One Piece: God Killer

Chapter 94 Hunting

"Yes, it's a 'hunting'," Sanders gritted his teeth, accusing the Draco of the atrocities with a sinking face, "It's just that it's not hunting in the ordinary sense. That group of beasts held the original Resident hunting competition, the world's nobles and their men kill wantonly on the island, and distribute rewards according to the final 'score'."

As he spoke, he recalled the scene of that day: the World Government's fleet surrounded Filini's base layer by layer, and the loyal dogs of the Draco people - CP0s rushed into the island. The powerful force instantly destroyed Filiniki's fragile base. For defense, the elected leaders of the locals were killed on the spot, and religious buildings that had been passed down for hundreds of years were burned to the ground in just a few hours.

Hundreds of years of peace and tranquility in Philiniki disappeared overnight, and the entire island became a hell of massacre.

The five old stars who looked like demons stood on the high platform and read out in public the crimes committed by the residents of Philiniki: "Philiniki once committed great sins. They despised the majesty of God, built gorgeous buildings privately, and trespassed. God deserves to be punished.”

"I declare that from today onwards, Philiniki will be returned to the state, and the original 'humanoid creatures' on the island will be 'harmless'."

"Now, I announce that the Aboriginal hunting competition has officially begun!"

As Wulaoxing finished speaking, the world's nobles let out bursts of joyful shouts. They rushed to every corner of the island like crazy, eagerly looking for their prey. The indigenous people on the island, the criminals and "problem slaves" who were temporarily released as prey, fled in terror.

Sanders, who was a teenager at the time, was also among the crowd...

"Bang!" The water glass in Morana's hand was crushed to pieces by her, the broken glass pierced deeply into her hand, and the crimson blood soaked the black gauze.

But at this time, Morana was completely unaware. She was trembling all over: "How could they do such a thing?!"

She originally thought that the world's aristocrats were just a little extravagant in life, a little arrogant in behavior, a little low in IQ, and a little incompetent in doing things. Unexpectedly, they turned out to be so cruel and violent.

Gao Shifu and Fuentes also found it creepy. They had no idea that the world's aristocrats, who often appeared in positive images in newspapers, were actually doing despicable acts of genocide behind the scenes!

Only Profik remained calm on the surface.

He knows better than anyone here, even those who witnessed the Philiniki incident, what the World Government is doing behind the scenes.

Sanders gave Profik a meaningful look. There was something wrong with this guy - he was too calm. He was so calm that he seemed to have seen such tragedies before, so calm that he seemed to already know the crimes of the world's nobles. But Sanders knew that Profik was not numb. The combination of the sound and the domineering power allowed Sanders to observe Profik's state in detail.

His heartbeat was racing, his blood was flowing extremely fast, his back was sweating, and his hands were clenched and trembling slightly, which represented his anger. But Sanders could not observe Profic's surprise or unexpected emotions from his performance.

There is only one explanation for this reaction - Profik knew something but did not tell his companions.

"It seems that Mr. Profik knows something?" Gudson also noticed that Mr. Profik was unusually calm, and he asked in a low, hoarse voice.

Profic said with a dark expression: "I also heard what others said. It is said that the world's nobles will hold an 'aboriginal hunting competition' every three years. Whenever this time, they will choose a non-franchised The island where the country is located, criminals, problem slaves, and indigenous people will be massacred on this island for fun. Then, the World Government will declare that this island belongs to the world's nobility."

"In addition, they have prepared incredibly generous prizes on the island to reward the guys who stand out in this massacre. Among them are often precious devil fruits. Mr. Sanders, your devil fruit, Is that how it came about?”

According to his speculation, this system was probably created at the beginning of the world government. The purpose of this was probably to frighten those countries and regions that did not obey the world government. During this process, the captured trophies and previously prepared rewards will be distributed to those who have made military exploits.

Later, as the rule of the World Government gradually stabilized, this system gradually lost its "practical significance" and eventually became an activity for the world's nobles to demonstrate their superiority and for fun.

Profik knew more than Sanders imagined. In fact, when he traveled to the world of One Piece, the author had already updated a large part of the "Valley of the Gods" plot. Therefore, he knew to a certain extent more than Sanders about the ins and outs of Aboriginal hunting.

"Who did you hear these things from?" Gao Shifu looked at Profik in surprise. Now he felt more and more that his captain was not an ordinary person.

Morana clutched Profik's left arm with her bleeding right hand, her body trembling constantly, " could they?!"

Fuentes had already put down the knife and fork in his hand. He said nothing, just looked at the street outside the window and sighed heavily.

Sanders also stared at Profik with burning eyes, his mood was very complicated. The reason why he was excited was that since escaping from Philiniki, he had been trying every means to investigate what happened that year. He even broke into several naval branches and interrogated captured World Government agents, but he never got the answer. Answer.

But now, with the appearance of Profik, he is a little closer to the truth of the matter.

But he was also worried. Profic knew too much, so much that he either had deep connections with the top leaders of the world government or even the world's nobles, or he was a survivor of another massacre. Both of these situations are what Sanders does not want to see.

Beside him, Bessie buried her head in her arms, her body heaving and sobbing softly.

Judy Fortes put a "calming charm" on both herself and Bessie, and hugged Bessie tightly at the same time.

"Brother Profik, where did you know about these things?" Sanders, who has a straightforward personality, still chooses to go straight to the point. If Profik is a subordinate of the Tianlong people, it will just be another fierce battle.

Profik's answer was completely beyond Sanders' expectations.

"Apocalypse," Profik said.

"Apocalypse?" Everyone was stunned. What is this?

Except for Bessie, who was crying alone, everyone turned their attention to Profic.

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