Luo Chen was walking in the middle of the team. He couldn't help complaining about the darkness around him: "This damn place doesn't even have a light."

"It's been so many years, even if there is a light, it's impossible to turn it on."

Chen Xuan echoed from the side, looking at the endless passage, and touched Chen Jin with her arm: "Sister, how long do you think we have to go?"

"I don't know." Chen Jin looked at the walls on both sides, looked at the metal wall panels, and shook his head at Chen Jin.

"The corridors are so long in this place."

Luo Chen knocked on the wall casually and paused when he heard an echo coming from inside.

"Sister Ge Lin, this seems to be hollow."


Ge Lin came over, knocked on the wall as well, and then said: "This is indeed hollow, see if there is anything around that can open it."


As Luo Chen said this, he pulled out the knife and tried to strike with it.

"Hey, what are you doing! I didn't ask you to split it!"

Ge Lin hurriedly stopped Luo Chen and looked at him angrily.

"Isn't it because the atmosphere is so tense that I can do some work?"

"Forget it." Ge Lin rolled her eyes at him, punched Luo Chen and said, "It's just you who messed around."


Luo Chen scratched his head and began to search for clues carefully under Ge Lin's gaze.

"Vice Captain, there's nothing."

"Me too."

"Strange?" Ge Lin thought, sighed and looked at Luo Chen: "Forget it, Xiaochen, just cut it open. Everyone, step back."

"Hey, no, I'll just talk about it casually!" Luo Chen smiled bitterly: "Sister Ge Lin, aren't you afraid that I will encounter any danger?"

"Can't you use virtualization to escape?"


Luo Chen drew his sword again, and after confirming that the others had retreated, he exerted force on his hand and struck the wall with the sword, and then the sword got stuck.

"Ahem, accident, I'll try again."

Luo Chen put away his knife, took out the Ksitigarbha's soul, wrapped it with Honkai energy and slashed it out with all his strength.

A hole was opened in the metal wall. Luo Chen then struck a few more times and stopped after opening a hole.

"It's done, but it's so dark inside!"

Luo Chen looked inside, but couldn't see anything in the dark, and began to wonder what was hidden inside.

"Vice Captain, what should we do now?"

"There is no other way. Me, Zhi and Liya, you go and have a look in this cave. Chen Jin takes good care of your sister and Xiaochen, and then walks along this passage."

Ge Lin waved to several people and stepped into the cave first.

"Let's go too."

After Ge Lin and her group left first, Chen Jin said to the remaining two people, walking in front to clear the way.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Luo Chen suddenly felt that his vision went dark. When it became clear again, he suddenly found that he was in another location.

"I'll go! Where is this?"

Luo Chen looked around and became a little panicked when he realized that he was alone.

"anyone there?"


"Well, it turns out not..."

Luo Chen lowered his head as if in a daze. The next moment, a door suddenly appeared in front of him, making Luo Chen jump up in fright.

"Why are you so scary!"

Luo Chen looked at the door and tapped it lightly with his hand, but there was no change in the door.

"How did this thing come out?" Luo Chen scratched his head and showed a heroic expression: "Forget it, now it seems that this is the only way out, give it a try, and the bicycle will become a motorcycle!"

Luo Chen grabbed the door handle, twisted it open and walked straight in. He was a little puzzled when he found a sea of ​​flowers behind the door.

"What's the matter?"

Luo Chen looked at the darkness behind him and walked into the sea of ​​flowers without looking back.

Walking in the sea of ​​flowers, Luo Chen looked at the colorful flowers at his feet, and his tense nerves relaxed unconsciously.

After walking for about a few minutes, Luo Chen vaguely saw something in front of him and ran over quickly.

After walking in, Luo Chen found that what he just saw was a stone table and four stone benches. There was also a tea set and a set of calligraphy on the table, and doubts arose in his heart.

"What is this?"

Luo Chen walked to the table, picked up the dark teapot on the table, shook it, made sure it was filled with tea, and then tried to pour a little out.

Warm tea gushes out from the spout of the pot, and steam slowly rises from the mouth of the teacup, which puzzles Luo Chen.

"What the hell? Why is there a tea maker in this place?"

Luo Chen put down the teapot and began to study the paper placed aside.

"Let me see what is written here..."

Luo Chen sat on the stone bench and read for a long time without understanding what was written on it, so he had to put it aside and began to think about how to go back.

"Do you think that if I shout "Open Sesame", a door will actually appear?"

Luo Chen muttered to himself, stood up and faced Ling Yi of the sea of ​​flowers, put his hands in front of his mouth like a trumpet and shouted: "Open sesame!"

"How is it possible? After all, he is so stupid...fuck!"

Just when Luo Chen was laughing at himself, a door similar to the one before suddenly fell from the sky not far away, leaving him stunned.

"Is this okay? What is this!"

As soon as Luo Chen finished complaining, the door opened automatically, and the strong suction sucked him in directly.

"Hey, what's going on!"

Luo Chen didn't react in time. After being sucked into the door, the door closed by itself and slowly disappeared.

"This kid is finally gone."

After the door disappeared, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared on the original stone bench.

"It's true that only you can understand your handwriting."

The woman was holding the tea that Luo Chen had just poured out in her hand, tasting it slowly, looking at the man opposite and smiling lightly.

"No way, he obviously can't understand."

The man looked at the place where Luo Chen disappeared and was unconvinced.

"Yes, yes, our great calligrapher, if you show this thing to others, they will definitely not be able to understand it."

"What do you know? This is called cursive writing!" The man looked at the woman confidently: "But I was really surprised. When someone first entered this area, I was still curious about who it was."

"Yes." The woman put down the tea cup, propped her head on her hands and looked at the sea of ​​flowers: "He appeared, should you change your plan?"

"Who said that? My plan remains the same."

"Have you not……"

The woman listened to his answer and looked at him in shock.

"you guess."


The scene changed, and our classmate Luo Chen was sucked away by an inexplicable door and dropped into a place that looked like a laboratory. Of course, dropped directly from the ceiling.

"I go."

Luochen screamed, stood up and rubbed his butt, then looked to observe the new place.


"Huh?" When Luo Chen heard someone calling him, he turned around and found that the others were there, waving to them.

"They're all here."

"Where have you been?"

Two sisters, Chen Jin and Chen Xuan, ran up and checked Luo Chen's body.

"No, sisters, what are you doing!"

Luo Chen quickly broke away, hugged himself and shouted.

"It's nothing, let's see if you're hurt."


Luo Chen turned around in a circle to show that he was fine, and then asked the two to stop.

"By the way, Xiaochen, where were you just now? You suddenly disappeared."

"I do not know."

Luo Chen shook his head, and after narrating the experience just now to a few people, everyone fell silent.

"A sea of ​​flowers...strange."

After a while, Ge Lin said: "Is there a sea of ​​flowers in this base?"

"I don't know." Luo Chen shook his head: "By the way, where are we?"

"This seems to be the central area of ​​the ruins."

Ge Lin said this, and just as she was about to continue explaining to Luo Chen, everyone's terminals suddenly rang together, and then Otto's voice came from everyone's headphones at the same time.

"The second team of the Immortal Blade, please stop this exploration."

"Master Bishop, why?"

"I know you are confused, but I can't give you an answer yet. I just got the news that this ruins is much more mysterious than I thought."

"I see."

"That's good, you all can come back. As for Team Luochen..."

"Hello, Lord Bishop."

Luo Chen hurriedly agreed. Although his opinion of Otto was not too bad, it was definitely not good, but he was still working under him, so he should be a little timid.

"Although I really want to talk to you, now is obviously not the time. I have arranged a special plane to escort you back to St. Freya. You can go back directly later."

"Thank you, Lord Bishop."

"No need to thank me, say hello to Theresa for me."

Before Luo Chen could speak, Otto hung up the connection first, leaving Luo Chen brainstorming alone.

"What's going on? I'll go! It's not a good thing to be noticed by Otto!"

Luo Chen was thinking this and felt a push on his back. When he came back to his senses, he realized it was Chen Xuan and asked, "Sister Xuan, what are you doing?"

"Let's go, why are you dazed?"

"Okay, I get it now."


"Old friend, I did what you said. Can you tell me the reason now?"

Otto leaned on the chair, looked at the woman sitting on the sofa nearby, and said, "With all due respect, I still can't understand why you asked me for a female body? Void Manzo."

Kōku Manzō put down his tea cup and glanced at Otto lightly: "Didn't I tell you? This appearance belongs to one of my creators. It's just to commemorate him."

"As for the reason why they came back." Void Manzo paused for a moment, took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and threw it on Otto's desk: "Everything you want to know is here. But you have to make sure not to spread it out."

After saying that, Kōku Manzō stood up and left the office directly, leaving Otto alone with a smile.

"Really? I'm curious as to what other secrets you have hidden."

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