My Pokémon will evolve into an ancient Mega

Chapter 79 The inexplicable hatred of the ninja girl

Takumi knew where the female ninja was coming from as soon as he looked at it.

It must be the Poison Gym in Qianhong City!

"Go, Overlord Flower!"

Yaqi threw a poke ball.


Overlord flower: female

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Category: Flower Pokémon

Features: Chlorophyll (speed increases by 200% on sunny days and sunny days)

Level: Level 58 (Elite Level 41~60)


Takumi continued to use the Big Rock Snake.

"Takumi's Pokémon is still the veteran Ogre! I wonder what kind of surprise Ogre will bring us this time?!" the host shouted excitedly.

Seeing that both sides were ready, the referee raised his hand and signaled, "The game begins!"

"No one has asked you to send out a second Pokémon yet, so let me break this status quo!"

Yaqi confidently ordered, "Spread out the paralyzing powder!"

The flowers on the head of the Overlord flower immediately spray out a large amount of pollen.

"Sandstorm." Takumi ordered calmly.

The big rock snake immediately summoned a sandstorm.

woohoo hoo...

The strong wind carried a large amount of sand and blew away the paralyzing powder of the Overlord Flower.

"It's really great. The big rock snake easily cracked the paralysis powder of the Overlord Flower!"

The host explained.

"If that's the case, then I'll also change the weather!"

Yaqi looked at the Overlord Flower, which was badly eroded by the sandstorm, and immediately gave the order.

"Sacrifice yourself and charge!"

At this moment, Takumi directly ordered a strong attack.

Bang bang! ! !

A muffled sound.

Bawanghua was knocked unconscious on the spot.

"The Overlord Flower lost consciousness, and the Big Rock Snake won!" The referee immediately announced the result.

The audience is no longer surprised by this result.

Everything seemed to be as expected.

"I didn't expect to win with just one hit. I wonder if Player Yaqi can force out Player Takumi's second Pokémon?"

the host said.

"Come back, Overlord Flower." Yaqi took it back and threw the elf ball again, "Please, Rose Leiduo!"

Pokémon from the Hoenn region?

They are all grass-poisoned attributes. They are not targeted at big rock snakes, right?


Rose Redo: male

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Category: Bouquet Pokémon


Natural recovery (Pokémon with this characteristic will recover all abnormal conditions when being exchanged or ending the battle, and is invalid when dying)

Poison Sting (30% chance of causing poisoning effect on target)

Hidden trait: Technical master (increases damage and critical hits by 50%)

Level: Level 65 (Gym Level 61~80)


Not bad, finally catching up with Xiao Ming's strength.

"Rosredo, the green grass field!"

As soon as Yaqi came on stage, she took advantage of the environment.

The grass field became more lush, and the grass that was originally only a few inches high grew to nearly one meter in height.

(Green grass field: The effect of your Pokémon's grass-type skills is increased by 30%~50%, and the damage caused by earthquakes and stomps is halved.)

"Rockfall!" Takumi took the opportunity to strike.

Pound pound pound! ! !

Roseredo took a hard blow, and Yaqi immediately ordered, "Ultimate absorption!"


A burst of green light flew into the body of the big rock snake, and then returned to Roseredo's body, recovering a lot of the damage it had just suffered.

"Crash at your own risk!" Takumi ordered directly without caring.

"Tie a grass knot!" Yaqi shouted immediately.

shhhhhh! ! !

The grass on the ground danced instantly and flexibly entangled the big rock snake.

However, this resistance only slowed down the momentum of the big rock snake a little, and could not completely stop it at all.

"Roseleido, avoid and use poisonous caltrop!"

Taking advantage of the moment when the big rock snake slowed down, Rose Leiduo jumped away, waved his hands, and sprinkled poisonous caltrops all over the place.

"Venom trap!" Yaqi continued to order.

There were several green liquid spots on the field again.

In this way, the big rock snake can't run around.

Yaqi is very satisfied with her tactics.

Takumi smiled softly, "Quicksand Hell!"


The originally green grass instantly turned into a quicksand whirlpool and began to collapse downward, swallowing up both the poison caltrop and the poison trap.

"Rose Redo, use Flying Leaf Storm to make yourself fly!"

Yaqi immediately ordered.

Rose Leiduo sprayed the bouquets of flowers at her feet.

Flying into the air with the force of the impact.

"Petal Dance!" Yaqi ordered again.

Rose Leiduo made a gorgeous spin in the air, and the bouquet in her hands sprayed out countless sharp petals flying towards the big rock snake.

"Big Rock Snake, Dragon Breath, end the battle!"

Takumi said calmly.

Although Rose Leiduo's characteristics are much stronger than those of Big Rock Snake, the level difference is 15, so it should be easy to solve.

Why does Big Rock Snake feel like he's playing?

Could it be that he was led astray by dreams?


The big rock snake roared, breathed out its dragon breath, and knocked Rose Leiduo down with one move.

"Roseledo loses the ability to fight, Big Rock Snake wins!" the referee shouted, waving the flag.

"Damn it! Go, Moru Mo!"

Yaqi took back Rosredo and threw the third elf ball with some anger.

She didn't expect that two consecutive Pokémon with double attribute restraints would be defeated miserably!


Moru moth: female

Attribute: Insect/Poison

Category: Poisonous Moth Pokémon

Ability: Scale Powder (Pokémon with this attribute can be protected from additional damage caused by the form)

Level: Level 71 (Gym Level 61~80)


"Strengthening the mind!" Yaqi used the power attack skill from the beginning.

lb! ! !

A loud bang.

The big rock snake was immediately controlled by telekinesis and slammed to the ground.

"Big rock snake, rock blockade!"


In an instant, dozens of rocks flew towards Moru Mo.

Pound after pound collided together, forming a stone ball that wrapped the Moru Moth inside.


As the stone ball fell to the ground, Takumi gave the order, "Crash at the risk of your life!"

Immediately afterwards, a crashing sound echoed throughout the venue.

The stone ball was hit, causing gravel to fly.

Moru Mo was knocked away along with the rocks and was obviously seriously injured.

"Molu Mo! Use your mental strength again!" Yaqi now only wants to deal with the big rock snake.

But it's too late.

At this time, the dragon breath of the big rock snake had already been released.

With a bang, it hit the Moru Moth perfectly.

"Molu Mo loses the ability to fight, and the Big Rock Snake wins!" The referee immediately announced the result.

At this time, in the light red gym, Ayako looked at Takumi on the TV and said angrily, "How dare you bully my little sister! Takumi, I won't let you go next time I meet you!"

At the competition site, the next step was the competition between Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi.

Not surprisingly, both of them successfully defeated their opponents and won the third game.

At noon the next day, the list for the fourth game of the first round knockout finally came out.

As the last game of the first round, the players who can reach this point are all strong trainers.

Several people came to the competition hall to check out their opponents.

Takumi is in the water field, and his opponent is an acquaintance, Umi.

It was him!

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