Hong Kong Film: My East Star Jade Qilin is from Stanley!

Chapter 174 The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind!

When it was time to gather the next day, Zhang Wenyao received a call from Zhang Xun.

"Boss, the group of people from yesterday didn't come at all!"

"how come?"

"I guess they got cold feet, so should we do something about it?"

Zhang Wenyao hesitated for a moment and then said: "Do it, why not do it? If you miss this opportunity, you may have to wait until the next time!"

"I understand!"

Zhang Falcon put down the phone and said to the people around him: "Dapeng, Shapi, and Guozi are ready to take action!"

The rest of the Eagles put on their hoods.

What they didn't know was that not far away, Tian Yangsheng and others were staring at the position of Zhang Xun and others.

On the rooftop of the Central Building, Xing Tian held a telescope and watched the movements of several people.

Behind him were little A-Qiao and the head coach who was not in Hong Kong.

The rest of the people are all here. After all, Xing Tian doesn't have to worry about betraying him.

Xing Tian ordered: "Black, White, Gray and Three Impermanences, you guys go down and keep an eye on the car 7782 (Zhang Wenyao). No matter what the other party does, you must notify me immediately!"

"Nasan, Dakui, and Axiong, you go down and look at the car 5986 (Zhang Falcon)!"

"Master, take Qin Hu and Qin Bao to follow the car of 2214 (Tian Yang Qizi)!"



As time passed, the banknote transport truck of Central Bank drove towards Zhang Falcon.

Since there was no assistance from anyone else, Zhang Xun had no choice but to resort to violence.

"Sharpi, hit me!"


The corners of Shapi's mouth curled up slightly, then he stepped on the accelerator, and the van rushed towards the cash transport truck full of banknotes!


The van hit the driver's seat of the cash transport truck hard.

Zhang Xuan, Shapi, and Jiazi got out of the car first, and fired at the vehicles accompanying them.

"Crack clap clap!"

Dozens of gunshots rang out throughout the street!

The evading vehicles were frightened and fled in all directions, and the whole street was in chaos for a while.

Dapeng took a bomb and pressed it on the front of the cash transport truck.

After a loud noise, the cash transport truck exploded instantly.


A mushroom cloud rose up.

"Bang bang bang~"

After another round of shooting, Zhang Xuan ordered: "Quick, go and load the money!"

Following his shout, Shapi and Dapeng ran to carry the boxes from both sides.

When Sharpei finished carrying the last box.

Jiazi shouted: "Boss, we will make a fortune this time!"

At this moment, seven or eight police cars suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley in front of them, and the police quickly rushed towards them.

"Quick, get in the car!"

Zhang Xun yelled and got into the car.

Dapeng and others quickly jumped in.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Gunshots continued to be heard.

Zhang Xun held the gun in one hand, grabbed the back of the back seat with the other hand, and stuck his head out of the window.

Shooting wildly behind him.

Seeing this, Tian Yangsheng said, "How long?"

Tian Yang'en, who was in charge of timing, said: "Six minutes and fifty!"

Tian Yangsheng sneered: "Is it so different?"

Because of the sudden changes, Zhang Xun and others did not consider that at all.

After fighting all the way, Zhang Xun and others ran to the underground parking lot of Jinyu Street.

He quickly changed to a car and drove towards another exit.

Xingtian's phone and walkie-talkie heard reports from Hei Wuchang and Nalan Shu at the same time.

"Brother Tian, ​​the car you asked me to pay attention to has moved!"

"Brother Tian, ​​we are not the only ones chasing that car, there seems to be another team besides the police!"

Xing Tian responded: "Na San, don't follow too closely, just bite. Don't worry about the other team, they have a master following them!"

"Heiwu, tell me your location!"

"Immediately entered Goldfish Street!"

After hearing this, Na San said something strangely.

"What a coincidence, we are on Goldfish Street!"

Xing Tian, ​​who was about to take the elevator, paused and asked Na San, "Where have you all passed by?"

Na 31510 made a report.

Xing Tian narrowed his eyes and said: "Stop chasing, return to the parking lot, search the underground parking lot for me, and investigate any suspicious vehicles for me!"

At the same time, he said to Hei Wudao on the phone: "No matter what method you use, stop Zhang Wenyao!"

Xing Tian walked into the elevator. As soon as he got out of the building and before he started the car, he heard Na San's voice coming from the intercom.

"Brother Tian, ​​we found it. There is an identical van in the parking lot, even the license plate is the same!"

Xing Tian smiled and said, "Bring me the things in the trunk!"

At the same time, he put the microphone of his cell phone to his mouth and said, "Hei Wu, where have you been?"

"As expected, I entered the parking lot in two minutes, but there are a lot of notes in front of me!"

"Withdraw, there's no need to follow me anymore!"

"Understood, Brother Tian!"

When Zhang Wenyao rushed to the parking lot, he checked at the agreed location.

When I found that there was nothing in the car, I didn't think about the worst.

Instead, he thought Zhang Xun was pushed too hard and had no time to change cars.

On the way, Xingtian called Ma Jun and said, "What are you busy with?"

"Bang bang bang..." There was a burst of gunfire.

"We're arresting people. Are you okay?"

Xing Tian said: "Let me remind you, keep a close eye on Zhang Wenyao. My men told me that there is something unusual about him!"

After saying that, Xingtian hung up the phone.

When everyone rushed to Kowloon, the business car of Tian Yangsheng and others was forced to stop by the golden retriever leader.

When several people wanted to take action, Jin Mao knocked on the car window and said: "Brother Tian, ​​call me!"

Tian Yangsheng pressed the glass and took the phone and said: "Hey!"

"Don't follow me. Let's watch the news tomorrow. Just stay where you are and wait for me!"


"listen to me!"

Tian Yangsheng sighed and said, "Okay!"

Ma Jun and others came to the outskirts and lost track of their target.

After getting off the car and watching for a long time, I couldn't tell where the other party escaped from.

He slapped the roof of the car angrily, "Cao, did you let them run away?"

Fang Yiwei, who was in the co-pilot position, reminded: "Do you want to find Brother Tian? After all, this is his territory. With Brother Tian's help, those people shouldn't be able to escape, right?"

Ma Jun then remembered Xing Tian's call just now.

He quickly called his colleagues in the command room and said, "Give me the phone number of Sir Zhang!"

"Um...Sir Ma, your level..."

"Just do whatever I ask you to do? If something happens to Sir Zhang, it will be your fault?" Ma Jun had no choice but to threaten him.

The colleague did not refute and quickly started working on the computer.

"Sir Ma, the location is less than two kilometers away from you!"

Following the other party's command, Ma Jun quickly changed direction and drove towards Zhang Wenyao's position.


At this moment, Zhang Xun and his group had arrived at the roadside outside an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

This factory looks very old, but there is not much damage on the outside. It looks like it should be a factory.

And there are no monitoring facilities around the factory.

Shapi worriedly said: "Boss, if we don't keep any money, will something happen?"

Zhang Xuan shook his head and said: "No, the guy named Zhang can't afford the troubles more than we can, and if he wants to take advantage of others, he will be the only one unlucky!"

After thinking about it for a while, Sharpei felt that his worries seemed a bit unnecessary.

A black Honda sedan drove into the factory.

After getting off the car, Zhang Wenyao asked, "Why don't you follow the plan?"

With that said, he quickly opened the trunk of Zhang Xuan and others to check.

When he found that there was nothing, Zhang Wenyao asked: "Where is the money?"

Zhang Xun sneered: "Do you want to act more realistically?"

Shapi and Jiazi raised their guns and put them on Zhang Wenyao's head.

"You die-hard scumbag, do you want to be like the previous group of people? Want to kill us?"

Ma Jun took Fang Yiwei and several teams of people to the outside of the factory.

After hearing the roar inside, Ma Jun gestured to silence!

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