Hong Kong Film: My East Star Jade Qilin is from Stanley!

Chapter 197 Camel Funeral; Qiu Gangao is released from prison!

Xing Tian came out, looked at the position of his subordinates, smiled and murmured: "The younger brothers in this class are still very eye-catching!"

He casually pointed at the girl who was almost fucked by a fat corpse yesterday and said: "Go in, your eldest sister will call you!"

In front of so many people, Xing Tian was embarrassed to help Xi Xinli get dressed.

After all, Xixinli is considered the eldest sister in Ciyun Mountain, and she also needs face.

After the arrangements were made, one of Xing Tian's men came over and whispered: "Brother Tian, ​​Brother Da Xia and the others are in the hospital!"


"Yes, I suppressed the news last night because I saw Brother Tian was busy!"

Xing Tian nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, take me to the hospital first!"

When we arrived at the hospital, the boys in the corridor all said hello: "Brother Tian...!"

"Good morning brother!"

Xing Tian nodded slightly. Tian Yangzhong, who was guarding the door, put down his cigarette butt, stamped it out with his foot and said, "Brother Tian, ​​you're here!"

"Well, what's going on? Who did you meet? No one was left behind, and two of them were hospitalized!"

Tian Yangzhong hesitated and didn't say why.

Xingtian looked unkind and said, "Azhong, are you hiding it from me?"

Tian Yangzhong explained: "No, Brother Tian, ​​it's just that it's hard to talk about it!"

"Say!" Xing Tian said coldly.

Seeing that Xing Tian was angry, Tian Yangzhong quickly told the whole story.

After hearing this, Xing Tian angrily opened the door and walked in.

Da Xia, on the other hand, was not as honest as a patient at all. He was sitting on the hospital bed with his shoulders hanging, and an old man was pulled over from nowhere.

"No one will protect you, just follow me from now on, and you can let people ask about my name, Brother Kowloon Prawn!"

The other party looked at Da Xia with a look of disgust and said, "I'm old, my ears are dull and my eyesight is blurred, but I'm not stupid, you make people..."

Xing Tian came over at this time, and just as Da Xia was about to get up, Xing Tian slapped him in the face.


The crisp sound resounded throughout the hospital.

Da Xia's eyes were wide open, covering his red cheeks and looking at Xing Tian in disbelief.

The younger brothers around him were even more stunned.

The slap made the prawn's mouth bleed.

"Drawn, because a woman doesn't even deserve her brother's life, right? Is this what I taught you?"

"Brother Tian...I...!"

Xing Tian interrupted: "Don't call me Brother Tian, ​​you don't deserve it!"

Tian Yangyi on the side helped to rescue him and said: "Brother Tian, ​​you can't blame Da..."

"Shut up, he wants to die, won't you let him die? Have you ever thought about what A Sheng, A En and the other brothers would think if something happened to you?"

Tian Yangyi was scolded and was speechless.

"I was wrong...Brother Tian, ​​please give me a chance to change my ways!" Daxia admitted his mistake.

Xing Tian grabbed the collar of Da Xia and said: "And have I reminded you before that you can look for Ma Zi? Remember to distinguish whether it is a human or a ghost. When you kill someone, you still think of Ma Zi. Are you in the hospital where Ma Zi is? Look. Have you ever?"

At this moment, the door to the ward was opened, and a woman dressed in luxury goods and holding a brand-name bag walked in.

He said to the prawn: "Husband, do you have one hundred thousand yuan? I have an appointment with my sisters in the afternoon and I have no money to play cards!"

Da Xia did not expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

Xing Tian folded his hands on his chest and looked at the prawn quietly.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm sorry, this is my fault. Please punish me, Brother Tian!" Da Xia gnashed his teeth and knelt down on the bed.

Xing Tian said coldly: "When the injury is healed, go to your own parking lot. After three months of reflection and understanding, you will report to me. If someone tells me that you act like a big brother, just get as far away from me as possible!"

Daxia said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Tian, ​​I promise I won't do it again in the future!"

Xing Tian also deliberately used prawns to beat the younger brothers under his banner today.

In fact, he had discovered their arrogance a long time ago, but he just never found the opportunity.

He, Xingtian, is not Liu Huangshu. He runs around here and there. As long as he is alive, he has a chance to make a comeback and defeat his opponents in turn.

Hong Kong Island is littered with skeletons, and no one will give them a chance.

This time it seemed like they only suffered a little superficial injury, but that was because God was on their side.

Xing Tian did not allow his side to leave hope to luck.

Most importantly, they are not yet eligible.

"Well done!"

After saying that, Xingtian walked out of the ward.

After seeing Xing Tian leave, Da Xia's Ma Zi stepped forward and said, "Why is your boss, Brother Tian, ​​so cruel? Husband, why don't we change the boss? Anyway, you are now..."

Da Xia raised his arms, regardless of the injuries on his body, as if all the energy from feeding was used up.


A slap hit the woman's face.

"Damn it, who told you to talk too much!"

The woman covered her face, tears of grievance welling up in her eyes.

Da Xia coldly snorted: "What is your identity, your grade, and your status? Brother Tian, ​​can you talk about it? I am able to be where I am today because of Brother Tian's appreciation. You must be grateful to Brother Tian from the inside out." , I know money, money, money, and cards every day, am I your cash machine?"

The woman said stubbornly: "You bastard, you will regret it sooner or later!"

After saying that, he ran out. Just when Da Xia felt soft, the 'little brother' he wanted to take in nodded.

"Although I, the old man, don't understand your affairs, the young people before did do it for your own good. As for that bitch, it's too..."

As if realizing that he had said too much, the other party quickly closed his mouth.

After being reminded by the two people, Daxia said, "It's okay, it's just a woman. Why can't I, Daxia, find it?"

Tian Yangyi agreed: "That's pretty much it. If you didn't take action just now, I might ask Azhong to kill you!"

Da Xia knew in his heart that Ma Zi from before was already breaking a taboo by persuading him to change his family!

When Xing Tian walked out of the hospital, he met Jin Mao, "Brother Tian, ​​I just received the news that people from Dongxing will hold a funeral for Luo Tuo in three days!"

"Funeral?" Xing Tian smiled after hearing this, "I know!"

After returning, when Xing Tian was about to gather people, he heard someone shouting from behind: "Brother Tian?"

Xing Tian turned around and looked for a long time before tentatively asking, "Exploding beads?"

Baozhu patted the car door excitedly and said: "Get out of the car quickly...get out of the car quickly!"

Qiu Gangao and Lao Guiquan walked down.

Lao Guiquan was the first to speak: "Brother Tian, ​​you are so impressive now, you won't forget what you promised us in Stanley, right?"

Qiu Gangao, who had always been calm, looked at Xing Tian nervously.

Xing Tian proudly said: "I am in a situation now, and what I need is someone who can cover it. And have you ever seen me break my promise?"

After hearing Xing Tian's words, several people put down the stone in their hearts.

Qiu Gangao walked to Xingtian and said, "Brother Tian, ​​do you have anything to arrange?"

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Yes!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Xingtian.

Just listen to Xing Tian continue to say: "Since you can find me here, you should be able to find Bai Jinhan, right?"

Qiu Gangao nodded and said: "Many of the brothers in the account used to work for you!"

"Just find it if you can. Relax when you get out. Go to Bai Jinhan to get some money. There are many luxury cars in the parking lot. Drive a few of them. Remember to see your old friend Zhang Chongbang, and by the way, that Huo Zhaotang!"

Qiu Gangao said quickly: "Brother Tian...I...!"

Xing Tian patted the other party's shoulder and said: "I told you back in Stanley, come out and follow me, I will protect you, I will lead you towards the light, you must be upright!"

Then Xing Tian said in disgust: "Okay, that's it, I have something else to do and I don't have time to talk to you!"

After saying that, Xingtian walked into Juyi Hall.

Old Guiquan on the side sighed and said: "This time we are in favor..."

Qiu Gangao stretched out his hand and interrupted fiercely: "In the future, if anyone makes a mistake in the things arranged by Brother Tian, ​​God will not give him face, including me!"

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