Hong Kong Film: My East Star Jade Qilin is from Stanley!

Chapter 125 72 Disha, 36 Tiangang, 3 Taibao!

A group of boys got on the bus one after another.

Xiangxili, on the other hand, drove a truck straight to Kowloon.


Kowloon District!

This is one of the busiest and most visited areas on Hong Kong Island.

At this time, many people gathered at the entrance of Bai Jinhan Nightclub in the central area of ​​Kowloon.

Looking around, it seems like there is no end in sight.

In addition to Nalan Shu, Yu Likui, the coachman who has followed Xing Tian for the longest time, walked into the office on the second floor and said, "Brother Tian, ​​everyone is almost here!"

"Yeah!" Xing Tian nodded.

He took the clothes aside and walked downstairs.

After seeing Xing Tian, ​​everyone became quiet.

Looking at the people on the street, Xing Tian smiled and said: "Today I will keep the story short, someone disturbed our situation and pulled out my flag.

Now I just want to go there and take revenge. I don’t know if there is a future, but as long as you come back alive, you will get everything you want.

If there are any unfortunate brothers, I will take care of them for the rest of their lives. "

Upon hearing this, everyone responded enthusiastically: "Brother Tian, ​​just speak up!"


"Swear to protect Brother Tian to the death!"

"Swear loyalty to Brother Tian!"

Seeing this scene, Xing Tian's eyes fell on the first speaker and said, "I remember you. You were the one who accompanied me to Kowloon last time, right?"

The brother whose name was called scratched his head and said, "I didn't expect you would still remember me, Brother Tian. My name is Wolf Dog, and I am now responsible for taking care of the arcade for you!"

Xing Tian joked: "Not bad, he can be considered the eldest brother!"

The wolfdog smiled naively and said modestly: "It's just average!"

At this time, another group of younger brothers stood out from the crowd and said to Xingtian: "Brother Tian, ​​my name is Dahuan. I accompanied you on a trip to Kowloon last time. To be honest, I didn't get enough of the sweetness. I want to take a step closer and be able to do it later." You can’t let me start the fight!”

"Fart, you ruffian, why do you think so?"

Facing the questions from others, the gangster took off his silver-gray suit, exposed the scars on his body and said, "Why? Just because of the medal on my body!"

In an instant, a man jumped over the fence and jumped out. He also took off his silver-gray suit and exposed his upper body. The scars were no less than those of the ruffian.

"I, Mad Niu, are the first to disapprove of you. I also accompanied Brother Tian in Jiulong. Since my debut, I have killed no fewer than ten of Huoshan's younger brothers, and there are seven or eight of the prince's younger brothers. No matter what, it is not your turn to be a pioneer!"

Seeing how they were fighting, Xing Tian said, "Don't worry, everyone has a chance today!"

Pointing at everyone, he said: "Today, I, Xingtian, put my words here. Others look at seniority based on years, but I don't need it here. I don't care if you are a 49-year-old boy or a straw sandaler, or a blue lantern!"

"Everyone has equal opportunities. Old Four Nine is more evil than Four Eight Nine, and I will set up several positions for you. Jiulong should have seventy-two Disha, thirty-six Tiangang, and thirteen Taibao. As for how to divide it, then Use your strength to earn it!"

Everyone who heard this became excited.

Who wouldn't want to make a fortune in the world if he could become Xing Tian's younger brother?

If it is true as Xingtian said, everyone has his or her own position.

Then the status of these people will rise.

One person said excitedly: "Thank you, Brother Tian, ​​for your support!"

Dasha, who arrived at this time, pulled his neck out from the car and shouted: "I don't dare to ask for other positions, but Dasha, I, must occupy the number one position in the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gangs. Who dares to come over here!"

With Dasha's roar, the younger brothers who came with him all sounded their horns.

Xing Tian looked at Dasha and smiled, waving his hand and saying, "Let's get going. If I don't sweep Bolan Street today, I will never return to Kowloon!"



"Bang dong bang dong..."


As everyone roared in unison.

One after another, jeeps and vans killing people started to move.

The streets of Kowloon were instantly packed to the brim.

However, Xing Tian and others started the engine acceleration.

Set off in another direction.

At this moment, Bolan Street is still bustling with lights, singing and dancing.

Since it was golden midnight, there were many girls here who were scantily clad, seductively dressed, and wearing masks. They were all the red cards of Bolan Street. Each one of them worked hard to twist their hips to attract the attention of men.

Moreover, luxury cars were parked aside, and some car owners even parked their cars on the side of the road and asked them to perform street services on the girls they liked.

This kind of scene is almost common in Bowland Street.

Because there are scenes like this every day on Bolan Street.

As the vanguard, Xing Tian reached the North District of Bolan Street in the first battle.

As he walked into a place, the boy at the door was ready to step forward to stop him.

Yu Likui stepped forward and kicked him, and the boy flew out, smashed through the glass door and flew into the nightclub.

Later, Yu Likui led people into the venue and heard the noise in the nightclub.

A middle-aged man stood up and saw that this middle-aged man was burly, about two meters tall, with dark skin, tattoos of ferocious beasts on his body, and a centipede-like scar on his face.

This person is the thug Scorpion Tiger under Han Bin, the person in charge of Hongxing Kwai Tsing District!

The more King Cun came back, the more he thought something was wrong, so he had no choice but to borrow some manpower from Han Bin.

And Han Bin remembered that the last time he submitted a petition, King Cun was quite alert, so he sent someone over to help him watch the scene.

Scorpion Tiger looked at Yu Likui who rushed through the door and snorted coldly.

"I didn't expect that coward King Cun would guess it, but it's a pity that it was me you met!"

As he said this, Scorpion Tiger shouted toward the inside: "We have a guest, kids, please come out and greet us!"

Soon, footsteps came from inside.

A row of fifty or sixty people appeared in everyone's sight, and they all looked fierce.

Xing Tian looked around and said with a smile: "Yes, we are still prepared, so I don't have to look for them one by one!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xingtian rushed towards Scorpion Tiger like a cannonball.

Yu Likui, Hei Wuchang, Blind Man, Qin Bao, Hu Zi, Chen Ruolong, Jin Mao and others are responsible for dealing with the trash fish.

Scorpion Tiger looked at Xing Tian who was running towards him and shouted coldly: "You idiot, get on me!"


The younger brothers behind Scorpion Tiger rushed over one by one with a roar.

Scorpion Tiger thought Xing Tian would back down.

But unexpectedly, he did not retreat but advanced. Instead, he jumped up and rushed towards the scorpion tiger.

Looking at Xing Tian who was rushing towards him, Scorpion Tiger sneered: "You are seeking death!"

As he spoke, he swung his fist and hit Xing Tian on the head.

Scorpion Tiger's fist was filled with gusts of wind. If the punch was hit hard, a man weighing 100 kilograms would probably be knocked unconscious.

Scorpion Tiger was secretly happy, thinking about smashing Xing Tian's head with one punch to let him know how powerful he was.

At this moment, Scorpion Tiger saw that Xing Tian on the opposite side suddenly changed his moves. His legs seemed to have turned into snake tails, and they swung strangely, and at a strange speed, making it difficult to catch the trace.

The scorpion tiger's pupils shrank, and it was already too late to hide.


Xing Tian's knee had already hit Scorpion Tiger's face, and the huge force knocked Scorpion Tiger away. He hit the wall before falling to the ground, with blood splattering.

Xingtian, on the other hand, walked towards Scorpion Tiger.

Scorpion Tiger climbed up with difficulty, looked at Xingtian and said in fear: "You...you are not an ordinary gangster!"

Xing Tian said indifferently: "Are you helping someone watch the scene without asking who they have offended?"

Scorpion Tiger was also panicked at this time, "I am Binnihu Han Bin's subordinate, you can't kill me!"



As soon as Scorpion Tiger finished speaking, Xing Tian had already drawn out the Tang Sword and pierced his chest, instantly nailing him to the wall.


Scorpion Tiger felt the life essence draining from his body and said unwillingly: "My boss, Han Bin, will never let you go!"

"I'm waiting for him!" After saying this, Xing Tian crossed the hilt of his knife.

Scorpion Tiger's eyes widened and he couldn't say a word. He lay on the ground with his neck crooked like a duck being strangled.

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