The next day, Ruo Muliang carried a small backpack to the agreed place as usual. Two figures, one tall and one short, were waiting for him beside the car.

The tall one is naturally Gin, and the shorter one is a brown-haired girl wearing a white coat and a cold face.

Wakaki Ryo's eyes lit up. The original size of Miyano Shiho was a rare resource, although the smaller Ai-chan was still very cute.

In the scene of these two people standing together, Wakamu Ryo almost couldn't help but say in an aria: Ah~ Shirley.

Then he thought of something, and Ruo Muliang paused.

Gin and Shirley went to sea together, and the only memory they have is the time at Mermaid Island. Because I heard that the mermaid festival on the island was hosted by a longevity woman who once ate mermaid meat and became immortal, so I was curious to see if it could help with the development of drug A.

Of course these are not the point.

The point is, there is no direct cruise ship from Tokyo to Mermaid Island, so you need to transfer. The overall sailing time at sea is about two days.

Two days.

Wakamu Ryo's eyes darkened, and for a moment he even thought that being shot to death by Gin yesterday wasn't such a bad thing.


Gin glanced at him coldly, turned around and sat in the driver's seat.

"Senior, why isn't Vodka here?"

After Gin confirmed from the rearview mirror that the two minors were safely in the car, he kicked the accelerator and started the car.

"Vodka went to check out TK Club."

Oh, Ruo Muliang nodded to express his understanding.

TK is one of Neon's agencies that has become famous in the past two years. It has launched several kawaii girl groups, and the entire company can be said to be full of idols. However, most of the funds for the development of this company were provided by drug dealers such as Kuroiwa Tatsuji.

It can be regarded as the follow-up mission of Moon Shadow Island.

Um, wait, if I remember correctly, Vodka’s personal hobby seems to be star chasing? And they are all chasing kawaii-style girl idols like Ms. Yoko.

Is this... chasing stars at public expense?

Vodka, you have changed, I didn’t expect you to be such a vodka!

Ruo Muliang calmed down and did not continue to disturb Ginjiu while driving.

At this time, a slender snow-white hand held a familiar Sanwu spray bottle and stood it up in front of his eyes.

Ruo Muliang turned his head subconsciously and met Shirley's serious gaze.

Shirley: Stare...

"You must have prepared this bottle of medicine."

"Yeah, right."

"Why is it that the potion I made yesterday according to the analyzed ingredient ratio is far less effective than this?"

Have you analyzed the ratio yet?

Magical things can be reproduced using scientific means, Ai Jiang is awesome! (Breaking sound)

Shirley didn't seem to want to get the exact answer from his mouth. She just held the medicine bottle and said to herself: "But that's right. Although the formula contains MDDX-3, its spiral composition is very strange. Is it some special technique?

Well, forget it, although this treatment medicine is very useful, it is completely contrary to my research and does not have much reference value. However, it is indeed harmless to the human body and you can use it with confidence. "

Shirley said the last words to Gin.

In other words, even though bourbon made a little white yesterday... um little black mouse, after Gin got the medicine bottle, he didn't use it for himself, but threw it to Shirley to check the ingredients?

Vodka, you can't!

Ruo Muliang was still thinking about everything in his mind, but the whistle of the cruise ship suddenly brought him back to the cruel reality.

Help, help!

Gin was walking behind the two minors with his briefcase in hand, his vigilant eyes scanning back and forth at the tourists and crew members coming and going.

This time Gin booked a luxury cruise with ensuite bedrooms.

Shirley, a girl, lived alone in the inner room, while Gin and Wakamu Ryo lived in the outer room. There is a small door between the two suites that can be directly connected. If there is any situation, Gin can rush to Shirley's side as soon as possible.

Moreover, judging from the conversation between the two in the car just now, Shirley at this period did not seem to hate gin very much.

Considering that Shirley’s guardian seemed to be Gin when she was studying in country M, thinking about it, maybe Gin is actually quite good at taking care of children?

After all, he was a good man who knocked out Kudou Shinichi with a stick, fed him poison to avoid choking, and also fed him saliva by the way.

Ruo Muliang silently put down his backpack, found his bed, and skillfully stuffed two seasickness pills into the pill, which had no practical use except to add some comfort to his mind.

After Gin entered the room, he checked all the blind spots inside and outside the bedroom, including the bathroom. After confirming that there was no possible surveillance equipment, he moved Shirley to the back room and settled down.

"come over."

Gin took off the top hat that he never left, and took off his long black windbreaker that looked extremely heavy.


Qin-chan, why are you taking off your clothes?

Then Ginjiu threw a familiar small spray bottle, and Ruo Muliang caught it in a hurry.

"Apply medicine."

Oh, give me the medicine, I told you earlier.

Over there, Gin had taken off his shirt, revealing his upper body covered in bruises. And because Gin has cold white skin, these injuries look particularly serious on him.

Hiss, it looks like it hurts. Also, it was a rare opportunity for Toru Amuro to beat up Gin openly and openly, and there would definitely be personal grudges when doing so.

However, judging from the medicine applied yesterday, Toru Amuro's own injuries were not that minor, it was just hard to see because of his skin color.

Gee, you have such a good figure. You deserve to be one of the three male models in the winery.

It's no wonder that Belmode still yearns to bartend with him in the United States.

Gee, gin and Belmod is a martini, Sister Bei is really good at it.

Wakamu Ryo took a small spray bottle and sprayed it wildly on several bruises on Gin's back. From the corner of his eye, he saw Gin's left hand hanging seemingly relaxed on the pistol at his waist, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

No need for Qin-chan.

Although in terms of nature, Ruo Muliang is at best a watered-down wine, but unlike other fake wines, his goal has never been to destroy this organization that only has a few bottles of real wine.

He's just a ruthless scoring machine.

After spraying the back and other areas that were difficult to deal with, Wakamaki wisely put the spray bottle next to Gin, and then retreated to his own territory.

The ship is about to leave.

His damn seasickness was standard, and he immediately jumped into the street as soon as the boat started.

If he had left two seconds late, as soon as the seasickness DEFUFF set in, he would have plopped down on top of Gin, then opened his mouth and vomited. The scene was so beautiful that I couldn’t even imagine it.

He will die, he will definitely be cut into pieces by the furious Gin!


Ruo Muliang's feet gave way and he fell down on the thick carpet. At least he didn't end up with a nosebleed.

The boat sailed.

Gin glanced in his direction.

Ruo Muliang was seen lying on the ground with a pale face (the black technology mask can accurately feedback the user's real-time status), holding his collar with both hands, looking like he was having difficulty breathing.

Is seasickness that serious?

Although I have seen reports from Bourbon and Rye that this kid is severely seasick, this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes as if I was about to ascend to the sky while sitting on a boat.

Hum, I asked you to pull my hair yesterday.

Gin, who would never admit that he was petty, clicked his tongue impatiently, walked over in two steps, picked up Wakamu Ryo, who was about to leave his body, and threw him back to his bed.

"You...what are you doing?"

Shirley stood at the door of the inner room, looking at Gin with an indescribable expression.

This picture does seem a bit subtle to outsiders. The naked-chested adult man is lifting a seemingly unconscious minor onto the bed...

You can't blame Shirley's eyes when she looked at Gin at this time. Her left eye said "copper smelting" and her right eye said "perversion".

Gin threw Wakamu Ryo back on the bed and snorted coldly: "This kid is seriously seasick."

Shirley also saw Wakamu Ryo's extremely ugly expression at this time, and judged that it was indeed a symptom of severe seasickness. She also saw Gin picking up a half-empty spray bottle and treating several other bruises on his body.

Realizing that she had misunderstood, Shirley blushed slightly, silently closed the door and went back to the inner room.

There are many pictures of Ai-chan, but a little bit of Shiho. Is there any class representative who can share them?

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