【Conan】I just want to survive but I am forced to join the main plot

Chapter 20 The character of the genius boy has not collapsed

The abandoned warehouse was really completely abandoned. Reinforced bricks scattered at the gate were piled all over the floor. It took Ruomu Liang a lot of effort to find a gap through which he could pass.

Following the steps upstairs, three men in black were standing or sitting, waiting for Ruo Muliang's arrival on the second floor.

Naturally, the person occupying the C position is Jin Changzhi, who always wears a top hat even indoors. Close to him on the left is his loyal younger brother and driver Vodka. Further to the right, a familiar black-skinned golden retriever is leaning against the load-bearing wall. .

Jingguang, you may not believe it when I tell you, but you have been looking for Faxiao for a long time, and I met her when I was out wandering around at night.

Why is bourbon here? If I remember correctly, after Toru Amuro got his official code name, he has always been a mystic who prefers Rum's faction, and the number of times he has partnered with Gin can be counted on one hand.

"Put the box down."

Ruo Muliang obediently placed the box at his feet, then consciously raised his hands and took a few steps back.

Vodka approached with a gun raised, checked the box inside and out several times, and returned to Gin after confirming that there was no problem.

"Are you M?"


Ruo Muliang was stunned for a moment, you are the one who is the boss, and your whole family is the boss.

"Hmph! I don't have time to play detective games with you. You must have killed these people."

Gin took out a gun and pointed it at Wakamu Ryo's head, and threw a stack of photos and information at his feet with his right hand.

Ruo Muliang lowered his head and glanced at the photo on the ground, his pupils shrinking slightly.

These people were used by him to experiment with his "assimilation" skills, and there was nothing wrong with them finally receiving the lunch box due to some inexplicable causal relationship.

But what the heck is this ubiquitous letter M?

Ruo Muliang experimented many times during this period, but only Putian Gengping was on site that time. His appearance in the hospital was reasonable, but the other dead people had no connection with his life. He should not and could not be anywhere near their bodies.

All he has to do is find a place with dense traffic, such as a shopping mall, turn on the "Eye of Detection", and select a small red and black dot on the mini-map (this means that this person's sin value is quite high and belongs to Absolutely dangerous person), remember his appearance, and then throw a skill at him.

Afterwards, go home or find a quiet cafe, and use the "All Seeing Eye" skill (which can monitor the target in real time when a magic mark is left on it) to monitor every move of the test subject.

The magic version of the monitoring + monitoring combination is much more practical than the physical version.

"I don't know when I got the nickname M, but if you ask these people, it was me."

Ruo Muliang picked up the photo on the ground, and for the first time, he learned that people who have been "assimilated" and become unfortunate will leave an M symbol on the scene after the filming is completed.

What the hell is this? The sanction imposed on me by the law of cause and effect?

Moreover, so many people died every day in the world of Kexue for one reason or another, but Ginjiu came to visit them for these test subjects. In other words, these people are either members of the winery or the mission targets of the winery.

Ruo Muliang prefers the latter. If he really killed three winery members in a row, Gin would definitely have collapsed with one shot, and Sister Bei would lose face.

Anyone chosen at random can crash into the winery mission, three times at a time. If there is no credit for the -80 luck value, Wakamu Liang will never believe it.

"Hmph, sure enough."

"Why did you choose these three people? Where did you get the information?"

"It's just a coincidence."

Gin narrowed his eyes, the thick murderous aura almost materializing, which made Wakamu Ryo instinctively get goosebumps.

Wakaki Ryo: "At least dozens of people die every day in Tokyo due to various reasons. You have gone to the scene to check every one of them. Have they left my mark?"

What does this kid mean that he can kill far more people than just this few people?

Gin raised the corners of his lips and sneered, seemingly scorning Wakamu Ryo's answer, but in fact he believed about 70% of it.

Judging from the information found by Vodka, this kid's first victim was a doctor from Mihua Hospital. This doctor indeed had nothing to do with the organization.

"Your coincidence caused us to lose the information we deserved. If that woman hadn't vouched for you, you would have died long ago."

Ruo Muliang lowered his head and his pupils unconsciously moved towards Toru Amuro.

Although the handsome guy with black skin and golden hair leaned in the shadows and said nothing from the beginning, he minimized his presence. But judging from the notifications that kept refreshing on Ruomu Liang's panel, this undercover police officer was far from as calm as he seemed.

With just this little effort, Toru Amuro has already provided 2 skill points!

Too much, too much, any more and it will (happily) break.

"If you are looking for the drug dealer's home, then I do have some clues here."

Gin turned to look at Vodka, who, as a professional Gin interpreter, immediately understood what his elder brother meant.

"Brother, Kuroda (drug dealer) came home at 4 a.m., and I entered his bedroom at 7 a.m. During this period, someone was monitoring Kuroda's house, and no one came in or out. The last call recorded on his mobile phone was at 3: a.m., and No bugs or monitors were found in his room."

Gin: "Then where did your information come from?"

Ruo Muliang kept a poker face, cold sweat slowly oozing out from his back.

The information, of course, comes from the feedback given by the skill "Eye of Detection". Kurodaba's goods come from Tsugawa Hideharu, and the name Wakagi Ryo is very impressive.

Shadow of Childhood: The Library Director, anyone who has watched Detective Conan will hardly forget the face that went up together with the elevator.

At the moment of crisis, Ruomu Liang was more focused than ever before, and he quickly listed various explanations in his mind.

"Why do you think that lady called me Alchemist?"

Ruo Muliang ignored Vodka who was holding the gun conscientiously, and it was quite impressive that his hands were not sore all the time.

He walked over to his box and gave Gin a questioning look.

Gin stared at Wakamu Ryo, with a sarcastic sneer on his lips, as if it said "please start your performance" on his face.

Ruo Muliang opened the box, took out a bunch of parts and started assembling it on site.

The original owner himself was a young genius in mechanics, and the skills that came with the character were naturally inherited. However, due to the limitations of the environment and materials, he could not create anything that was too high-tech for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, he can cheat on the spot.

Thanks to the two skill points kindly provided by Mr. Toru Amuro, the undercover police officer, Wakamu Ryo put together the best plan to resolve this crisis in the shortest possible time.

"A bug?"

Gin frowned. Indeed, this bug is much smaller than all similar products on the market. It is sticker-shaped and only about 2cm in diameter, making it more concealable. Although it is not a small surprise, but only to this extent...

The organization does not lack talented young people, and Shirley is one of them.

"Don't worry, would you mind asking the big guy next to you to cooperate with me?"

Anyway, he didn't dare to attack Gin directly for the time being.


Vodka put away his pistol and walked up to Ruo Muliang.

Ruo Muliang: "Stand still."

He attached the newly made bug to the button on Vodka's chest, then opened the laptop he brought and tapped it a few times. A slightly shaking picture appeared on the screen.

It is this abandoned warehouse with a somewhat eerie environment.

"Big brother."

Vodka lowered his head to observe in surprise. Vodka's big upside-down face suddenly appeared on the computer screen, and his black nostrils could even be clearly seen.

The laptop also played the sound of vodka simultaneously, and at first glance it seemed like there was reverberation in his words.

After typing on the keyboard again, a three-dimensional map image appeared on the computer, directly pinpointing the corner of the 3-chome commercial street in Miwa Town.

Although the sticker-type tracker that combines monitoring and monitoring is suspected of plagiarizing Dr. Agasa's creativity, this is the limit of what Wakaki Ryo can do without cheating.

Next, it’s time to hang up.

"Now that the functionality is explained, the next step is concealment."

Ruo Muliang typed on the keyboard a few times, then reached out and pressed the tracker attached to Vodka's body. Under the gaze of several people, the white sticker-like tracker turned into the same beige color as Vodka's button. If it weren't for the sticker itself, The small holes in the buttons are covered, making it difficult to distinguish the different colors even if you get close.

Skill "Camouflage" (LV1): You can camouflage objects with a volume of no more than 1 square meter, making them blend perfectly with the surrounding environment.

"It's harder to detect when attached to the inside of the collar or the hem of clothes, and it has a certain degree of waterproofness."

"The next thing is security."

Ruo Muliang hit the enter key, and the sticker-type tracker suddenly cracked, turning into powder and scattering.

Skill "Decomposition" (LV1): Can decompose any object with a volume not exceeding 1m3 into powder (cannot decompose living things, not even living or dead).

"Shouta Fukushima (criminal policeman)'s home was being renovated, Ryuichi Yanase (photographer) died in a fire, and Kuroda was taking drugs. It's normal for these people to have a little powder on their bodies. Moreover, the condition of the body indicates that he died in an accident. , who will investigate in detail?

This is my source of information. Are you satisfied with this answer? "

Vodka was so shocked that he was speechless. Although Gin didn't show it on his face, the emotional value on the panel filled the screen. Touko on the other side had not stopped filling the screen since they met.

The talented young man Ruo Muliang’s character has not collapsed!

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