Constantine stopped suddenly in horror.

Chen Yu carefully looked at the nearest dead people. Their outlines were deformed and distorted in the night, and their dark skin almost melted into the darkness. Some kind of force had changed them, making their arms look like tangled old tree roots, and their backs There also seemed to be growths of sarcoma that could tear through the clothes.

The air was filled with a strong sour smell, as if some kind of strongly volatile chemical acid had been poured out.

Chen Yu gently raised his left arm, trying to summon the Book of Extra Dimensions. But Constantine immediately grabbed Chen Yu's wrist as if he had read through his thoughts. He shook his head and motioned to move to the left.

They walked through the abandoned mine houses like thieves. They ignored the monsters that seemed to be mutated in human skin, and arrived at the warehouse mentioned by Constantine among the ruins.

In Chen Yu's opinion, this is just a shabby shack.

"Come in, boy." Constantine pulled the broken wooden door open, and then waved his hand behind him.

Illuminated by the flickering flames of the lighter in Constantine's hand, the two walked diagonally downward into a pit.

"What happened to those dead people?" Chen Yu asked curiously.

"The chaotic earth veins must be related to it." Constantine bent down and carefully avoided the gravel and garbage under his feet. "And this is not what we have to consider now. We will not hide you. These sudden attacks Endless.”

Life is fading, the crows are trying to escape but still die, and the earth is in chaos.

Chen Yu thought of the cycles and reincarnation mentioned by Constantine, as well as the vines that emerged from the ground.

Elemental power.

Could it be that the elemental power is also targeting me?

"Be careful and stay within my shadow." Constantine suddenly said, "I buried a few cursed dolls in the soil, and also set up a totem to trap an Australian evil god. As the saying goes, a hungry dog An impatient dog is the best guard.”

"Aren't you afraid of some curious child getting in?" Chen Yu already felt some supernatural malice, as if watching his flesh and blood in the dark.

"There is a magic barrier at the door, and ordinary people can't get in at all." Constantine said without looking back, "The fact is that no one can get in except me."

"Then why would I..."

"You are a damn exception! You can even ignore some basic rules and go beyond the order of magic!" Constantine sighed angrily, "This is the danger I am talking about, the enemy will use this to lure you into a trap! "

Makes sense.

Chen Yu nodded.

Soon, in the darkness, the two reached the end of the tunnel.

Constantine squatted on the ground and pulled open the iron plate on the ground, on which a complex magic circle pattern was outlined with red paint.

"Go down." Constantine extinguished the fire.

Chen Yu thought for a while and took the lead in climbing down the ladder at the edge.

"Light the fire!" Constantine suddenly shouted from above.

With the effect of irony magic, six torches lit up instantly, and an underground cabin of more than 20 square meters appeared in front of Chen Yu.

There were huge metal shelves surrounding this room, which had no idea what it was doing. There were boxes on them, some of which were labeled with text and numbers, while others were labeled with various runes, spells, The magic circle and talismans were sealed separately.

Under the shelves, there are also a large number of books, scrolls, document bags, paintings covered with cloth, and sculptures chained behind their backs. Several large boxes were gathering dust in the corners, with six mirrors facing them.

The room was a gallery of strange things, and there was no doubt that Constantine had collected a lot of information and dangerous items since his dabbling in magic and the weird.

"It is better to fall into my hands than to be left outside." Constantine said.

This is true. When he was young, he was obsessed with magic and occultism, but the Newcastle incident changed him. Chen Yu could see that he hated these things very much now, but at the same time, he also knew what the world would become if he gave up these things.

"Except for those newspapers and periodicals, don't move around, boy!" Constantine lit a cigarette, and then emphasized with great seriousness, "This place is much more dangerous than Gandalf's fireworks, little hobbit! Wait quietly. , I'm looking for materials for casting spells. You'd better keep an eye on what's going on above. I don't know if my security measures can stop those dead people, but you'd better not use magic unless it's absolutely necessary. This is for both of us. good."

"Okay, sir." Chen Yu looked at the paper box and the folder inside and dealt with it absently.

Soon, Chen Yu picked up the folder and wiped away the dust with his hands. When you open it, you will see the shocking autopsy report and old photos.

In the 1972 murder case, the woman's body in front of her had her brain melted, her eyes and tongue burned, and the blood in her body even turned into asphalt. The worst part was that her abdomen was cut open, as if an unborn child was removed.

When Chen Yuzheng saw the familiar dragon-patterned devil mark on the woman's left arm, Constantine snatched the folder.

"Go and see those piles of old newspapers, Chen!" Constantine glared like he was scolding a disobedient child.

"What is that woman? A demon?"

"Shut up, Chen!"

"She is really a devil, right? She also has a child, who took her away? Let me guess..."

"That's enough, Chen!"

"It's an angel, right? Where is the child's identity..."

"Shut up!" Constantine grabbed his hair frantically, "Most of the things here are taboos and unsolved cases! Don't try to enter unknown territory before you are ready. It is too dangerous, understand?" "

Chen Yu looked at Constantine's expectant eyes and finally nodded, then obediently walked to the boxes piled with miscellaneous items and old newspapers and squatted down, "It's all up to you, boss!"

Constantine sighed softly behind him.

Suddenly some dust fell above his head. Chen Yu raised his head and looked up. The torch on the wall on the left also swayed.

At this moment, Chen Yu saw a tiny crack in the wall.

But nothing seems strange.

Chen Yu looked back at the paper box. He rummaged through the newspapers randomly. Some of them had special cases, news reports, legends, stories and strange stories circled by Constantine with his pen.

Most of them were extremely boring, until Chen Yu found a note sealed in a glass box. It looked like it was cut out of an old newspaper, very old.

Chen Yu's curiosity was aroused. He brought it up to his eyes and read the vague small words carefully.

1916 years.

It is indeed very ancient.


"There is insufficient evidence and the 'Devil' is exempt from prosecution."

"In 1916, Mr. Burgess openly claimed in the supernatural community that he could summon and imprison death..."

Roderick Burgess.

The old magician who calls himself the "Devil King" stole the "Book of Magdalene" and wanted to use this book to summon the death of endless families, but he inadvertently imprisoned the dream god Morpheus.

Since Constantine has read "The Book of Magdalene", it means that this book has returned to the world, or it is a fake.

In short, Constantine collected some unusual events about the disappearance of the owner of the Dream Kingdom, but he obviously did not delve into it.

After all, the history is a bit longer.

"Okay, boy!" When Chen Yu was still trying to find some strange news about Morpheus's disappearance, Constantine suddenly shouted.

Chen Yu silently stuffed the cut newspaper into his pocket, then stood up.

Constantine now spread a green cloth on the ground, and the rag was painted with white trees stretching out their branches. Next to the rag are nine black animal skulls, a copper antlered helmet, white, blue, red, and yellow ribbons, some animal skins, bells engraved with runes, several bottles of thick blood, and a The handle looks like a very old rusty copper sword.

"Is this a Druid sacrificial ceremony?" Chen Yu walked over and asked.

"No, shamanistic totem sacrifice." Constantine explained as he opened the sandalwood box in his hand, "This is a more ancient and pure method of nature. We need to go deep into the earth's veins."

Chen Yu was stunned, "Isn't this very dangerous? I thought the ground here was already very chaotic."

"As the saying goes, troubled waters are easy to fish in." Constantine showed a sinister smile, "That is not our war, and we don't need to get involved. The elements have their own way of balance. We just need to take advantage of the chaos to get in and take your The blood is magically imprinted in the veins of the earth.”

Chen Yu somewhat understood that earth veins are the original force of nature and part of the elemental power. It covers almost the entire planet. If you bury yourself in it, it will be difficult for the enemies who are chasing you to detect his existence beyond the power of the elements on the surface. If they go deep, they will fall into a trap, and those guys will have to face the monsters that are embodied in the power of the elements to chase them.

The insidious Constantine is creating a huge trap.

Even if the borrowed knife fails to kill someone, this might be able to use the group of monsters with elemental power to lure out the enemy.

If you're lucky, you can kill two birds with one stone.

No matter how you look at it, it is a sure-profit deal. We just need to watch the show from the sidelines.

"Here you go, kid." Constantine took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and then threw a cigarette in the wooden box to Chen Yu, "This is a herbal medicine obtained from Africa. It will expand your thinking! But the process is not very beautiful, it’s like having your eyes gouged out and placed on the giant earth, but don’t worry, this express train will not derail, I will be the driver myself!”

Well, that's probably what's most concerning.

However, Constantine had already put on a funny antlered helmet and quickly arranged a simple sacrificial altar.

"Light it, boy!" Constantine emphasized again, "We don't have so much time to waste! The sacrifice must be ended before dawn!"

Chen Yu looked at the cigarette in his hand and took the lighter thrown by Constantine.

why not?

Chen Yu put the cigarette into his mouth, lit it, and took a long puff.

It was as if he had swallowed a whole piece of red-hot coal, and his already dry throat was on fire.

"This is really... rotten, Constantine." When Chen Yu raised his head, everything in front of him turned into a dirty abstract painting. He could hear the sound of wind and more subtle murmurs, as well as the restlessness of ringtones.

In the shattered field of vision, Chen Yu felt as if he was sinking, and his arm that was torn off by some force was cut open. Blood instantly splashed into the air and dyed the world red.

Just like Constantine said, under the severe pain, Chen Yu could see his right eye being dug out and thrown into three towering huge birch trees. Then, Chen Yu heard the sound from Songs sung from different eras in the distant past, he saw the entire planet and ancient history played out on an endlessly extending curtain.

Rivers and mountains, earth and oceans, jungles and swamps, and the life that jumps and runs between them.

Chen Yu seemed to be running as well. He dived into the green ocean and pounced under the setting sun...

Several vines suddenly wrapped around Chen Yu, blocking the sun and the world.

Immediately afterwards, a skeleton face that seemed to be entangled with roots slowly rose up, its rotten and dark eyes staring at Chen Yu.

Behind this face, countless cracks appear in the world.

"Chen! Damn it! Are you okay?" Constantine's anxious shout seemed to appear in the distant sky.

He promised nothing would go wrong.

"He has never been reliable, Mr. Chen Yu." The huge scary face said in a deep voice.

The plants became more entangled.

Chen Yu's dizzy brain at least found out the identity of the monster in front of him.

All things green.

"You are a swamp monster." Chen Yu murmured dully under the influence of the herbs.

"And you're a bad boy for trespassing." Swamp Thing grinned.

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