"What's the outside world?" He finally looked up.

There are no blue sky and white clouds, no flying birds, only a green wall of wind, which has not changed for hundreds of years.

"There are blue skies and white clouds in the distance, birds soaring in the sky, mountains, rivers, jungles and grasslands on the ground, and small animals playing. Different from animals in captivity, they have a spirituality that is not found here..."

In this way, everyone was immersed in and attracted by the vivid language.

"But..." the painting style finally changed, "Those are the beautiful scenery from thousands of miles away, places that we can never reach in almost our entire lives. Mondstadt is surrounded by biting cold wind, cold ice and snow. .”

The environment of Mondstadt depends on the surrounding environment.

Under the conditions of biting cold wind, Diego Kalapian could only ensure the safety of his people by building a wind wall.

Even if it was left to her to choose, she would make the same choice as Dick Lapian.

The difference is that after building the wind wall, she will actively look for solutions to the wind and snow and open up a path.

Instead of standing on the top of a tower, enjoying the faith from the people and intoxicating with their praise.

Then do nothing and just stay there for hundreds or thousands of years.

You won't get tired of being a demon, your people will.

You have an endless lifespan, but humans only have a lifespan of less than a hundred years.

Human memory is short-lived. If you continue to be so secluded, I am afraid that within a hundred years people will forget what the sky looks like. Within a thousand years, humans will either revolt or lose their vitality and become a walking zombie.

In short, the experience of the past life tells us that in the end, seclusion will do more harm than good, and it is something only a stupid person would do.

"Although Dick Lapian has no brains, his people are innocent and he has to find a way."

Although her rationality told her that she should not care about this matter after all, and the life and death of the people of Diakrapian had nothing to do with her, but emotionally she still planned to give him a few words of advice.

Just give him a heads up when the point is reached and never say another word.

Thinking of this, he finally ignored the eagerness of the people around him to continue asking about the scenery outside, and took off directly on the spot, leaving the crowd.

"What a god!" people around exclaimed.

After all, Diakrapian can only be seen from a high tower, and after all, it is the god who actually appears beside them.

This raises the credibility of the outside world mentioned in Gui Zhong's words to a higher level.

This makes people want to see the outside world more and more.

After all, a seed called freedom was planted for Mond unknowingly, and he didn't know when it would sprout.

However, our instigator had no idea about this and only wanted to tell Dick Lapian about it.

Found Barbatos and Diehlappian, just in time to see Barbatos "exporting".

At this time, Diehlappian regretted that he should not have made the suggestion to go out.

Who would have thought that Barbatos would be more eloquent after he came out.

Originally he could handle it, but he didn't expect Barbatos to exert his strength directly after reaching the outdoors.

As a result, Dickapian, who was not very talkative, could not even answer Barbatos's words, so he could only smile and nod.

Although he stopped talking, Barbatos seemed to be even more annoyed.

Seeing Diehlappian finally come back was like seeing a savior.

"You and Barbatos chat for a while, and I'll prepare some food for you, so that you can fulfill your duties as a landlord."

After saying that, Diehlappian left the scene as if fleeing.

"What happened?" he finally wondered.

"Perhaps he was conquered by my charm." Barbatos was obviously very confident in himself.

"We were all colleagues in the order organization before, but we didn't have much interaction due to work reasons. Now it seems that he can get along."

Barbatos looked at Diehlappian walking away, feeling very happy in his heart.

It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken so much.

"Where did you get your confidence?" He was speechless after all.

Although she had never experienced Barbatos' talkative demeanor, but with the impatient expression on Morax's face when he recalled it, she did not want to experience it after all.

"By the way, why didn't you use this trick on me at that time?" It seems that everyone has experienced it, but in the end, they were spared.

"Didn't I mistake you for a powerful person at the ruling level? I didn't dare." Barbatos scratched his head, recalling the misunderstanding that year, "Why don't you try it now?"

"I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I'm busy." Finally, he decisively took out the Chenge pot and hid in it.

"By the way, call me when Dickapian comes back." Finally, Barbatos reminded her, "Don't keep it all to yourself."

"Okay, I will remind you." Barbatos promised, but in his heart he thought it would never be the end.

If you don't let me take it all to myself, I won't, so I will take it all to myself.

Some time later, Diehlappian returned with a beast from the ice field.

"Hahaha, you are so polite, you even went to the ice field for a trip." Barbatos saw how rich the food was, and his mouth was almost watering.

The ice field is no different from the snow field, and the creatures living on it are extremely powerful creatures.

Although it does not pose a threat to the Demon God, this is an attitude.

"Hahaha, such an important guest is here, how can I just deal with it."

Having said that, in fact, the real purpose of Dierkapian is to hide away for a second. It is best to wait until Barbatos has finished his words before coming back.

But after getting used to Barbatos's chattering, my ears always felt a bit empty.

After hearing Barbatos's voice, I actually felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

Thinking of this, Diehlappian was shocked by himself.

Isn't it because Barbatos awakened some strange attributes?

Don't think about it, don't think about it.

too frightening.

Without further thinking, Diehlappian began to use his divine power to dispose of the beast's body.

Pieces of bloody but mouth-watering meat were cut out and were about to become delicacies on the devil's table.

"By the way, where's Hargentus?" Halfway through the process, Dickapian suddenly realized that there seemed to be a missing demon god.

"After all, she left first." Barbatos lied without blushing at all.

Oh, how can it be said that the devil lied to the devil? That's called cheating.

"Huh, rude." Dickapian cursed and ignored the matter.


At this time, in the Chenge pot.

"Aqiu." He rubbed his nose after all.

"Did Old Antique miss me?"

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