In the 80s, the escort car from Hong Kong Island to Stanley.

A group of prisoners wearing silver bracelets gathered in the car.

Some have dragons and phoenixes, and some have faces full of flesh!

Some are bitter, some are sad, and all kinds of expressions reflect their emotions at the moment.

There was only one person whose eyes were full of confusion and could even be said to be dull.

I saw that man was extremely handsome, his face was carved with distinct facial features, and his angular face was exceptionally handsome.

The appearance seems to be bohemian.

After the memory in his mind was digested, he let out a long breath.

The good news came out and he was transported back to the hodgepodge world of Hong Kong movies that he was familiar with.

The bad news is gone, I will go to Stanley (Palizi) to squat in a kiln soon.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully traveling through time. Based on the current situation, I will reward the newbie with a gift package!"

Um? system? Big gift package?

However, Xingtian himself is a bookworm of later generations, and he is very familiar with the system.

Immediately I asked in my mind: "The system is huge, which sect are you from? What's the use of it?"

"Host, this system is a powerful system. Hero Points will be issued to the host every day. The specific amount is based on the actual status of the host!

Hero Points are the key for the host to purchase in the system mall. At the same time, they can also be exchanged for points. One million Hong Kong dollars can be exchanged for a few Hero Points! "

Hearing this, Xing Tian swallowed unconsciously.

Judging from the memories he received through time travel.

He, Xingtian, is a mazai from Dongxing, even though he is a member of the church.

But at best he is just a 49-year-old.

In other words, it would be the lowest level, if he could have one million Hong Kong dollars.

Nor will he help his boss, the white-fronted Tiger King Sen (comic), to jack up the tank.

The system saw that Xingtian didn't speak for a long time and thought that there was no problem with Xingtian.

"Ding, the newbie gift package has been distributed successfully, and today the hero point will be 0.01!"

After hearing that value, Xing Tian cursed in his heart: "Fuck you, why do you need to include a decimal point? Can't you afford it? Give me an explanation, I want an explanation!"

However, the system didn't give him any response at all.


Xing Tian cursed in his heart for a while, and he was tired of scolding himself.

Just opened the novice gift package.

"Ding, the novice gift package is open. Congratulations to the host for obtaining all the skills of Boyka Yuri!"

"Boika Yuri? Hey, give me the dog system..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a warm current flowed through Xing Tian's body.

And there are a lot of Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, joint techniques, etc. in my mind...

After receiving it completely, Xingtian knew who Boyka Yuri was!

That's the boss of The Ultimate Fighter.

The fiercest among the fiercest.

While Xing Tian was thinking, suddenly, he felt a strange touch and couldn't help but opened his eyes suddenly.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that the prisoner next to him was touching his legs and kept moving up.

The prisoner's eyes flashed with an obscene light, which was disgusting. There was an obscene look in his eyes.

"Boy, is this your first time coming in? I know the dog brother in the second room, but..."

Xing Tian raised his arm and hit the opponent on the bridge of the nose with his elbow.

"Oh...I am Cao..."

The prisoner let out a howl of agony and blood flowed from his nostrils.

However, since his hands were tightly bound by silver bracelets, Xing Tian could only use two hands to grab the prisoner's hair.

Hit the glass of the escort car and go away!


The glass made a sharp cracking sound, and the cracks spread quickly.

Policeman A, who was in charge of escorting them (don’t ask, they don’t deserve it!) stood up immediately.

His right hand reached for the revolver at his waist.

"What are you doing? Are you going to cause trouble?"

Xing Tian looked at Cha Lao Jia and tilted his head helplessly.

"Sir, do you think I'm going to cause trouble? It's obvious that he was sick and knocked himself out!"

Everyone in the car looked at a few people.

Seeing Xing Tian's attitude, Police Officer A was dissatisfied and said, "Do you think we are all blind? Do you believe that I can add a few years to you casually?"

Xing Tian sat back down, lifted one foot up and stepped on the seat.

He said casually: "It's up to you. Do you think I'm afraid?"

His expression was cold and firm. He knew that if he wanted to face the harsh environment ahead, he couldn't give in!

With Boyka Yuri's skills, Xing Tian doesn't think he will do well, so the first impression is very important now.


Some prisoners who were entering the palace for the second time or the third time around started laughing.

Some brave people even taunted: "Isn't going back to Stanley the same as going home? Damn you, who are you bluffing?"

At the same time, he gave Xing Tian a thumbs up and said: "Brother, he is a man. I am with Lian Sheng. If you encounter any problems when you go in, you can come to me. My name is Chimney!"

An old fritter among the police officers came up to pull the person who had a conflict with Xing Tian and whispered.

"You can't do anything like this group of people. If you get angry, you'll easily get upset. Whether you can see him again or not is a question. I'll handle it!"

However, when your temper rises, it is so easy to suppress it.

He said to the prisoner Xing Tian was beating: "Let me ask you, was he the one who beat you just now?"

The prisoner covered his nose and rubbed his head. He looked embarrassed and no longer as arrogant as before.

Xing Tian also followed his gaze.


After a few seconds, the prisoner shook his head and said, "No, sir, it's me who misses home. I repent!"


There was a burst of mocking laughter in the carriage.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, leave it to me, you go smoke a cigarette first!"


The older policeman sat next to Xing Tiansheng and handed over a cigarette: "Brother, we will be there in a minute. I know you are all angry, so don't cause trouble for us, right?"

Xing Tian looked at the cigarette in the other person's hand and took it: "Sir, who wants to cause trouble? It's just trouble coming to your door!"

However, the other party patted Xing Tian on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I will treat you as if you promised me."

Then he took out the lighter and helped Xingtian light it.

With this episode, others became much quieter during the rest of the journey.

Until the handover ceremony was completed in front of Stanley Gate.

Xingtian and his party followed the prison guards in Stanley and came to the interior of Stanley.

After entering the interior, they opened the silver bracelets in their hands.

The prison guard scolded: "Everyone, please sit still."

Little did they know that everyone had just sat down.

I heard someone stand up and shout: "Stand up!"

"Sir, these are new prisoners!"

However, the other party did not say too much, but looked at Xing Tian and the other prisoners.

"Listen to me, I didn't send you in, it was the judge who sent you in. If you don't make trouble, I can guarantee you a little bit of peace!"

He even pinched his fingers while speaking!

It seems to be a metaphor for how much peace that little bit is.

Chimney, who was standing next to Xing Tiansheng, muttered in a low voice: "It's so unlucky that I was assigned to No. 2 instead of No. 1!"

Xing Tian asked in confusion: "Is there anything else in this?"

Chitong explained helpfully: "This Stanley is divided into two factions. One is District 1. The wardens there are all our locals, and they are also kind-hearted.

But as you have seen in District 2, the boss here is a ghost guy with dark hands and a huge appetite. In short, life will be difficult in the future! "

Xing Tian raised his head and looked at Gui Lao, who was still dragging his big tongue.

"If you make trouble, I guarantee you will not be safe. If you have a serious illness, you can go get abc by yourself. If it is a minor illness, you can solve it by yourself. Do you understand? You scum!"

After saying that, Gui Lao left abruptly without even looking at Xing Tian and the others!

"Do them all and listen to your roll call!"

"Zhang Jiadong, are you there?"

One prisoner raised his hand and said: "Here!"

"come out!"

The prison guard looked at Zhang Jiadong and said, "You're back so soon?"

Zhang Jiadong nodded and said: "Yes, assistant, I went out to look for a job and no one wanted it, so I just admitted a robbery crime!"

"You're really blind, you're so stupid!"

He waved his hand impatiently, "Go next door to check your body!"

"Next, Cheng An! (Heart-breaking Song of Hell: Building Raw Pork!)"

"The next one is Xing Tian!"


Someone on the side shouted: "Turn around and let the officer see!"

Xing Tian turned around as required.

After there were no questions, the person sitting on the chair continued: "Your number is 13260. The judge has been in jail for three years and will be beaten for six years! If you hear the number, go and check your body!"

Xingtian knew that these were necessary procedures.

He nodded and walked to the next door!

(Gentlemen, please read it carefully. The author of this chapter has something to say!)

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