of money for a meal before, and then he tried to find a way to get her to sign it back.

This time, she faced two gatekeepers whose IQs were tens of thousands of times lower than hers. Judging from Ye Luo's IQ, it seems easy to get the money back.

Thinking of this, Funina smiled sweetly again.

Only then did she feel something was wrong. It turned out that her hand was being held by Ye Luo.

"Let go!" Funina whispered.

Ye Luo immediately smiled awkwardly, and then reluctantly let go of his hand.

Although Sha Fu’s Xiao Long Bao is not very good, her hands are really soft!

It's a pity that she keeps wearing gloves, and they are of different colors.

I guess they lost one of them separately and then they just made a pair!

"This is the production line of Steam Dog Magazine. Their Sherlock Holmes serial has become very popular recently. We can all read it in advance!" The staff member who was sorting the papers proudly introduced it to the four Yeluo people.

Voorhees was the first to ask: "How many of you here have access to this manuscript? Do you know who read the latest chapter of Sherlock Holmes yesterday?"

He must take the initiative to combat the arrogance of this Holmes.

At least he changed a word, but this guy just didn't change a word. He was really shameless!

"Why are you asking this? You don't want to print pirated copies, do you? Our factory is a serious factory and we don't do this kind of thing!" The staff looked at Voorhees warily and warned.

"Well, don't get me wrong, we are also serious people!" Voorhees immediately explained awkwardly.

He was a little speechless, why could Holmes get so much information by chatting with others.

You can even get some clues through your clothing, conversation, and handwriting, but you can't find anything yourself.

Communicating with others can also make them angry. It seems that he is really not suitable for this profession.

Belya looked up at the staff, thoughtfully. She put her hands in the air and closed her eyes.

After a while, she shook her head again and found nothing.

She is also not good at dealing with people.

So, in the end, the important responsibility fell on Funina. Both Voorhes and Beria looked at Funina, waiting for her action.

Funina smiled awkwardly, she knew what she was capable of. If she opens her mouth, the other party will definitely kick them out directly.

So, Funina moved her eyes to Ye Luo, the real Sherlock Holmes.

Ye Luo was in a daze when he felt a hand push from behind.

He took two steps forward and looked at everyone suspiciously.

"Ahem, since my assistant Watson wants to show it off, let him do it!" Funina coughed twice and made a decision directly regardless of everyone's opinions.

"What happened?" Ye Luo scratched his head, pulled Funina aside awkwardly, and asked in a low voice.

"Now you have to look for clues to clear your name! They all say that you, the author, are the murderer, and they will accuse you when you get back!" Funina saw that Ye Luo was not listening, so she immediately deceived her.

"Really?" Ye Luo asked doubtfully, thinking to himself, are these detectives all fools?

If I were the murderer, would this magazine still be distributed today?

"Hmm, I finally got this opportunity for you. As long as you find the clues, you can continue the case and they won't doubt the author!"

Funina nodded immediately with a very serious expression.

"Yes, I'll do it!" Ye Luo nodded and walked forward with a smile.

"Brother, how many years have you been standing here doing this?"

"It's been three years, so I can be considered an old employee!"

"Well, let me ask you, how much is your monthly salary?"

"It's not much, only 220,000 molas, barely enough to make ends meet!"

"Brother, don't be so modest. With an income like yours from Fontaine, you are definitely among the best!"

"Haha, brother, I love hearing what you say. To be honest, are you here to find a job?"

"Yes, brother, you are so good, you can guess all this!"

Ye Luo just chatted slowly, brushing up on the staff's favorability towards him.

Voorhees looked at Ye Luo with some disdain. He thought this was all nonsense and a waste of time.

With all this time, he might as well go somewhere else to investigate.

"Brother, do you know how to see that Sherlock Holmes as quickly as possible? I really like watching it. That Sherlock Holmes is really amazing. He can see details that others can't see at a glance!" Ye Luo rubbed his hands. asked very excitedly.

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