Super Seminary: You can become stronger by marrying a wife

Chapter 101 The purpose of the Grand Canyon’s first trip

Lianfeng stood outside the conference room. After calming down, he opened the door and walked in.

Several big guys in the conference room looked surprised when they saw Lianfeng coming back.

"Come back so soon?"

Dukao asked doubtfully.

"Well, it's done."

"The boy didn't make any demands or anything?"

"Huh, no, I just want a thousand veterans."

"Oh? This doesn't quite resemble his character."

Just asking for some veterans was different from what they thought.

But what they didn't know was that Lianfeng couldn't afford what Xu Feng wanted.

That big boy actually wanted her and Yuqin.

Although it was not explicitly stated, it was made very clear secretly.

Lianfeng and Yuqin, one position is to coordinate the overall situation, share data, and have high-end auxiliary position vision.

One is a wet nurse with sufficient milk supply, taking care of the condition of all the soldiers on the front.

If Xu Feng had taken all this away, the Xiongbing Company would probably not have to play anymore.

But Lianfeng would not say this out loud, as that might make many people have opinions about Xu Feng.

The earth still needs Xu Feng and the forces behind Xu Feng.

"Well, the young man is quite good. This is to cultivate talents for the country."

Mr. Huang was very satisfied with Xu Feng's condition of 1,000 people.

Xu Feng did not recruit personnel from the society, but gave this quota to the military.

For this alone, Mr. Huang was very satisfied.

"Then did he say anything about the arrangements for these thousand people?"

"Yes, I said, prepare to enter the universe to collect resources."

"Haha, as expected, compared to Shaolun and the others, Xu Feng is quite motivated. He has a promising future."

"It's just a little too shameless."




After hearing Lianfeng's words, everyone looked at each other and laughed.

People mature with age, and at their age, they can't see why Lianfeng is angry.

Xu Feng is young and energetic, and it seems that Lian Feng has been teased by other young men.

Otherwise, with Lianfeng's character, it would be impossible to say such a thing.

"By the way, what can you find about the person who invaded us twice last time?"

"No, the other party has completely surpassed the Deno civilization, and we can't capture any traces."

"It wasn't that kid who did it, was it?"

"It's impossible. Although Xu Feng is very good, he can't invade at this level.

Moreover, we have stored so much data, if he gets it, he will definitely show it. "

Lianfeng did not agree with Xu Feng's possibility.

The force behind the invasion of Deno No. 3 was definitely not Xu Feng.

"That reminds me of a possibility."

Dukao frowned and his tone was a little heavy.

"According to the Huangcun incident, it is not just the Taotie alien civilization that has come to Earth.

It is very possible that the organization known as the most evil organization in the universe has also come to earth. "

"The general is talking about demonic civilization?"

“Well, the angels came to earth before, which already explains a lot.

Angels and demons are incompatible with each other. Since they are here, they must be chasing some guys. "

As Dukao spoke, he called up the data he had compiled.

He had already made guesses about these, but he had never been sure.

"Moreover, the wings Xu Feng created also indicate something."

"Perhaps, that boy has already had contact with the angel."

Xu Feng has developed a lot of messy abilities, and there are traces of them.

Whether it's Qilin, Su Xiaoli, Qiangwei, or super genes like Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang.

These are currently recorded in the Chinese Super Seminary on Earth.

However, angel wings are not something that can be obtained casually.

At least, the Deno civilization does not have this ability.

"Is this going to do any harm to Xiaofeng?"

Upon hearing that Xu Feng and Angel might have gotten in touch and had contact, Mr. Huang asked with some uncertainty.

“Angels adhere to their concept of justice, which is not a bad thing.

But what I don't understand is why the angel is willing to give Xu Feng his core data of the angel's wings. "

This is an incredible thing.

There is a clear stipulation in the justice of angels: not to affect the growth process of other civilizations.

They should not break this rule.

You know, in the entire known universe, this kind of rules exists invisibly.

"Existence is truth. As long as angels are not evil, we don't care what they do."

"I also agree with this concept. Besides, Xiao Lun also has something angelic in his body."

Dukao thought about it, Galaxy Force has something angelic in him, so having Xu Feng is not a big deal.

The earth is only a pre-nuclear civilization. Lieyang came to help, and he didn't have his own plans.

Now that there is an extra angel, he still upholds some kind of justice.

This kind of civilization should not do anything irreversible to the earth.

And on the other side of the Grand Canyon

Xu Feng was sitting on a building on the edge of the Xiongbing Company training ground.

Next to him, there is a monkey.

One person and one monkey each held a can of beer, and a bag of peanuts was placed between them.

That's a comfort.

"I said Brother Monkey, aren't you tired of staying here every day? Why don't you go to my place and have some fun?"

"You kid, don't think that I, Old Sun, don't know what bad ideas you are planning."

"Hehe, that's right, Brother Monkey has sharp eyes and can't hide anything from you."

Sun Wukong's brain development level has reached 35%, which is 15% higher than him.

In front of such a great god, he is indeed just a younger brother.

Well, not even my younger brother.

"You want me, Old Sun, to train those little guys for you?"

"Hmm, we don't have Brother Monkey who is experienced in fighting. Then I will have to recruit a thousand more warriors.

Without a low-end instructor to guide them, I am afraid that they will go astray. "

"Tsk, tsk, are you planning to play a big game?"

"Who can bear to be bullied all the time? The earth is so poor and cannot afford it, so we can't stretch our hands into the universe."

"Well, if you are ambitious, fine, I will give you a clone when the time comes and teach them."

"Hey, thank you so much, Brother Monkey."

Xu Feng came here not just to ask for people.

Poaching people is his purpose.

It's just that he can't dig out Lianfeng and Yuqin now, so he has to wait for a while.

He couldn't afford to raise the Xiongbing Company now, so he might as well leave it to the Super Seminary to raise him first.

After the Xiongbing Company was dispersed, it was time for Xu Feng to take action.

On the other hand, Xu Feng is also showing his abilities and gaining recognition from the big guys.

There was no way, he didn't have the people he wanted, and the technology was too complicated.

High-end combat power is extremely scarce, and there is almost no logistics personnel.

This is such a deformed team.

I'm so annoying.

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