"You'll be fine, Billy. Think about it, you were a smart young man before there was magic." Billy Batson walked carefully in the spiral castle that looked like an insect nest, his eyes nervous. Look around for that bluish glowing residue.

Billy felt that Superman was leaving clues for him, either not for him, or for others. In short, he felt that Superman had left clues, but now only he, a little kid from other universes, could see it.

The worst part is that Billy feels that he can't tell anyone because he noticed that Lex has bewitched many superheroes. Those superheroes here believe that Lex is an excellent leader and they have never discovered Lex's conspiracy.

So, Billy decided to save Superman himself.

"This idea is so stupid!" Billy complained, and then squatted down in a dark corner at the end of the passage. He was a little scared. He even began to think about his twin sister Mary and his best friend Freddy. . They all got the same power as Billy from the life lightning that Billy gained from the power of Shazam, but now Billy doesn't know whether the two of them can still have the power of Shazam, and based on what they have encountered now In the crisis, Billy is very worried about the safety of Mary and Freddy, and this is the real reason for his fear.

Billy's parents died in a car accident. He was raised by his uncle, and Mary was raised by a nurse. They didn't know each other until three years ago through their parents' necklace, which Billy also shared. to gain his Shazam power. He's always been a mischievous kid, but he won't let his family get hurt, neither Mary nor Freddy.

Thinking of this, Billy gritted his teeth and his eyes became determined. He must find a way to return to his own universe. He must also capture the jinenmok, rescue the black boy, and find out the root cause and solution of the crisis. method, and then...

"Oh, I'm such an idiot..." Billy stood up, shook his head like a rattle, and decided to focus on finding Superman first.

A group of people came over. Under the scanning of the identification system, a door opened. When the group of people walked into the door, Billy followed them quietly. The moment they entered the door, Billy ducked and hid under a door. in the shadows beneath the oval green ornament that protrudes from the wall.

It wasn't until the group of people had gone far that Billy poked his head to observe the situation. He then ran out and began to quickly search for traces of blue energy residue in the passage.

Billy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he found some traces again. He ran over in a hurry, and then bumped into a person's arms while lowering his head to turn.

The blood all over Billy's body suddenly went cold. His eyes widened in horror, and when he looked up, he saw a sinister smiling face with malicious intent.

"Sha...Shazam..." Billy instinctively shouted the spell to summon the power of Shazam, but he soon knew that it was meaningless. When he recovered and wanted to turn around and escape, the man wearing The blond middle-aged man in a trench coat grabbed him, then reached out and blocked Billy's mouth.

The man smelled of cigarette smoke. He controlled Billy forcefully, then moved to the side and pressed against the bumpy wall.

"Shh..." the man said in Billy's ear while holding a cigarette.

Billy's restless eyes moved back and forth, and his head was buzzing. With his nerves tense, Billy heard a rush of footsteps, followed by the electronic sound of scanning and the sound of the door opening.

"Okay." The man whispered again, "I will let you go, kid. I won't hurt you, I just need to know who you are and what you are going to do, okay? Trust me, I am not a bad guy. Understand this If so, just blink."

Billy rolled his eyes and then blinked.

The man kept his promise and let go, but the first thing Billy did after breaking free was to turn around and kick the man in the crotch.

"Damn it!" The man knelt on the ground in pain and dropped his cigarette butt.

Billy took the opportunity to run away, but the man still grabbed Billy's ankle. He hissed in pain, "I'm really not your enemy, you damn kid! Otherwise, I would have killed you long ago!"

"Really? How do I know you're not trying to trick me? Then you kill me?" Billy twisted his body and wanted to kick the man in the head again.

"I hate little brats!" The man stood up with all his strength, and then stretched out his left hand holding a necklace. Billy's eyes were naturally attracted to the inverted triangle ornament at the end of the necklace.

"You'll see a house on the hillside, you'll see unicorns and Santa Claus, and a box of chocolate cake. Now, eat it, and then go watch The Powerpuff Girls." The man shook the necklace hypnotically. Jian said.

Billy became confused and he soon passed out.

"You're just looking at it, dear?" The man climbed up with difficulty. He rubbed his lower body, his expression still as ugly as constipation.

"You are very confident, and I don't want to hurt your self-esteem, so... you asked for it, John." Zed walked out of a room where he was hiding, with seductive eyes under her black and white fluffy hair. Full of a joking smile, she did not delay, but immediately squatted on the ground and put her hand on Billy's forehead. Her eyes immediately rolled up, and she began to explore Billy's memory, "Interesting... …He’s Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel from another universe, and he’s looking for a black teenager, and a man-eating monster, and well… You’re right John, Lex is taking advantage of everyone, including ‘The Advent’ Crusader', he was definitely not to protect the earth. Wait... This child found Superman. The explosion just now was related to Superman. Lex thought Superman died because he lost control, but this child felt that Superman was not dead, and in this conspiracy , there is a hidden force that has infiltrated into the Spiral Castle, and they want to search for the same secret through Superman, and there are other coordinates."

"Very good, I finally got you, Lex!" Constantine bent over in pain and laughed, "Damn! It's really fatal!"


The enemy suddenly retreated.

Batman stretched out his hand to hold on to the rock wall. He gasped for turbid air from exhaustion. The armor and coat on his body were severely damaged, and blood and sweat kept flowing out. New injuries mixed with old ones, and Batman's eyes began to blur.

Why did those crazy people leave? They're going to kill me.

Batman carefully released his grip on the napalm bomb. He was only one step away from detonating it and dying with the lunatics.

But now, he survives.

Batman didn't know if this was a good thing at all. His brain was buzzing. After multiple blows and previous trauma, he felt that it was a miracle that he could still stay awake.

"Diana..." Batman staggered towards Wonder Woman, who was like a wood carving and clay sculpture. She seemed to have lost her soul and was indifferent to everything around her.

Batman stopped in front of Diana. He endured the pain and knelt down on one knee. He quickly checked Wonder Woman's body. He didn't see any wounds. He began to feel that Wonder Woman was mentally traumatized.

"The enemy has left, Diana." Batman said in a deep voice, "Constantine and Willoughby haven't come out yet. I need you to cheer up. Our mission is not completed yet."

Wonder Woman was still looking blankly at the top of the darkness, her tears condensed on her face, and she kept mumbling, "...the gods have abandoned us, it's all over, no response, no response …”

"Listen, Diana! We haven't lost yet, and we can't lose!" Batman held Wonder Woman's face with his blood-stained hands, and stared at Wonder Woman with his eyes that were still shining in the dark. Xia, "We have never relied on those gods! This is our world! Diana! You are not a puppet of the gods! You are you! A great warrior! A steadfast friend! I need you, Diana! Fight! It’s not over yet! I won’t admit defeat!”

Wonder Woman's eyes moved slightly.

Suddenly, a crow flew over from Gabriel's heart, which was shining with pure white light in the distance. As it approached Batman, it shouted, "I am Matthew, a servant of the Lord of Dreams! Let me tell you some news!" Willoughby is dead! He has been using you! He helped create that cocoon! Now, Constantine has it under control, but he can't come out because he only has one chance to get in and out! He let me Let me tell you! The gods are falling apart!"

Batman turned to look at the weird crow that could only speak human language.

"Constantine asked you to help Diana take out Gabriel's heart!" Matthew the crow continued to say while flapping his wings, "Let Diana fill her body! There is a close connection between them! You will get new The power! Hurry up, idiot, uncle, I still have a bomb that can destroy the entire multiverse! Ahem... This is what Constantine said, it has nothing to do with me! Okay, I have to go back to the dreamland. It's such an unlucky day! Maybe I should go find the Lord of Dreams... Sigh, no one can worry, I know how bad Lucian's day is..."

"Gabriel's heart..." Batman's painful brain was still absorbing and digesting the news from Matthew the Crow, but he quickly looked up at Gabriel's heart, and he immediately grabbed Wonder Woman and then struggled to pull her up. Batman helped Wonder Woman step by step towards the edge of the cliff, "Hold on, Diana, our road is not over yet, we must save our world, and there are other things." World, hold on..."

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