Corlarion was sinking, and he felt like he was about to drown in this endless ocean of darkness.

This is indeed the ocean, right?

Corlarion thinks that's it. He has never seen the sea. He has lived in the underground world since he was born. He has only seen abandoned subway lines that were flooded. As for the ocean, its magnificent appearance was described in the book left by the missing father.

The elusiveness of the sea is even recorded in that book.

On the ocean, all fate will be handed over to her, and you are just a speck of dust that may be crushed at any time.

Corlarion felt the same now. He felt like he was going downwards, but he couldn't tell any direction in the darkness, and the feeling of falling was just something he made up in his mind.

...Don't give up on yourself like a coward... We just lost temporarily... Treat it like a game... Brother Coraline... A game of hide and seek... It's not over yet... There are ants too. Advantages...those bastards want to be good...we just pretend he has succeeded...imagine we are already the same as those endless clones...

Corlarion suddenly opened his eyes after hearing Titi's voice. He is now extremely grateful for the special blood given by the Xitar people, allowing them, the people of Lingbo Town, to connect with the spiritual beasts. Those spirit beasts are like another soul of oneself. They not only bring the benefits of being connected to magic, but also bring hope.

...We are now smaller than molecules...Brothers Coralion...We are no longer the Hori monsters...The enemy devours us...disassembles us to make copies...but they cannot understand the laws of our operation. ...The truth is we don't know why we are connected to each other...and as long as one of us doesn't lose himself...the other will be pulled back...

Corlarion now finally knows that the reason why he was not annihilated is because the enemy does not know the special nature of Titi. They thought they could kill Corlarien and Titi at the same time, but as a spiritual beast, Titi But he still maintains himself in the form of a spirit body. He and Coralion have the same mind, but they are independent selves. This particularity and the unbreakable bond make the enemy's plan have loopholes.

Now, Corlarion has seen the monsters with the faces of the Hori moving up like fish in the endless darkness.

There is no doubt that they will regroup in the enemy's lair, and there is the core that Corlarion has been looking for.

Coralion grinned, his body gradually becoming transparent in the blue halo. After being reawakened by Titi, he rediscovered himself and his connection with magic, and the magic energy became more powerful, as if this area was in the ocean of magic.

Titi now has no original body. He is now more like a ghost with a huge cat face. The swaying orange flames are flickering on the big face, and the malicious smile is like a crescent moon. Titi's two huge cat eyes looked at her brother Coralien, and he became excited again, as if he had planned a more insidious prank plan.

… We will never allow ourselves to be played twice by the same enemy… We are hunters… We are destined to hunt… We will show those idiots who the prey is… Are you ready… Brother Coralion… …Revenge begins…I promise to tear the flesh of my enemies with my claws…I will crush their bones with my fangs…sip their marrow…

Corlarion also covered his mouth and laughed. He couldn't make a sound because he was not currently in a spiritual state like Titi. He was just a part of his original self. He had to lurk and follow other copied and decomposed selves. Swim towards the core of the enemy's lair.

The traceback begins.

As Corlarion continued to move upward, he once again heard the sound like a train running on the rails. He even saw broken bubbles. They were fleeting, like possibilities that failed to become reality. It was shattered in the darkness.

Corlarion suddenly felt that this was like a huge machine, a machine that shattered countless thoughts and memories, and those Hori monster copies carried more usurped copies back to the enemy and stored them in the core again.

What is this for? Destroy an old world? And then create a new world by replicating all life?

This is more like opportunistic theft.

…Look…Brother Coralion…Look at those planets…

When Corralien was being carried back upwards by the Hori monsters, he saw some whirlpools composed of countless Xitar people. They rolled their bodies one after another in the whirlpool, and then filled the space in the whirlpool like a puzzle. among. It is this repeated movement that allows planets to be pieced together like models.

As he got closer to the core, Coralion saw more strange phenomena. He saw the vague outlines of the sky and the earth, and he also saw more planets, and countless giants made up of Xitars and Horui monsters holding up a whole spiral chain, which was like a necklace. Connect several nearly identical planets to each other.

Those chains zigzagged upwards, while funnel-like devices circled them in the center like guardrails on their left and right.

In addition, there is a jungle composed of leafy silver-white metal cables. They are like part of an entire giant tree, and they are like huge twisted arms wrapped around the guardrails and spiral chains. But they are obviously not decorations. The sounds like trains running on the tracks come from those metal jungles.

This is so weird.

Coralion knew that this was not just a random pile, but that all the strange things here were part of some kind of order.

Finally, as the Horui monsters swam upward in an increasingly crowded way, Coralion managed to catch a glimpse of a piece of red light through a small gap, and something seemed to be beating in the red light. The most important thing was that Coralion felt like there was something curled up inside the translucent valve, like an unborn fetus.

...That thing has only one head...

Titi apparently also saw something strange inside the heart-like red object.

Is that a life? Or a monster? Or are they clones like these Hori monsters?

Corlarion didn't have time to think too much, because he was already sandwiched by more Hori monsters. He had to carefully maintain the smooth operation of the invisibility magic, and he would not absorb too much at the same time. Magic energy, he carefully kept a low profile as much as possible, even Titi stopped talking.

One person and one cat began to move rapidly upward in the huge torrent of monsters.

The dazzling white light suddenly shone down, and the scorching temperature made Corlarion feel extremely anxious and annoyed, but he was still driven by curiosity and glanced at the huge mark that was mostly obscured by the clone of the Hori Monster.

It was more like a huge ring emitting white light, with a cross-like mark passing through its center. The scattered lines were like the rays of the sun, and there were several hanging tiny rings connected by bifurcated lines and those connected in series. The spiral chains surrounding the planet are very similar.

Even though Coralion could only see part of the glowing pattern, he still felt that it looked like a huge tree.

As it got closer, the silvery-white radiance began to be replaced by golden light pillars, as well as louder roars and occasional bursts of lightning.

Corlarion's eyes widened as he watched himself sinking into the huge golden beam of light.

…we succeeded…

Under Titi's voice, Coralion adapted to the current light again.

Corlarion raised his head, and this time he saw a mechanical tower built of huge green metal, which was more triangular in shape like a pyramid.

Under the pyramid, there is really a railway track.

There is also a train, a weird train made of silver-white lightning.

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